Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Erin Brockovich Movie Project Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Erin Brockovich Project - Movie Review Example Erin is a single parent, who is jobless with three (3) children to help. The legal counselor of the litigant submitted grave moral unfortunate behavior by scrutinizing Erin for her present status throughout everyday life. She was blamed by legal advisor for coercing cash from his customer who is a rich specialist since she was edgy to figure out how to win cash to help her children. As indicated by the specialist, from the second Erin saw the doctor’s costly vehicle, a Jaguar, she considered it to be a â€Å"meal ticket†or a chance to win cash by smashing her vehicle against his vehicle so as to get redressed. This demonstration of the specialist is direct unbecoming in light of the fact that she misinterpreted the Erin dependent on her status in life since she was poverty stricken and oppressed, in this manner not giving her a reasonable preliminary. She was prejudged due to her profile, a jobless mother with 3 children to help, broke and $17,000 in the red. She was d isfavored in view of her status throughout everyday life and not by the realities of the case, settling on the jury render a choice not in support of herself. In this way, the attorney of the specialist submitted an infringement of his obligation as a legal advisor by not giving Erin a reasonable preliminary which is biased in the organization of equity. 2. ... The water was sullied by a substance was known as hexavalent chromium or chromium 6, which is in an elevated level, which can be poisonous and hurtful to individuals. This poisonous substance can cause genuine substantial damage and sicknesses like constant cerebral pains and nosebleed, respiratory and liver illness, interminable cardiovascular breakdown/malady, regenerative organ disappointment, bone crumbling, and even the lethal malignant growth infection. It was obvious that deceiving was available when the individuals were made to accept that the water was useful for utilization and the water where their children swam was sheltered. It was later found by Erin and her allies that this issue has been available from the start route back 1996. The specialists who rewarded the patients likewise dedicated infringement of the Code of Medical Ethics when they submitted deceptive nature by undermining their patients by causing them to accept that they were solid and well and on their app roach to recuperation, when in truth and actually, they were not recovering. The specialists were paid a strong whole of cash by PG&E to lie to their patients to persuade the patients that they are protected and being dealt with. The representatives of PG&E additionally dedicated pay off on the individuals by offering cash to drop the charges against PG&E and for them to affirm in court that their medical issues were not at all identified with PG&E. PG&E company additionally dedicated infringement on their obligation to maintain the corporate social duty by infringement of ecological laws and carrying threat and mischief to the network. The company, through frantic measure additionally turned to the utilization of danger and provocation on Erin to prevent her from researching the case. This shows dishonest conduct with respect to PG&E by utilizing power
Saturday, August 22, 2020
American History Essay Example for Free
American History Essay The common war, as indicated by President Abraham Lincoln, was not so much battled to end the drawn out presence of servitude in the United States. The American Civil War was battled to protect the Union and shield the enthusiasm of the American individuals however not of the slaves. Lincoln, who was not a flat out abolitionist himself, accept that the slaves ought to be free progressively and not on a one time big time premise. Be that as it may, as the common war got protracted, Lincoln and his organization has rolled out gigantic improvements to the first arrangement and needed to give an Emancipation Proclamation liberating the slaves in the Confederacy. This activity was very much idea of Lincoln. At the point when the congress has passed the Second Confiscation Act on July 17, 1862, Lincoln was incited to react. The Second Confiscation Act involved that all captives of everybody in defiance to the United States were proclaimed free. The demonstration from the congress was what affected Lincoln to go about as well as the peoples’ developing abhorrence of subjugation. Lincoln has perused his drafted â€Å"Preliminary Proclamation†to Secretary of State William H. Seward and Secretary of Navy Gideon Welles. Both were overpowered and couldn't react rapidly. On July 22, Lincoln examined the issue to his bureau and has gotten a ton of blend responses however lion's share of the bureau affirmed of the announcement. However, it was just an interview. The bureau explored the settings on September 22 and Lincoln has made the last Emancipation Proclamation on New Year’s Day of 1863. The Emancipation Proclamation articulated that â€Å"all slaves inside any states or on an assigned piece of a State whereof will at that point be in resistance to the United States will be at that point, henceforward, and always free†¦Ã¢â‚¬ The Emancipation Proclamation ensured opportunity just of those slaves in the states not in the ward of the Union. Lincoln’s Secretary of State William H. Seward has condemned the incongruity of the liberation. Seward called attention to that the Union may have been thoughtful to subjection by liberating the slaves on the states uncontrolled by the Union yet holding them in bondage in places conceivable to be liberated by the administration. Lincoln has known this yet he would not like to bother the slaveholders in the Union. In addition, the Emancipation Proclamation would have not been effortlessly discharged in the event that it were not a war need. The Union saw its final hotel on liberating the captive to expand its military and to irritate the homesteads and the ventures in the South. The announcement was not compassion to the slaves but rather a solution for the ceaseless war. However, the Emancipation Proclamation was probably the best triumph of the Lincoln organization and of American popular government. It has likewise focused on that the war isn't tied in with saving the Union yet in addition on the squeezing need to nullify subjection. It was additionally the establishment of the thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which everlastingly end subjection in the United States. Then again, after the Emancipation Proclamation the war didn't finished soon. Numerous pundits of the Lincoln organization guessed that the decree has just intensified the circumstance. The Union was as yet inadequate of fighters. Lincoln was incited to make arrangements by giving the Enrollment Act of Conscription on March 3, 1863, which disturbed numerous Northerners. The Union at the beginning time of the war has depended on volunteerism yet less men needed to enroll. The Conscription Act forced military obligation to each proficient man of 20 to 45 years of age. However the individuals who can locate a substitute or pay $300 could be absolved from the draft. This exception has enraged poor people. Leslie M. Harris (2003) revealed that antiwar paper in New York started reprimanding the draft law refering to the government’s obstruction on neighborhood undertakings in the interest of the â€Å"nigger war. †The most rowdy reaction to the demonstration occurred in New York City when wild hordes showed up on July 11, 1963 when the draft produced results. Despite the fact that New York government officials have been strong of the Emancipation Proclamation, New Yorkers were separated on their position towards the declaration. In like manner, the crowd comprised for the most part of the poor Irish and German outsiders who lived on New York’s ghetto region. Irish and German migrants in New York were advised to get ready for the liberated slaves who will escape toward the North and would look for work. The workers didn't think it was essential for them to battle and they likewise have dogmatism towards the African-American since they were typically their rivals to most reduced paying occupations. However, the principle issue emerged when the crowd began to make uproars on the city. The main focuses of the horde incorporate military and government building, which established the biased draft. Be that as it may, inevitably, the crowd focused on the dark individuals. In the first place, they ambushed a dark seller and a multi year-old kid before consuming to cinders the Colored Orphan Asylum on Fifth Avenue between Forty-Third and Forty-Fourth Streets. Fortunately, no kid was harmed in the assault. Be that as it may, the horde has kept on assaulting Black individuals and at times killing them. Harris (2003) further announced that the crowd singled out men for unique viciousness. William Jones, a dark man was hanged and his body consumed thereafter. Some gathering white men were in any event, cheering when they murder William Williams, a dark mariner, yelling: retribution on each nigger in New York. The anarchy which endured five days drove many Blacks away from the city. However, few out of every odd Irish were thoughtful to the horde. There were accounted for cases were Irishmen helped dark men. Irish neighbors of Philip White, a dark drugstore proprietor at the edge of Gold and Frankfurt Street, help drove the horde away in light of the fact that White has been a decent neighbor and loan boss. Be that as it may, this interracial collaboration was exceptionally least when contrasted with the destruction against the dark individuals. In any case, the Union Army positioned at the Potomac had the option to conciliate the agitators and reestablish request in the city anyway they remained stayed around the city for a little while. The Emancipation Proclamation and the Draft Riots typified the course of the individuals during the Civil War. However, just was a war measure, the Emancipation Proclamation was an incredible showing of majority rule government. The Draft Riots demonstrated that few out of every odd individual has the heart to battle for the Union and not every person was supportive of the Emancipation. Be that as it may, however Washington Times composed, â€Å"The country is as of now in a territory of Revolution, North, South, East, and West, the individuals who had faith in the rebuilding of the Union and the standard of law never surrendered trust yet battled in what they accept was correct. The New York Draft Riots, the Civil War and every one of its setbacks were the cost paid by the United States so as to secure and protect the Constitution, its kin and those unalienable rights that were offered to every resident which are â€Å"Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. †References Harris, L. M. (2003). In the Shadow of Slavery: African Americans in New York City, 1626-1863. Chicago: University of Chicago. Smith, A. I. , (2007). The American common war. Macmillan: New York.
