Thursday, May 14, 2020
Article Review Pneumonia and Children Essay examples
Currency This article was published on Harvard International Review at January 13, 2014. This is an article about the disease, pneumonia and children. It was published very recently, just about 4 months ago. Therefore, this article is likely to be reliable and updated then. However, the article does not include any information after January 13, 2014. Thus further research has to be done in order to get the latest information. Relevance The title of this article is Pneumonia and Children. This article tells us about the causes and the effects of pneumonia onto child below 5 years old. It also discusses about the ways to prevent or treat pneumonia. This article is relevant to my research topic, child mortality, because pneumonia is one of†¦show more content†¦Moreover the journal is distributed across United States and more than 77 countries around the world and has a readership of over 30,000. HIR also serves as a forum for academic debate and analysing historical trends. Therefore HIR should be an objective source of news and thus reliable. Accuracy In this article, the author had used reliable sources from the MDG 2013 progress chart and mentioned the chart indicates that Sub-Saharan Africa still has a high mortality rate amongst under-five-year olds as well as the progress being made by Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia and Oceania is insufficient to reach the target if prevailing trends persists. In addition, the author had provided statistics for the child mortality rate and pneumonia infections. The author also identified the main causes for child mortality which is pneumonia and poverty, the same information had been shown in many other articles. Thus the reliability of this article is high as it has proof from a variety of different sources. Furthermore in a fact sheet regarding pneumonia, the World Health Organization had presented same information about the facts of pneumonia. Although the statistics of the child mortality rate due to pneumonia is slightly different. However this could be due to the articles were published at different years. Nevertheless the symptoms, causes, transmission, treatment and prevention of pneumonia are identicalShow MoreRelatedEssay on Streptococcus Pneumoniae1013 Words  | 5 PagesOrganization, pneumonia still remains one of the main killers of children under the age of five, taking more than 1.1 million lives of boys and girls annually (WHO Pneumonia factsheet, 2013). Pneumonia is more prevalent in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. It is well known that pneumonia is a disease of respiratory system that affects the alveoli, which are the constituent part of the lungs. Normally alveoli fill with air during the breath of a healthy person, while the one with pneumonia has alveoliRead Mo reInfluenza Vaccines And The Flu Vaccine1519 Words  | 7 Pagesreceived the flu vaccine who were sixty-five years and older. 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