Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Cabrillo College Safety Evaluated - 1000 Words

Cabrillo College Safety Evaluated Cabrillo College, established in 1959, is a two year community college with three campuses in Aptos, Watsonville and Scotts Valley California. The school does not offer campus housing. In Fall 2013 13,808 (â€Å"The 2013 Fact Book†) students were enrolled making the college average size. Cabrillo’s mid range label means higher susceptibility to violence; but Cabrillo College demonstrates its commitment to campus violence prevention and intervention by providing online information including, personal counseling services and violence prevention tips.Comparable to any higher educational institution Cabrillo is applauded for its violence prevention services mentioned above but further efforts must be taken in†¦show more content†¦Another form of violence prevention Cabrillo College provides is personal counseling services to students. Aside from academic counseling the school provides temporary personal counseling to all students, in the Aptos and Watsonville campuses. The knowledgeable counselors at Cabrillo College temporarily help a student in crisis, if further care is needed the councilor will refer the student to community services. In order to obtain the counseling services the student must call or email to make an appointment; the departments hours range from Monday through Thursday eight in the morning until five in the afternoon; in the Aptos campus and eleven in the morning through two in the afternoon in the Watsonville Campus ( â€Å"Student Health Services†). Even though the services are temporary the fact that Cabrillo College does provide personal counseling services for students opens the door to take further steps in his or her psychological health;because a psychologically unhealthy student may become a violent threat to the school. Cabrillo College’s violence prevention efforts are clear,

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