“Connected, but Alone†TED Talk Free Essays
The TED talk, â€Å"Connected, however alone†by Sherry Turkle discusses how huge of an impact innovation had become in our age and how it changed our social collaboration. Sherry Turkle discussed how we go to our telephones or different devices to have a sentiment of acknowledgment, friendship and connection. She explained in her discourse that individuals these days disregard social communication with others around them and would prefer to tap away on their telephones. We will compose a custom paper test on â€Å"Connected, yet Alone†TED Talk or on the other hand any comparable point just for you Request Now She finished her discourse trusting that innovation can take individuals back to this present reality and interface all of us with one another. I do concur that innovation associated us to the world empowering us to study the things around however over the long haul, developed a sentiment of disengagement in us. Innovation had associated us to the remainder of the world however not with one another. At this day and age, innovation had become an essential need for us. Experts, understudies, representatives or anybody depend generally on innovation to make their work simpler for them. It is constantly creating and improving to make new developments or improve old ones. Innovation has done a great deal of beneficial things for us particularly for Filipinos. It isn't new for Filipinos to have at any rate one relative as an OFW and we think that its difficult to speak with them consistently which is one of the issues that innovation has fixed. Presently, we can converse with anybody on the planet regardless of how far they are for us, for nothing. In any case, even with these great advantages, we frequently will in general seclude ourselves from this present reality and overlook the things or individuals around us. I can identify with this on the grounds that as an adolescent who grew up with PCs and devices, I likewise feel that occasionally, since I can do everything in the web, I would simply remain in the house and tap away on my telephone. Now and again individuals would go to parties or other proper social events to cooperate with companions or family however now, some are simply doing it to take pictures to post on Facebook or Instagram, parading their outfits to get a great deal of â€Å"likes†which has now become a proportion of certainty for certain individuals. Families would lounge around the eating table however as opposed to conversing with one another about how their days went, everybody would be on their devices. We are likewise acquainted with â€Å"virtual friends†, or individuals we discover on the web and visit with them. While this is likewise a genuine case of how innovation has made correspondence simpler for us, when we really want to converse with somebody by and by and need to associate with individuals, we feel forlorn on the grounds that we invested an excess of energy online rather going out and get together with companions. Sherry Turkle finished the TED talk by saying that we have to concentrate on the manners in which that innovation can lead us back to our genuine lives. While innovation achieved a great deal of advancements to make work simpler for people, we should not totally depend on it and we should encounter the world, in actuality, and not simply through a screen. In general, the TED talk was viable and precisely depicts how our age uses innovation for correspondence. I trust that this TED talk may fill in as a reminder to not lose our association with individuals in reality and use innovation to additionally improve correspondence without totally ignoring genuine and genuine connection. Instructions to refer to â€Å"Connected, yet Alone†TED Talk, Papers
Friday, August 21, 2020
Geoff the Pedantic Elf A Christmas Proofreading Story
Geoff the Pedantic Elf A Christmas Proofreading Story Geoff the Pedantic Elf: A Christmas Proofreading Story ‘Twas the day after Christmas, when all through the house, not an animal was mixing, not in any case a mouse. This fit Santa Clause fine and dandy. It had been a bustling bubbly period, all things considered, coming full circle in his standard, material science challenging excursion around the globe to convey blessings to all the great young men and young ladies (he appointed the wicked rundown nowadays for productivity). The reality he uses such a good old method of transport makes it significantly increasingly amazing. Presently, however, his work finished, Santa was getting a charge out of a very much earned plunk down in his office. He was simply presenting himself with a celebratory cognac, truth be told, when somebody thumped on the entryway. â€Å"Come in!†called Santa to the knocker. The entryway opened a break. Geoff, Santa’s top administrator mythical person, veered in anxiously. â€Å"Can I help you, youthful man?†asked Santa, laughing to himself (he knew well that Geoff was 974 years of age, which is genuinely revered in any event, for a mythical person). â€Å"It was a smart thought of yours to mechanize the Christmas list framework this year,†he included, reassuringly. Are those even genuine glasses, Geoff? â€Å"Umm, that is really what I need to talk about,†said Geoff, maintaining a strategic distance from eye to eye connection with his chief. â€Å"We’ve had a couple complaints.†â€Å"Complaints?†cried Santa, jumping to his feet and overshadowing the mythical person. â€Å"From whom?†Geoff cringed, yet dealt with a reaction: â€Å"Parents!†he squeaked, â€Å"It appears that there may have been a few grammatical mistakes in the Christmas list!†â€Å"Typos? Like what?†Santa protested, going after his tablet PC and opening the Good Boys and Girls application that Geoff had created to deal with the Christmas list this year. The head mythical person watched Santa battle with the gadget for a couple of moments, at that point tenderly took it off him and explored to the â€Å"User Feedback†area. â€Å"Here,†he stated, â€Å"This one is from a mother who says you crawled into her little girl’s room and performed neural medical procedure on her in the night.†Not something youd need to wake up to. Santa Clause sniffed protectively. â€Å"Yes, well? The rundown unmistakably said that she needed a ‘boy brain’.†â€Å"It did,†concurred Geoff, â€Å"But it ought to have said ‘toy train’.†Santa’s face, for the most part so reddish, out of nowhere turned pale. â€Å"Oh. Well. I can perceive any reason why she may be disturbed. I felt that seemed like a bizarre request.†He delayed. â€Å"Was there anything else?†â€Å"Quite a couple, actually,†answered Geoff. â€Å"There was a kid in Arkansas who needed a puppy.†â€Å"What did we deliver?†asked Santa with obvious anxiety. â€Å"A elitist, obviously. â€Å"The kid’s father says the kid blew a gasket when he found a representative sat toward the finish of his bed, tasting espresso and dealing with a laptop.†Hes adorable, sure, yet would he say he is little dog charming? â€Å"I can imagine,†said Santa, drooping go into his seat. Santa’s forehead wrinkled as he squinted at the tablet screen. â€Å"Is that even how you spell ‘yuppie’?†â€Å"It’s a variation spelling,†clarified Geoff, shrugging. â€Å"That’s what you get when you employ temps to do the information section work, I guess.†â€Å"So, at that point, what do we do now?†Santa asked, seeking the mythical person for help. â€Å"First of all, we have to get pull out there and, ahem, make some corrections,†the mythical person proposed. â€Å"And at that point, before we begin on one year from now, we ought to most likely recruit a proofreader.†â€Å"Good idea,†murmured Santa, before taking a profound swallow of liquor. Joyful CHRISTMAS, EVERYONE! Make sure to edit your letters to Santa next year!(Photo: Jonathan G Meath/wikimedia)
Tips for a Healthy Long Distance Marriage
Tips for a Healthy Long Distance Marriage Relationships Spouses & Partners Print Keeping a Long Distance Marriage Healthy By Sheri Stritof Sheri Stritof has written about marriage and relationships for 20 years. Shes the co-author of The Everything Great Marriage Book. Learn about our editorial policy Sheri Stritof Updated on February 05, 2020 PhotoAlto/Sigrid Olsson/Getty Images More in Relationships Spouses & Partners Marital Problems LGBTQ Violence and Abuse Being in a long-distance marriage creates complications and can make a marriage even more challenging. Here are a few tips for keeping your marriage strong even though you are not living under the same roof. Communication Is Critical The key, as it is in all relationships, is communication. Keep the lines of communication open on a daily basis. Send photographs, Skype one another, send text messages, share short videos online or through cloud computing. Technology is a very useful tool (this is even supported by scientific research???), as long as you find the methods that work best for you. Although you are apart from one another, make time for one another. Here are some ideas: Send a love letter or an emailWrite in a shared journalDaydream about your spouseChat online or through text messagesStream a movie or TV show and watch together by Skyping or FaceTimingEnrich your online communication with electronic cards, music, poems, movies, and storiesPlay online games togetherSend care packagesKeep photos of each other displayed in your separate spacesGive one another a scented pillowcase or shirt to help feel present with each other Plan a trip, a few days away together, or some fun activity (other than sex) to do when the two of you are back together. It helps to always have time to look forward to when you will next be together in the same place, whether that is every weekend or only a few times a year. In successful long-distance marriages, couples remain both interdependent and interconnected despite their distances. That means they keep each other involved in daily life and tasks. Prioritize Trust Share your expectations about being apart from one another. Also, share your expectations about being together again. It is vital that you are both committed to one another and truly believe in your marriage. Be open about your separate social activities. Secrets breed mistrustâ€"and when your partner knows what you are doing, theyll feel more connected to you, even from far away. Your long-distance marriage will fail if there is a lack of trust between you. Be honest about your concerns and fears about your separation. Some couples find that long-distance marriage is easier than other long-distance relationships because they worry less about the possibility of breaking up. Instead, they focus on what they do share and how much they care about each other. Dont assume that infidelity will occur because of your physical separation. Most long-distance marriages do not have to deal with this heartache because of the love and commitment the spouses feel for one another. When you face challenges, discuss them with each other, not with outsiders like friends or relatives. (The exception: A couples therapist could help guide you through a difficult period.) When You Are Reunited Dont rush into getting things done around the house right away or spending lots of time with friends who have missed the traveling spouse too. Both partners will need some time to adjust to being back together. Children and pets will also need time to adapt to the new reality of having everyone under one roof.
Friday, June 26, 2020
Lightmans Methods in Einsteins Dreams - Literature Essay Samples
In Einstein’s Dreams, Alan Lightman criticizes people’s struggles to hold onto time through hyperbole, nameless characters, average themes and simplistic syntax. The people in Lightman’s vignettes have a common problem: how to slow down time; whether to hold onto youth or save a moment for eternity. Although sometimes they cannot name the cause of their dissatisfaction, the characters are constantly plagued by the feeling that they are not living life to its fullest, and they feel trapped by time.One method that Lightman uses effectively to argue his point in Einstein’s Dreams is hyperbole. The vignette which shows people living in tall houses merely to hold onto youth seems ridiculous at first look; however, on reflection it is not as absurd as it seems. The people in the vignette attempt to live life to its fullest extent by building their houses on stilts on the tops of mountains because they have heard that time moves more slowly further away from the earth. (22) In today’s society, people do bizarre things to appear and feel youngerâ€â€men sometimes struggle with midlife crises by trying out a new car, sport, or even finding new, younger women to make them feel more youthful. For women, this is often most obvious in terms of appearance, whether in the form of a haircut, clothing or cosmetic surgery. The irony of the high house vignettes is that the people in them gradually lose sight of why they are living these difficult ways, but continue their lifestyles, which cause them to grow â€Å"thin like the air, bony, old before their time.†(24) In this vignette, Lightman compares these people to those in present-day society who pack their lives to gain the most opportunities, ultimately giving themselves more stress and making them age faster.The nameless characters and repeating scenarios in Einstein’s Dreams convey a sense of universal frustration to the characters in the vignettes. He continually refer ences scenarios involving nameless lovers, parents, and children who struggle with the same problems; aging without truly living life and losing loved ones. Although these people live in worlds of fantasy that the reader can barely imagine, their lives have a personal connection to the reader because the struggle they face are things that every person must go through, whether buying new clothes or losing a job. (27) Lightman’s nameless characters carry a heavy sense of unremarkability: they are shopkeepers, lawyers, and chemists. They make love to their wives and get up for work each morning; they return home each night to dinner, stopping by the market on the way to pick up groceries. In other words, they are every person. On 4 May, 1905, Einstein dreams of two wealthy, dissatisfied couples out to an annual dinner. They discuss food, business, and their children; perhaps the same subjects as they discussed last year. (36) Although they have achieved everything that society d esires, these people live bored, mundane lives. Through this story, Lightman shows that success is not always as sweet as it appears; even those who should be happy are plagued by a sense of discontent.Lightman’s use of simplistic language and syntax convey a dull, ordinary feeling to his vignettes, reinforcing the universal feeling of the stories. In general, his verb usage is simple and to the point; rather than using flowery words: â€Å"A cloud floats in the sky. A sparrow flutters. No one speaks.†(45) The sentences are short and concise, revealing everyday scenarios in their true beauty. Lightman also adds mundane detail to the stories. In describing a picnic, he slowly and carefully lays out the scene, so that the reader can see the entire picture in his head: â€Å"The son and his very fat wife and the grandmother sit on a blanket, eating smoked ham, cheese, sourdough bread with mustard, grapes, chocolate cake.†(136) These details are highlighted to s how just how ordinary his characters are; how many people have sat outside on a warm day, eating and enjoying the company of family? Lightman’s choice to write simply makes his stories easier to connect to.Through his hyperboles and his ability to capture society as a whole, Lightman shows that time leaves no one exempt from dissatisfaction and despair. He offers little consolation, but gives one bright spot of hope. In his vignette about the end of the world, Lightman shows a seemingly perfect world, a world where everyone has lost their struggles with time and finally joins hands in loving unity. Age, position and achievements no longer matter; the only thing that matters is love. Perhaps this is the only real solution: in a world where every second is precious, people can finally set aside their worries and stop trying to hold onto what is lost, instead embracing each passing moment.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Mission Statement And Acceptable Use Policy At Wuhan...
Mission Statement and Acceptable Use Policy at Wuhan Foreign Languages School This paper evaluates the mission statement at Wuhan Foreign Languages School (WFLS). It also attempts to examine the technology mission statement, however, WFLS does not have one. Consequently, this paper suggests one for WFLS. The technology mission statement should also be interpreted as a guide for integrating technology into the school and classroom. Finally, this paper evaluates the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) of WFLS, and also offers suggestions for improving it and further aligning it with the mission statement of the school. WFLS Mission Statement The mission statement of Wuhan Foreign Languages School is â€Å"Educating students with a focus on foreign†¦show more content†¦There’s a sign near the main entrance of the school that everyone who enters the school can see. Additionally, it’s painted on a wall in the building with all the teachers’ offices, and on another wall, which is a fairly common hallway in a classroom building. The mission statement also appears on the school website. It is visible to everyone, and probably most people are at least aware of it, but beyond that, it is undetermined how well it is actually communicated to people. If these were the only ways, it is effortless overlook. The mission statement does not reflect on anything regarding ethical or legal practices. However, again based on Chinese culture, these would be assumed or overlooked. In Chinese culture, it seems that reputation and results are more important than legal and ethical practices, not that everyone or every business is illegal or corrupt. But regarding education, parents are much more concerned that their child be given every advantage possible over the millions of other children, and attending a school that has a reputation of students achieving high exam scores or being given opportunities to go abroad for college are much more relevant and imperative to them than ethical or legal practices. WFLS Technology Mission Statement Wuhan Foreign Languages School does not have a mission statement that specifically addresses their technology. Because of this, the author decided to create a mission statement for them. The mission statement is
Monday, May 18, 2020
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Article Review Pneumonia and Children Essay examples
Currency This article was published on Harvard International Review at January 13, 2014. This is an article about the disease, pneumonia and children. It was published very recently, just about 4 months ago. Therefore, this article is likely to be reliable and updated then. However, the article does not include any information after January 13, 2014. Thus further research has to be done in order to get the latest information. Relevance The title of this article is Pneumonia and Children. This article tells us about the causes and the effects of pneumonia onto child below 5 years old. It also discusses about the ways to prevent or treat pneumonia. This article is relevant to my research topic, child mortality, because pneumonia is one of†¦show more content†¦Moreover the journal is distributed across United States and more than 77 countries around the world and has a readership of over 30,000. HIR also serves as a forum for academic debate and analysing historical trends. Therefore HIR should be an objective source of news and thus reliable. Accuracy In this article, the author had used reliable sources from the MDG 2013 progress chart and mentioned the chart indicates that Sub-Saharan Africa still has a high mortality rate amongst under-five-year olds as well as the progress being made by Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia and Oceania is insufficient to reach the target if prevailing trends persists. In addition, the author had provided statistics for the child mortality rate and pneumonia infections. The author also identified the main causes for child mortality which is pneumonia and poverty, the same information had been shown in many other articles. Thus the reliability of this article is high as it has proof from a variety of different sources. Furthermore in a fact sheet regarding pneumonia, the World Health Organization had presented same information about the facts of pneumonia. Although the statistics of the child mortality rate due to pneumonia is slightly different. However this could be due to the articles were published at different years. Nevertheless the symptoms, causes, transmission, treatment and prevention of pneumonia are identicalShow MoreRelatedEssay on Streptococcus Pneumoniae1013 Words  | 5 PagesOrganization, pneumonia still remains one of the main killers of children under the age of five, taking more than 1.1 million lives of boys and girls annually (WHO Pneumonia factsheet, 2013). Pneumonia is more prevalent in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. It is well known that pneumonia is a disease of respiratory system that affects the alveoli, which are the constituent part of the lungs. Normally alveoli fill with air during the breath of a healthy person, while the one with pneumonia has alveoliRead Mo reInfluenza Vaccines And The Flu Vaccine1519 Words  | 7 Pagesreceived the flu vaccine who were sixty-five years and older. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Cabrillo College Safety Evaluated - 1000 Words
Cabrillo College Safety Evaluated Cabrillo College, established in 1959, is a two year community college with three campuses in Aptos, Watsonville and Scotts Valley California. The school does not offer campus housing. In Fall 2013 13,808 (â€Å"The 2013 Fact Book†) students were enrolled making the college average size. Cabrillo’s mid range label means higher susceptibility to violence; but Cabrillo College demonstrates its commitment to campus violence prevention and intervention by providing online information including, personal counseling services and violence prevention tips.Comparable to any higher educational institution Cabrillo is applauded for its violence prevention services mentioned above but further efforts must be taken in†¦show more content†¦Another form of violence prevention Cabrillo College provides is personal counseling services to students. Aside from academic counseling the school provides temporary personal counseling to all students, in the Aptos and Watsonville campuses. The knowledgeable counselors at Cabrillo College temporarily help a student in crisis, if further care is needed the councilor will refer the student to community services. In order to obtain the counseling services the student must call or email to make an appointment; the departments hours range from Monday through Thursday eight in the morning until five in the afternoon; in the Aptos campus and eleven in the morning through two in the afternoon in the Watsonville Campus ( â€Å"Student Health Services†). Even though the services are temporary the fact that Cabrillo College does provide personal counseling services for students opens the door to take further steps in his or her psychological health;because a psychologically unhealthy student may become a violent threat to the school. Cabrillo College’s violence prevention efforts are clear,
Childhood The Happiest Time of a Persons Life, or Not
Is Childhood the Happiest Time of a Persons Life? Psychology is the study of the operation, development, and disorders of human mental processes. In simple words it is the science of human thinking and behavior. The word psychology originated from the ancient Greek words â€Å"psyche†which means soul and â€Å"logos†which means science. (, n.d.) It literally means the science of the soul. Psychology has diverse disciplines which are closely related to all aspects of life, and look at humans as a whole unit. Sociology is the science of social life components of individuals, groups, organizations, and institutions such as family, school, and church. The word sociology originates from the components of the Latin word â€Å"socius†which means company or companion and the Greek word â€Å"logos†which means science. (, n.d.) Sociologists study the social behaviors among people within religious, political or economic organizations. They examine the characteristics of a social group, organization or institution and they analyze the effect of group activities on the individual participants and the individual’s effect on the group. The areas of sociology include family, education, minorities, religion, politics housing, crime, social issues of mental health and environment. Many changes in development occur during childhood. The three focus areas are physical, cognitive and social-emotional development. These three areas are different but theyShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Movie See You Again 974 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"See You Again†Friends are one of the most important part of person s lives. They are the people which I can rely on. We’ve played and laughed together when we were in school. Middle school and high school are the most joyful time in my childhood. And time passed away quickly, the best group of friends separated all over the world. Sometimes, I really want to go back in time and see them again. However, life wouldn’t let me do so. There is one song that can express my feeling right now. It wasRead MorePublic Entertainment : Amusement Parks1266 Words  | 6 Pagesthe year of 1133 and was called the Bartholomew Fair. Over time the idea of large places of public entertainment has evolved into the 2,100 immensely popular parks in the world today, 400 which being in the U.S. (IAAPA). These fairs, parks, and carnivals have turned into an international phenomenon, drawing in millions of attenders, and the cause of countless children’s’ begging tears and cries of excitement. They have become a childhood staple, one that many adults and senior citizens admire andRead MoreAlice Walker s Beauty : When The Other Dancer Is The Self1493 Words  | 6 Pagesforever, and when something that was not expected occurs, it brings the ideal world down and can change your daily life. Going from the happiest stage of life to a drastic and dramatic tragedy can change someone’s views about how confident he or she is. Not being able to accept how different you are now because something that changed in the outside can intimidate the talented, smart person on the inside. Realizing and analyzing other people’s imperfections makes you see how you are not the only one whoRead MoreAlice Walker s Beauty : When The Other Dancer Is The Self1517 Words  | 7 Pagesforever, and when something that was not expected occurs, it brings the ideal world down and can change your daily life. Going from the happiest stage of life to a drastic and dramatic tragedy can chang e someone’s views about how confident he or she is. Not being able to accept how different you are now because something that changed in the outside can intimidate the talented, smart person on the inside. Realizing and analyzing other people’s imperfections makes you see how you are not the only one whoRead MoreCareer Essay : I Am A Nurse936 Words  | 4 Pagesme, I began to have second thoughts. I have always been a nurturing and caring person towards kids. For me, it seemed like being around kids made me the happiest person in the world. This is what inspired me the most to become and ECE. I am drawn to this career because it deals with the involvement of children, which is what I enjoy. To be an ECE, one has to be very flexible and patient. Teaching younger kids takes time because, unlike us, they do not know as much as we do. We are the ones who haveRead MoreMichael Lambs Defence Speech Essay582 Words  | 3 Pagesthat he should be questioned but for a lesser matter of manslaughter rather than the murder of Own Kane. We have today a case of a young child who had no one who cared for him. He suffered a life of misery. Would you like to see a child suffer so much, their childhood to be ruined? I think not. So did Michael Lamb, he wanted to help Owen. He became a friend to Owen like no one had before. To begin with I will talk about the background to Owen Kane. He was Read MoreDe Thi Cao Dang Nga Anh 11092 Words  | 5 Pagesbest friend? Describe this person and say why he/she is your best friend. 2. What is your favorite place to visit on weekends? Describe it and explain why it is your favorite place to go. 3. What is your happiest childhood memory? Describe it and give reasons to explain why it is your happiest memory. 4. What is your most important possession? Describe it and say why it is so important. 5. Talk about a person in your life who has inspired you. Describe the person and explain why you found him/herRead MoreWhat is Happiness?1100 Words  | 4 Pagesbroad and complex emotion within the realm of human feelings. A person’s happiness is affected by many factors, including his childhood, and how much time a person spends with his family and friends. Additionally, a person’s lifestyle, culture, and scientific factors, such as genetics, play an important role in determining a person’s level of happiness. Even before a person is born, genetics have determined much of his happiness. As much as fifty percent of a person’s happiness is believed to beRead MoreThe Precious Gift of Innocence and No Abuse722 Words  | 3 Pageshaving a good time. Children take almost nothing seriously. They can care less about women, popularity, money, or the future. Some people however, feel that innocence is the worst time of anyone’s life. This brings up the question whether or not innocence is important in life or not. Although it seems as if decisions and events made during a person’s childhood are totally irrelevant towards the rest of his/her life, these factors make a tremendous impact on the type of adult a person becomes. ForRead MoreModern Generation and Fast Food971 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿Article on Modern Generation and Fast Food? Fast food is the term given to food that can be prepared and served very quickly, first popularized in the 1950s in the United States. While any meal with low preparation time can be considered to be fast food, typically the term refers to food sold in arestaurant or store with preheated or precooked ingredients, and served to the customer in a packaged form for take-out/take-away. Fast food restaurants are traditionally separated by their ability to
Scarce Resources
Question: Discuss about theScarce Resources. Answer: Scarcity of resources implies the presence of fewer resources than what is demanded or needed to fulfill human wants and needs. These resources can be from any source, be it labor, land or capital resources. The problem of scarcity reflects the need to make sustainable economic decisions to manage the availability of resources that are needed for human needs (DEsposito, 2012). In order to obtain scarce resource which is demanded there involves some sort of a trade off implying that all the objectives of the society cannot be achieved altogether, some need to be sacrificed. In the real world the problem of scarcity gives rise to competition for the scare resources. In such cases the determination of the market equilibrium price is a way to allocate the resources which are scarce. If a resource starts becoming scarce then its price rises, which signals the people to substitute the resource with other sources thereby in turn reducing the demand and boosting the supply. (Mildner et al., 2011) Now, we turn towards the resources that are considered to be mostly scarce in different countries around the world. If we consider natural resources, the six scarcest natural resources are water, natural gas, oil, coal, phosphorus and some rare earth elements like scandium and terbium. If we take the example of water, fresh water constitutes 2.5% of the worlds volume of water, out of which 70% is in ice form indicating that demand for water may soon exceed its supply. The oil industry also faces crucial scarcity as BP Statistical Review of World Energy stated that 188.8 million tones is the amount of the total global oil which is just enough for the proceeding 46.2 years if the global production stays at the present rate and same is for natural gas enough to satisfy needs for the next 58 years. Phosphorus is found in a small number of countries and is considered to be the element without which plants cannot live and is predicted to be running out in the next 50 to 100 years (Ruz, 201 1). As the population of the world keeps growing the farmland amount keeps falling short, making it difficult to feed people by growing crops. Having on effect on this scarcity of food is the scarcity of water, which is causing drought making it difficult for farmers to grow food. Deforestation is also directly affecting the scarcity of food resources as the lack of trees is causing an eco-system imbalance which in turn is interfering with the reproduction of wildlife giving birth to invasive species which have more negative effects than positive. If the imbalance of eco-system continues and at a faster rate then it shall cause a mass extinction ( China which is the country producing 90% of the earths rare earth metals claims that the mines might run out of metal in the next 15 to 20 years (Nuwer, 2014). It is also stated that out of the total materials extracted (58 billion tones) and used in the year 2005, 43% was accounted for Asia, 13% for Europe and Latin America each and 3% by Australia and Oceana each. (Compass key trends). There are many regions and countries that have specific resources as scarce due to different consequences. For instance, China has a population of 1.3 billion to provide with food, education as well as health care and there is a significant scarcity of the provision of such resources in each of the areas. It is found to have low natural resources to population ratio with water, land as well as energy scarcity. It has 1/3rd of the worlds average per capita fresh water. Chinese also envy US of its abundance of resources with just a quarter of Chinas population and this gives rise to many resource conflicts and competitions between China and US which in turn again creates a scarcity of resources for the world. Education of high quality is also considered as a scarce resource of China with students competing for few best colleges or universities through the tough admission tests they face ( Other examples would be, Avian flu of 2012 in Mexico had wiped out millions of chic ken which had created a scarcity of eggs in Mexico that is considered to be its staple diet, water has become scarce in Gujarat of India due to politics revolving around the construction of a dam, in the Gulf Coast oil prices go up when refineries were incapacitated by hurricanes, Alavanyo in Ghana face a food scarcity because of a conflict which prevented individuals to go to their farms, Nigeria floods washed away farmlands creating food scarcity or deforestation in Thailand has resulted in scarcity of wood (Your Dictionary). Looking into the worlds countries suffering the most from water scarcity include United States which experienced recent droughts threatening its GDP growth, India where monsoon floods killed and displaced many, whereas increased water scarcity problem may also impact Chinas energy production. Bahrain, Jamaica, Singapore, Trinidad, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Israel, Iran, Pakistan, Sub-Saharan African countries, Egypt, Bangladesh, India, China are some of th e top rankers with water scarcity (Reig et al, 2013). Competition and conflicts between many countries has given rise to price hikes of resources such as disputes over gas between Russia, EU and Ukraine, revolts for food in Haiti, Tunisia, and Algeria, conflict between US and China over export restriction on several metals, etc. There are also inter-state conflicts over water like that between India and Pakistan or in regions of Africa (Mildner et al., 2011). There are also risks and conflicts related to FDI in lands with Madagascar being a well known example. Africa, Zimbabwe, Asia and Central America are some of the top regions that had faced food shortages. Some recyclable resources are aluminum, plastic, steel or jute, paper, asphalt, glass etc. Efficient substitutes can be inexhaustible resources like hydroelectric, wind or solar power or timber (with proper management). Till now the most prevalent substitutes for non-renewable resources in form of renewable resources had been the usage of corn, sugarcane, soya-beans, and also palm oil for producing ethanol or biodiesel to substitute for diesel fuels and gasoline. Ways to fight resource scarcity crisis would be to develop institutions or socio-economic systems which would control continued growth of consumption of such material resources, as well as managing capitalism. Few of various reforms and policies taken by countries to tackle resource scarcity are: South Africa had adopted various reforms and policies to fight its water crisis scenario. It had come up with White Paper on Water Supply and Sanitation policy in 1997 which clarified needs of development and managing investments in this sector, leading to $700 million allocation of the state funds into basic sanitation and water development services (Appelgren G). Land reform in Zimbabwe reallocating land from white landowners to black farmers and investments of these farmers on land boosted the rural economy (Appelgren G). There had also been food aid programs from donor regions like Europe, Australia, North America and Japan to the recipient countries like South Asia, West Africa, Mongolia or Afghanistan. US had been one of the largest donors accounting for 50% of total donated in 2008 followed by EU with 20% (British geographer, UN initiatives towards water scarcity include like that of World Water Day 2007 stressing on the significance of water crisis as well as World day to Combat Desertification stressing on water scarcity and drought (, UNDESA). China is building the South to North Water Diversion Project (SNWDP) worth $62 billion considered as one of the largest projects expected to be completed in 2050 helping in linking rivers and diverting water from rivers in the southern region to the arid north. Apart from this it is also trying to manage the demand for water via efficiency and conservation measures spending $612.23 billion towards conservation of water as well as investing in renewable saving water like solar, wind, and sea water cooled nuclear power. Resource scarcity in Arab countries is also fought by initiations of IFAD investing billions in rural and agricultural development focusing on water related activities (IFAD, 2009). Affordable desalination approaches are also adopted by countries like China, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Australia (Drop4drop, 2014). Even if we consider the option for substitutes then in reality in todays world there is a lack of good substitutes present rather it would be more helpful if consumers found new ways of recycling and using resources with efficiency like that of US in 2009 recycled 25% of used computers and TVs (Nuwer, 2014). Hence, even though recycling or search of substitutes do not completely solve the problem of scarce resources, our individual contributions, sacrificing and curbing our unlimited wants, innovations, resolving of conflicts between nations can make us hope to see extension of the limited period for these resources to last. References: Ruz, C, 2011, The six natural resources most drained by our 7 billion people, viewed 20 Aug. 16,, What are examples of scarce resources?, viewed 20 Aug. 16, Pirie, M, 2015, Economic Nonsense: The world is running out of scarce resources, viewed 20 Aug 2016, DEsposito, S, 2012, Scarcity of resources, viewed 20 Aug. 16, Nuwer, R, 2014, What is the worlds scarcest material?, viewed 20 Aug. 16, Your Dictionary, Examples of Scarcity, viewed 20 Aug. 16, Reig, P, Maddocks, A Gassert F,2013, Worlds 36 most water scarce countries, viewed 20 Aug. 16, Mildner, S, Richter, S Lauster, G, 2011, Resource Scarcity: a global security threat?, viewed 20 August 2016, Barbier, E Homer Dixon, T, 2011, Resource Scarcity and Innovation, viewed 20 August 2016, Drop4drop, 2014, Technological innovations in the fight against water scarcity,, UNDESA, Water Scarcity, IFAD, 2009, Fighting water scarcity, Britishgeographer,, Food security and strategies to alleviate food shortage, Appelgren, G, Management of water scarcity,, How resource scarcity constrains china?,
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Walt Disney Entertainment Essay Sample free essay sample
1. Why had The Walt Disney Company been so successful? What specific cardinal success factors did it reference for the focal industries in which it operated? The mean lifetime of an S A ; P 500 company is about 15 old ages. At the clip of this article. Disney was nearing 78 old ages of operations. Although it was non ever a smooth drive. The Walt Disney Company has been extremely successful at diversifying while keeping. and capitalising on. the Disney trade name and civilization that Walt Disney started when he moved to Hollywood in 1923. While it was non ever the primary income watercourse. the bosom and psyche of The Walt Disney Company was the studio amusement concern line. Get downing as a characteristic life studio. Disney evolved and grew into a live-action gesture image. place picture. telecasting production. music production. and distribution concern. The cardinal success factors in this concern line were chiefly intangible resources. The trade name equity associated with the Disney label became a family name overnight. This. along with a healthy civilization. attracted the cognition and human capital necessary to diversify into farther studio amusement ventures and reenforce their nucleus competence of supplying both household and modern-day amusement at a comparatively low cost. In add-on to studio amusement. Walt Disney envisioned finishs that would supply enjoyment for the full household. This vision materialized into subject Parkss all around the universe. The cardinal success factors to the subject Parkss and resorts started with amusement focused around the Disney trade name. It besides involved touchable resources such as geographic location and land in finishs in Europe. Asia. and both seashores of the United States. By roll uping big secret plans of land. Disney was able to make an environment that promoted the trade name and created extra value to their other concern lines making a competitory advantage over its rivals at other amusement Parkss. Once Disney became a family name. it seemed merely natural to add consumer merchandises to farther advance the trade name. The cardinal success factor to this venture involved non merely the intangible resources of trade name equity and repute. but to boot the touchable resource of direct retail distribution through The Disney Stores. Disney’s priceless resources were non the lone cardinal success factors that led to their success. Their capablenesss allowed them to capitalise on these resources and strategically deploy them to other ventures. This was accomplished through synergism and cross-promotion among concerns. As a diversified company. Disney’s assorted concerns were able to profit in their specific industry by the success of complementary concern lines within The Walt Disney Company. 2. What did Michael Eisner do to rejuvenate Disney? Specifically. how did he increase net income in his first four old ages? When Michael Eisner took over as CEO in 1984. Disney was in the thick of what appeared to be a decennary of convulsion. While passing a great trade of money on constructing subject Parkss in California. Florida. and Tokyo. Disney neglected its movie division which had made the company so successful in old ages past. After narrowly hedging corporate plunderers trusting to neutralize the company. Eisner emerged and set forth a program to construct on the already established Disney trade name while still â€Å"preserving the corporate values of quality. creativeness. entrepreneurship. and teamwork†. Eisner leveraged the repute and trade name equity associated with Disney and expanded the company without abandoning the rich history and civilization that consumers had come to love. In 1984. Disney’s portion of the box office was 4 % and they were coming away of a twelvemonth with negative runing income from their movie studio. Eisner recruited two executives from other movi e studios. created the Touchstone label. and became the market leader ( 19 % portion box office ) in merely a few old ages by accommodating to consumer penchants and aiming an older modern-day audience. Disney was non merely let go ofing a greater figure of movies ; they were let go ofing profitable movies in an industry that was prone to losing money on a bulk of movies released. While an norm of 40 % of all movies in the industry turned a net income. Disney made money off 82 % of the first 33 movies released after Eisner’s reaching. This was accomplished in portion by his scheme to bring forth reasonably budgeted movies with high quality books. Additionally. by aiming an older audience. Disney was able to open doors for farther enlargement. In 1988. Disney’s movie studio brought in over $ 1 billion compared to merely $ 165 million four old ages before. Despite the concentration on studio growing. Disney neer lost focal point on developing both the touchable and intangible resources they already had in topographic point. For the subject Parks. Eisner instituted attendance-building schemes such as telecasting ads and media broadcast events. Even after boosting up ticket monetary values. consumers still felt they were having value for their money at Disney subject Parkss. This shows that Disney’s distinction scheme was effectual in bring forthing greater value than other amusement Parkss around the state. Those enterprises allowed Disney to acknowledge 1988 subject park grosss at twice the sum from 1984. While all the old illustrations consisted of touchable resources. there was an overarching intangible resource that Eisner capitalized on to guarantee success and increase net income. With the big growing throughout the assorted concern units. Eisner felt that coordination was necessary among the divisions. He strengthened the civilization by keeping company-wide meetings that generated new thoughts and â€Å"built committedness and exhilaration for the year’s theme†. With the enl argements and direction schemes instituted by Michael Eisner. The Walt Disney Company recorded a net income of $ 522 million in 1988 ; a amount that dwarfed their 1984 net income by over 500 % .
Saturday, April 11, 2020
How to Prepare For College Entry Essay Samples
How to Prepare For College Entry Essay SamplesIf you want to have the best chance of being accepted into a good college or university, a good college entrance essay is an important part of your overall education. The best college essays will get you that college acceptance letter right away. The average student can only remember three or four college essays.There are some easy ways to prepare for your college entrance essay samples. Your first step should be to define your own expectations of the essay. Don't worry about an essay being boring, but remember that you have to be able to write in a clear and concise manner. There's nothing worse than coming up with an essay idea but not being able to put it into words.One of the easiest ways to prepare for college entrance essay samples is to get one. Most high schools or colleges that award acceptance to their students will give one to their students. A college essay is not much different from the typical essay except for the length. It is designed to test a student's ability to think of a question or answer a question.College entrance essays are a must for entry level students who want to be able to take advanced courses like mathematics or science. Even though the admissions department will never admit that there is something wrong with a given student, there will always be tests to determine whether or not the student is ready for a higher level of learning. By preparing for them early on, they will have a better chance of being accepted by a good college.Some colleges are still not willing to admit that their entrance level students are not ready for the next level of learning, but they do accept that there are easy ways to prepare for the course. With this in mind, it is up to the student to come up with his own college entrance essay samples. There are several different ways to get started.Once you've decided what type of college entrance essay samples you want to prepare for, you need to come up with a topi c. This is often the toughest part. Many students have the same topics for their college essays, but this does not mean that all the topics are equally important. There is more than one way to develop a good essay topic. One that works well for you may not work as well for another student.The best college entrance essay samples include one that uses examples and one that utilize a thought-provoking thesis statement. The former makes the student better prepared to present their ideas in a clear and concise manner. The latter makes the essay stronger if you can highlight the strengths of your opinion.
Saturday, April 4, 2020
Richard B. Sewall Claims That Melvilles Vision In Moby-Dick Is A Cruel
Richard B. Sewall claims that Melville's vision in Moby-Dick is a cruel reminder of the original terror, in which all moral judgements are accompanied by tensions, paradoxes, and ambiguities. In response to this statement, I agree that all moral judgements are fraught with tensions, paradoxes and ambiguities. Much of Ishmael's experiences while on land and at sea deal with making moral judgements; the act of forming an opinion by discerning what is right and wrong. Melville uses Ishmael to prove his vision that moral judgements are derived from (life) experiences directly affected by tensions, paradoxes, and ambiguities. Melville uses excellent representations of how tension can impact moral judgement making. Ishmael undergoes a particular situation in which tension directly affects his process of analyzing and judgement making. There is an obvious tension between Captain Ahab and the crew of the Pequod due to Ahab's silent intensity and self-concentrated desire to kill Moby-Dick. Ahab seems to be in his own world, loosing himself to the temptations of getting revenge on the White Whale. Ishmael makes note of this unspoken tension while looking for him during his watch. ...I instantly gazed aft to mark if any strange face were visible; for my first vague disquietude touching the unknown captain, now in the seclusion of the sea, became almost a perturbation...but whatever it was of apprehensiveness or uneasiness-to call it so-which I felt...(Melville, 109). Although Ishmael had not seen Ahab yet, he found it peculiar that he remained secluded in his quarters below the deck. This instance creates tensi on in Ishmael's mind, making him second-guess his attendance aboard the Pequod. This tension was the perfect recipe to help Ishmael decide how much he would want to interact with Ahab. In other instances, Melville uses the whale to show how paradoxes can affect judgement. When Stubb kills a whale in Chapter 61, Ishmael lingers around the incident, explaining first exactly what the dart is and what the crotch is. When Ishmael wants to examine representations of whales, he looks at monstrous and less erroneous pictures of whales and then depictions of whales in paint, teeth, wood, sheet-iron, stone, mountains, and stars. This commitment to analyzing the whale in general creates a paradox in that Ishmael either underestimates or overestimates the whale and its characteristics. It is a constant contradiction that affects Ishmael's judgement in a way that makes him feel either at ease or unrest with the whale. Melville states the ambiguity of experience in the chapter Queequeg in his Coffin. When Queequeg is seized by fever, he orders his coffin in the shape of a canoe. When he recovers, he uses it as a storage chest and an object of art. Later, the coffin is used as a life preserve/buoy for Ishmael. The general idea Melville portrays is that the meaning of an object is determined by an individual, and not in itself. Melville uses Ishmael as the direct link to Queequeg and his coffin when the ship sinks. The different perceptions of the coffin more or less deal with foreshadowing, and Ishmael's desire to analyze the future and judge for himself what is best for him. Melville had many ways of portraying how moral judgements can be impacted. I believe Sewall's claim that all moral judgements are fraught with tensions, paradoxes, and ambiguities to directly apply to moral judgement, as Melville portrayed this through Ishmael and particular events that took place in the novel. Sewall was accurate in his statement in that these three elements can greatly affect a person and their moral sense of judgement. Richard B. Sewall claims that Melville's vision in Moby-Dick is a cruel reminder of the original terror, in which all moral judgements are accompanied by tensions, paradoxes, and ambiguities. In response to this statement, I agree that all moral judgements are fraught with tensions, paradoxes and ambiguities. Much of Ishmael's experiences while on land and at sea deal with making moral judgements; the act of forming an opinion by discerning what is right and wrong. Melville uses Ishmael to prove his vision that moral judgements are derived from (life) experiences directly affected by tensions, paradoxes, and ambiguities. Melville uses excellent representations of how tension can impact moral judgement making. Ishmael undergoes a particular situation in
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Is Vertical Conveyor integrated with horizontal conveyors Essays
Is Vertical Conveyor integrated with horizontal conveyors Essays Is Vertical Conveyor integrated with horizontal conveyors Essay Is Vertical Conveyor integrated with horizontal conveyors Essay Conventional vertical conveyors, who is like the spiral conveyor, have the restriction that the input and output of material loads must have the same direction. By using forks many combinations of different input- and outputlevels in different directions are possible. Vertical lift conveyors can be manually or automatically loaded and controlled. Almost all vertical conveyors can be systematically integrated with horizontal conveyors, since both of these conveyor systems work in tandem to create a cohesive material andling assembly line. In order to provide power for small shops and light industry, specially constructed power buildings were constructed. Power buildings used a central steam engine and distributed power through line shafts to all the leased rooms. The advantages included less noise and less wasted energy in the friction losses inherent in the previously common drive shafts and their associated gearing. Also, maintenance was simpler and cheaper, and it was a more convenient method for the arrangement of ower drives such that if one part were to fail then it would not cause loss of power to all sections of a factory or mill. These systems were in turn superseded in popularity by rope drive methods. Henan HXJQ Minging Machinery Co. , Ltd, is a professional manufacturer and trader specializing in the research, development and production of construction machinery for nearly 50 years. Our main products are as follows: mobile diesel Jaw crusher,vertical mill, army type Jaw crusher, mini Jaw crushing plant with screen, cement packing machine,etc. We will provide you with the best product and service. In similarity to vertical conveyors, spiral conveyors raise and lower materials to different levels of a facility. Most spiral conveyors also have a lower angle of incline or decline (1 1 degrees or less) to prevent sliding and tumbling during operation. Almost conveyor belt system: chinaquarry. com/products_show/ belt_conveyor. html jaw crusher: china-crusher. com/ Is Vertical Conveyor integrated with horizontal conveyors By fengyanyanl 990
Friday, February 21, 2020
Wetlands of Arkansas Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Wetlands of Arkansas - Research Paper Example State parks, location of the wetlands in the state, and conservation plans for the wetlands would also be discussed. The official website for state parks in Arkansas reveals a total of 52 which offer diverse recreational and outdoor facilities. From among those mentioned are: Cane Creek, Crater of Diamonds, Daisy, Devil’s Den, Jacksonport, Lake Charles, Lake Fort Smith, Mount Magazine, Ozark Folk Center, Petit Jean, Village Creak, White Oak Lake, and a host of other state parks (Arkansas State Parks, 2007). The wetlands in Arkansas are classified using the hydrogeomorphic (HGM) approach. This approach is described in detail, to wit: â€Å"is a procedure for assessing the capacity of an ecosystem to perform functions. It is designed to assess wetland and aquatic ecosystems, which are normally characterized in terms of their structural components and the processes that link these components. Structural components of the ecosystem and the surrounding landscape, such as plants, soils, hydrology, and animals, interact with a variety of physical, chemical, and biological processes. Understanding the interactions of the structural components of the ecosystem with surrounding landscape features is the basis for assessing ecosystem functions, and it is the foundation of the HGM Approach†(Brinson, 1995). Using the HGM Approach, the wetlands in Arkansas have five basis classes: depression, flats, fringe, slope and riverine. According to the Classification and Characterization of Wetlands of Arkansas (n.d., 5) â€Å"depressional wetlands occur in topographic low points where water accumulates and remains for extended periods†. There are three subclasses and seven community types under this classification. The discourse described slopes as occurring on â€Å"sloping land surfaces, where ground water discharge or shallow subsurface flow creates saturated conditions†(Classification,
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Buying Behavior & Market Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Buying Behavior & Market Analysis - Essay Example It also took a substantial amount of risk because some of the files could be corrupted and it wouldn’t function. Again, the game could refuse to work with my computer. On the other hand, a low involvement purchase needs simple process of evaluation. Buying underwear was simple and it is something I do every now and then. I knew the brand and the size I was going for. In purchasing the computer game, I felt that I needed a better and a recent version of the game I had. I had seen this new version in my friend’s computer and felt that I, too, should have one like that. The next thing I did was to enquire about the game. The price was the first thing to enquire so that I could know if I could afford it or at least needed some assistance. Another thing that I had to know was whether the game could play on my computer, that is the processor and RAM requirement of the game. Lastly I had to enquire if there was a warranty in case the game was not in good condition. After getti ng all the information about the game, I had to evaluate in what terms it was better than the one I had. Another friend of mine had told me about another similar computer game and I had to go and enquire from him and compare the two. Finally I decided to purchase the game. It worked well with my computer and I was completely satisfied with that purchase. In purchasing the underwear, the task was rather simple. ... I purchased the underpants and they were just as good as I had expected. The process of purchasing a computer game is quite different from the process involved in purchasing the underwear. First, it is the time taken in each stage of the process. In a low involvement purchase, the process is quite simple because it involves purchases we do regularly. Most of the time, in a low involvement purchasing, we skip some steps or even rearrange these steps. When a need arises, the next step automatically is searching information about what one needs, however, this step is mostly skipped in low involvement purchasing. This is because one already knows what they want. From there, the decision is made and one goes straight to purchasing. In a high involvement purchasing, all the steps have to be followed and this makes the process longer. One has to take a lot of time in searching for information about the product to be purchased. Also, a lot of time is needed in evaluation of alternatives so t hat one purchases the best product. The other difference between the two purchases is that in the purchase of computer game there was a high risk involved compared to purchasing underwear. The risks in a high involvement purchase are due to the amount of money involved. This is because it is not the kind of a purchase one does every now and then. This is the reason why it is important to take enough time in the process When marketing any product, the essence is to attract and persuade customers to purchase your products. This process is not as easy as it sounds. One has to have the skills needed in order to affect the decision of the buyer. Understanding the customer behavior model is the first step in marketing of any product, be it a low or a high involvement purchase. However,
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Understanding The Roles Of Vodafone Telecommunications Information Technology Essay
Understanding The Roles Of Vodafone Telecommunications Information Technology Essay Vodafone group plc is a global telecommunications company based its headquarter in Newbury, United Kingdom. If measured by the revenues its a largest telecommunication company in the world, along with this if measured by the subscribers its the worlds second largest just behind the china mobile. As Vodafone is a global company, it is providing services in more than 30 countries not only this Vodafone has other partner networks in 44 different countries. The Vodafone name comes from three different things which are voice, data and fone which reflect to providing services of voice and data over the devices (Mobile phones etc). The company was formed in the year of 1984 basically as a subsidiary of Racal Electronics Plc. In start the company named as Racal Telecom Limited but it was fully demerged and changed the name as Vodafone Group plc in 1991. The main objective of this specific report is to probe into the organisations information systems, structure of organization, analyze the information requirements, decision making, Business strategies, IS strategy, IT strategy, ethical issues, strength, weaknesses, opportunities, goals and objectives, managerial levels, benefits, and some other environmental factors. Furthermore this report will be the evidence of understanding of the entire studies which is conducted in this module and also the real world market. Organizational Structure The number of employees in Vodafone UK is over 10,000. Vodafone aim to provide a fair, safe and flexible workplace which helps to motivates their employees to work hard and to feel engaged and create better environment to the work. The below is organisation structure of Vodafone group; Vodafone Group Plc organisation chart Diagram: Vodafone organizational structure ( Marketing development organization As marketing is very important tool to expand the businesses in this modern world. Vodafone is continuously working on it to compete with the market and also fulfil the peoples requirements. Vodafone is using different ways to advertise their products (services) such as Zonal marketing trial, Idle screen, Branded applications and widgets trial, Location based advertising trial and so on. Within these different types of marketing advertisement, Vodafone is keep in touch with the customers to knowing their requirements and also providing them better services. Mission statement A mission statement of an organization is very important to indicate itself. It is just a sentence but it is full description of general purpose and intention of that organization. The mission statement tells the employees what they are working for; along with this persuade the customers to buy the products or services. A mission statement is that which define the basic reasons for the existence of an organization and helps legitimise its function in society (Robson, 1997). Mission statement of Vodafone is; We will be the communications leader in an increasingly connected world This specific mission statement shows that it is Communication Company / organization, which goal is to become the leader to connect the world rapidly. Goals and objectives The goals and objectives play vital role to a company. As this is a modern age and every company is facing challenges to compete with the current market , same Vodafone has some goals which they are trying to reach. Vodafone is continuously working to update and meet the requirement of the customers. To reach on the top and accomplish with the goals Vodafone has some objectives which they are completing step by step. Below are some goals which Vodafone is willing to achieve; Create Authenticity in expanding communication technologies. Connectivity between different devices in future. To understand and use (web) data in more ways. To find options and possibilities of energy. Improvement of services in each part of country. ( Strategy The strategy of the organization indicates its prospects and also helps to improve the business. Strategy of an organization can be defined as the identification of the purpose of the organization and the plans and action to achieve the purpose (Lynch, 2006). The strategy of Vodafone changes with the passage of time, because in the year of 2006 Vodafone intentions were different according to the year 2009 and 2010. The Strategic focus in 2009 is on operational performance, total communications, emerging markets, capital discipline. Environmental analysis Political factor The political factors are very effective for the organizations. If the political factors are in favor of the organization then it will be easy to navigate and boost the business. It is also said that managers should operate within the laws and regulations of the host country (Gray Larson 2008). The stability of political issues in the specific region or country and local laws sturdily influence the performance of organization. Without the information of the local laws and regulations there is a possibility of facing penalty which could lead to a big loss. If we have a look on Vodafone globe, we will come to know that its price plans and other services are different according to the country law and demand of nation. So the organization must need to understand and obey the local laws of the country where it is operating. Economic factor The economical factors can also have adverse effect on the organizations profitability and productivity. Vodafone was quite better in economy but because of recent downturns in economy it was affected in some countries. Vodafone Spain reported turnover of euro 6,982 million in the last financial year, 2.6 % less than the previous. (Vodafone 2009). To get economically strong Vodafone is working continuously to improve the economy of the company. Recently Vodafone has extended the services for customers; this could lead to improve the economy. Social /cultural factor As Vodafone is expanded in different countries, so they have to understand the requirements and social issues of specific country / region. Vodafone have created social networking and social media sites which helps to communicate and information sharing. Along with this Vodafone have agreements with so many social networking sites to offer the services. Vodafone always put efforts for safe social networking. ( Technological factor There is technology revolution at this present age. Every day new technology arrives with so many advanced enhancements. It is becoming necessary for an organization to keep update with their technology and to keep with the pace of the modern life, it also play the part to compete with the market. Vodafone is always active to keep update its technology to satisfy the customers and also to fulfil with the modern requirements. For this Vodafone announced the launch of its latest Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA) certified Mobile Wi-Fi device, the R201. (Vodafone, aug 2010) Ecological factors In a report it is mentioned that there are more than 800 million mobile devices are in use and these are growing every day as new technology is in market. The using and expanding of these devices are not that good for health and ecologically. Vodafone keeping in mind these all issue thats why Vodafone Ireland has announced to reduce CO2 emission by 30% by 2011. With the progress Vodafone is also working to create a better environment for future. SWOT analysis SWOT analysis is a method of strategic planning which is used to evaluate the Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats related in a project or in any task. SWOT analysis specifies the objectives of the project and also identifies the internal and external factors of the project. Strength Vodafone always struggle to make the network outstanding. Vodafone is committed to giving you a network you can depend on. The first priority of Vodafone is make sure that people can use mobile and connect to the internet where they are, and whenever they want. Vodafone competitors are also upgrading their services to persuade the customers but speciality of Vodafone is, its network is expanding but also provides better signal strength indoor and outdoor. Vodafone is keeping in mind to provide a such network which has journey of a call, fast and reliable connections and a network you can trust. ( Weakness As every company have some weaknesses, same Vodafone sometimes face such problems. The first weakness of Vodafone is its less connectivity in rural areas. Shares in Vodafone fell to lowest point but still head of Vodafone Company decided to sell the shares. BP overtakes Vodafone amid continued telecoms weakness ( Vodafone got negative return on assets (ROA) underperform the main competitors like BT Group, ATT and others. The other weakness is Vodafone has about 80% business generate in Europe. Due to these weaknesses Vodafone sometimes face problems to maintain the company standards. Opportunities Vodafone has so many opportunities to get benefit of it. Vodafone has expanding network with better services this made Vodafone to create opportunities for customers as well as Vodafone itself. With the passage of time climate is changing also Vodafone is working to tackle this problem with the facility of video and teleconferencing and thorough the other energy efficient machines. The Vodafone policy is full of opportunities for customers and company itself. Threats As Vodafone is dominating in the world of communication, so the competitors are the main threats for Vodafone. In start of Vodafone life, there werent so many competitors of Vodafone but gradually so many companies come to exist and started the war in the field of telecommunication. As it is expanding network, every day new customers are joining Vodafone, it could create problem in network. So Vodafone need to update their boosters or all other technologies which could lead to calling and data transferring problems. Along with this, as other competitor companies are introducing new services, same Vodafone need to introduce such facilities/services which could keep customers in touch with Vodafone. Level of Management Information System There are four level of management, each level supporting different kind of decision process. It works from top to bottom, as top level management which is strategic level makes decision then it ends with the bottom which is Operational level. These four are defined below; Strategic level: This specific level of management is for seniors like, CEO, VIP, and Manger. This type of management usually makes long term decisions like 3 to 10 years. Recommendation: Sales and Marketing IS, Manufacturing IS, H R Information system, And Finance and accounting IS. Management level / Tactical level: This management level is usually resource allocation decision level. In this management level managers utilise and allocate time, raw material, machinery, funds etc and this is usually for 1 to 3 years. Recommendation: Sales and Marketing IS, Manufacturing IS, H R Information system, And Finance and accounting IS. Knowledge level: The knowledge level is a additional level of management in which knowledge and data workers work. This level is all about the knowledge of the specific project. Recommendation: Sales and Marketing IS, Manufacturing IS, H R Information system, And Finance and accounting IS. Operational level: In this bottom part of the management level, managers work day to day to complete the task. Normally in this level, manager makes decisions less than one year. Recommendation: Sales and marketing IS, Manufacturing IS, Human Resource IS, and Finance and Accounting IS. TPS OAS KW MIS DSS ESS Operational Level Knowledge Level Management Level Strategic Level Diagram: Types of IS and level of working. Information Systems An information system can be defined technically as a set of interrelated components that collect process, store and distributed information to support decision making and control in an organization (Laudon Laudon, 2009). With the help of information system a project could lead to a successful project and can complete on time. Information system provides fast and accurate transaction along with this it provides support for decision making. The information system is the weapon against competitor companies. There are some major information systems which work in each management levels are below. ESS (Executive support system) work in strategic level. DSS (Decision support system) work in management level. MIS (Management information system) work in management level. KWS (Knowledge working system) work in knowledge level. OAS (office automation system) work in operational level. TPS (Transaction processing system) work in operational level. ESS (Executive support system) ESS is designed to draw summarized information from MIS and DSS and present graphs and data from many sources through an interface that is easy for senior managers (Laudon Laudon, 2009). This is top management level and top people of management deal in this level. The chief executive of Vodafone makes final and basic decisions, and all departments head collect the information (data) and present to him for his decision to go throw. The ESS information system manage all the activities happening within the company like sales, purchase, cost etc which helps chief executive to make decisions and start new plans. DSS (Decision support system) The DSS helps to navigate the company into right path, because if company is getting loss from present services or technology then it indicate the down turn of the company. With the help of DSS Vodafone sometimes change the price plans and also other changing occurs which are effect for company. The DSS of Vodafone can usually use information from other information systems but they need to get informed from outsource to come up with it. MIS (Management information system) Middle management needs system to help with monitoring, controlling, decision making and administer activity and to work with this, the systems which are use called MIS (Laudon Laudon, 2009). This information system basically helps to monitoring the activities happening within the company. With the help of this information system managers can check any transaction from thousand of transaction. Managers often need to see, what is going on with the company during it is working to know that, is company is doing fine or not, and MIS helps to do that. This system also provide required reports weekly, monthly or yearly, which helps manager to make decision. KWS (Knowledge working system) Knowledge work system or knowledge based information system that support the creation, organization and dissemination of business to employee and mangers throughout a company (OBrien Maracas, 2008). This information system helps the organization to find the new ways to reach the success. In Vodafone KWS use to find what new price plans will be appreciable by customers and also how to improve services. OAS (office automation system) The OAS usually use in employees data and for office work. As it is mentioned above that OAS is use in operational level. This information system manages all the office work of Vodafone like non financial asset, share based payment, pension etc. TPS (Transaction processing system) TPS help the operational managers to keep track of the elementary activities and transaction of the organization, such as sales, receipt, cash deposit, payroll, credit decision and the flow of materials in a factory (Laudon Laudon, 2009). In this system Vodafone can interact with the customers on daily basis. The information system helps Vodafone to deal with the all sort of enquires. Ethical Issues The use of Information system could be very risky for an organization. As it is very necessary for an organization to use information system to boost the performance of the work in better and convenient way meanwhile it could be very risky and can lead to disruption. So a lot of ethical issues need to keep in mind when implement information system. For example, if wrong information of data is entered then output also will be wrong this could lead to wrong decision making which is very harmful for company. It is very important to focus on ethical issue, if there is problem in OAS that wrong information is entered in the database of Vodafone then it will store wrong information in the system, it will produce wrong result. Same as if there is problem in TPS (Transaction Processing system) that transaction is made wrong while customer is paying bill or when Vodafone is topping up the account of the customers this could create problem for both customers and the company. Some ethical issue s of Vodafone are below; Privacy Protection: company need to focus on privacy of the company and its business. It needs to ensure that all transaction, made exactly and correctly. Along with this Vodafone needs to protect transaction occurred, that other cant retrieve it. Accuracy of Information: In process of data storage and all other inputs Vodafone needs to be careful of the authenticity of the stored information. Sometimes companies are expecting are something but they get something else at the time of result. Right of Information: Every mangers needs to know his responsibilities that he can maintain structure of the company. Security: As much the system is secure company will be safe from threats and misuse. Lack of knowledge: Staff must be trained to do the job and satisfy the customer in the criteria of information system. Conclusion: All organizations need to use information system to boost the performance and drive through the success. Information system helps organization to sort out, about all kind of problems and become profitable. As Vodafone is a communication services provider, so to come up with all necessities of this modern life and to compete with market, Vodafone needs to use specific information systems. There are so many companies in market competing with Vodafone, but due to choosing right and efficient information system, Vodafone is at the top.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Media Texts, Brands, and Identity: For Him Magazine (FHM Magazine) Essa
Media Texts, Brands, and Identity: â€Å"For Him Magazine†(FHM Magazine) In this essay I will firstly introduce the magazine I am discussing, and talk about ideas of representations and gender in their issues, and also how it in effect they market themselves as a brand that articulates identity. FHM magazine stands for â€Å"For Him Magazine†; its core target audience is males 25-35. The magazine is produced monthly at the cost of  £3.40 per issue. FHM is now on global release as it publishes 27 different editions around the world in every continent, each with its own unique content. The UK version sells approximately 600,000 copies per month making it one of the most popular magazines in the country. For their company Emap under an umbrella of 58 magazines it is the most popular. Its content varies inside as it is essentially seen as a lifestyle magazine. Every month it has recurring themes of reviews and articles centrally focused around the opposite sex and hobbies the magazine assumes the audience has. A way we can look at the notion of identity is through representations given through the magazine. Since the magazines are aimed at men, we can assume that the magazine has underlying issues about gender. Therefore FHM would like to express itself through masculinity to create a meaningful link to its audience. In the following I will show how different men and women magazines are completely different in content and identity. Contemporary ideas of masculinity and femininity will be different to those of previous generations. Current themes may be stereotypical but to study it using binary oppositions gives it greater meaning; men are seen as masculine, dominant, strong, aggressive, intelligent, rational, and active. Whilst women are the opposed, they are feminine, submissive, weak, intuitive, emotional and communicative. As well as theses factors men and women are also seen to like different things, men like cars, technology, getting drunk and having casual sex with strangers whilst women like shopping, make-up, social drinking with friends, and having committed relationships. However, it is also clear that these lists are not truly representative of what men and women are really like. You all probably know a woman who likes cars and can be aggressive or a man who doesn’t drink and cries at weepy romantic comedies. These stereotypes exist, to ... ...romotional day where FHM itself confirmed their brand status. Since Topman is Europe’s biggest men’s retail store, they hired it out for the duration of a whole day. They had many attractions as well as the clothes feature. They also had new technology testing, massaging, tasting of alcohol and everything else they magazine stands for. By doing this it influences people’s choices and decisions regarding their lifestyle, by doing so it alters people’s identity. So was this just an identity building process or did it happen because there was demand? I finish with a quote from Hermann Bausinger who talks about how the new media sphere has evolved, â€Å"Technology has long since been integrated into the everyday. Tools themselves are distinguished by the fact that they rapidly take on the character of artificial limbs†(1995: 537). Brands are now extensions of our bodies. Sources used: Bausinger, H. (1995) â€Å"Media, Technology and Daily Life†. London: Edward Arnold. Hall, S. (1997) â€Å"Cultural Representaions and Signifying Practices†. London: Sage Hermes, J. (1995) â€Å"Reading Women’s Magazines†. Cambridge: Polity Press FHM - January 2008 FHM – March 2008 Marie Claire - January 2008
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