Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Understanding The Roles Of Vodafone Telecommunications Information Technology Essay
Understanding The Roles Of Vodafone Telecommunications Information Technology Essay Vodafone group plc is a global telecommunications company based its headquarter in Newbury, United Kingdom. If measured by the revenues its a largest telecommunication company in the world, along with this if measured by the subscribers its the worlds second largest just behind the china mobile. As Vodafone is a global company, it is providing services in more than 30 countries not only this Vodafone has other partner networks in 44 different countries. The Vodafone name comes from three different things which are voice, data and fone which reflect to providing services of voice and data over the devices (Mobile phones etc). The company was formed in the year of 1984 basically as a subsidiary of Racal Electronics Plc. In start the company named as Racal Telecom Limited but it was fully demerged and changed the name as Vodafone Group plc in 1991. The main objective of this specific report is to probe into the organisations information systems, structure of organization, analyze the information requirements, decision making, Business strategies, IS strategy, IT strategy, ethical issues, strength, weaknesses, opportunities, goals and objectives, managerial levels, benefits, and some other environmental factors. Furthermore this report will be the evidence of understanding of the entire studies which is conducted in this module and also the real world market. Organizational Structure The number of employees in Vodafone UK is over 10,000. Vodafone aim to provide a fair, safe and flexible workplace which helps to motivates their employees to work hard and to feel engaged and create better environment to the work. The below is organisation structure of Vodafone group; Vodafone Group Plc organisation chart Diagram: Vodafone organizational structure (www.vodafone.com) Marketing development organization As marketing is very important tool to expand the businesses in this modern world. Vodafone is continuously working on it to compete with the market and also fulfil the peoples requirements. Vodafone is using different ways to advertise their products (services) such as Zonal marketing trial, Idle screen, Branded applications and widgets trial, Location based advertising trial and so on. Within these different types of marketing advertisement, Vodafone is keep in touch with the customers to knowing their requirements and also providing them better services. Mission statement A mission statement of an organization is very important to indicate itself. It is just a sentence but it is full description of general purpose and intention of that organization. The mission statement tells the employees what they are working for; along with this persuade the customers to buy the products or services. A mission statement is that which define the basic reasons for the existence of an organization and helps legitimise its function in society (Robson, 1997). Mission statement of Vodafone is; We will be the communications leader in an increasingly connected world This specific mission statement shows that it is Communication Company / organization, which goal is to become the leader to connect the world rapidly. Goals and objectives The goals and objectives play vital role to a company. As this is a modern age and every company is facing challenges to compete with the current market , same Vodafone has some goals which they are trying to reach. Vodafone is continuously working to update and meet the requirement of the customers. To reach on the top and accomplish with the goals Vodafone has some objectives which they are completing step by step. Below are some goals which Vodafone is willing to achieve; Create Authenticity in expanding communication technologies. Connectivity between different devices in future. To understand and use (web) data in more ways. To find options and possibilities of energy. Improvement of services in each part of country. (www.vodafone.com/start/about_vodafone/future_agenda.html) Strategy The strategy of the organization indicates its prospects and also helps to improve the business. Strategy of an organization can be defined as the identification of the purpose of the organization and the plans and action to achieve the purpose (Lynch, 2006). The strategy of Vodafone changes with the passage of time, because in the year of 2006 Vodafone intentions were different according to the year 2009 and 2010. The Strategic focus in 2009 is on operational performance, total communications, emerging markets, capital discipline. Environmental analysis Political factor The political factors are very effective for the organizations. If the political factors are in favor of the organization then it will be easy to navigate and boost the business. It is also said that managers should operate within the laws and regulations of the host country (Gray Larson 2008). The stability of political issues in the specific region or country and local laws sturdily influence the performance of organization. Without the information of the local laws and regulations there is a possibility of facing penalty which could lead to a big loss. If we have a look on Vodafone globe, we will come to know that its price plans and other services are different according to the country law and demand of nation. So the organization must need to understand and obey the local laws of the country where it is operating. Economic factor The economical factors can also have adverse effect on the organizations profitability and productivity. Vodafone was quite better in economy but because of recent downturns in economy it was affected in some countries. Vodafone Spain reported turnover of euro 6,982 million in the last financial year, 2.6 % less than the previous. (Vodafone 2009). To get economically strong Vodafone is working continuously to improve the economy of the company. Recently Vodafone has extended the services for customers; this could lead to improve the economy. Social /cultural factor As Vodafone is expanded in different countries, so they have to understand the requirements and social issues of specific country / region. Vodafone have created social networking and social media sites which helps to communicate and information sharing. Along with this Vodafone have agreements with so many social networking sites to offer the services. Vodafone always put efforts for safe social networking. (www.vodafone.com) Technological factor There is technology revolution at this present age. Every day new technology arrives with so many advanced enhancements. It is becoming necessary for an organization to keep update with their technology and to keep with the pace of the modern life, it also play the part to compete with the market. Vodafone is always active to keep update its technology to satisfy the customers and also to fulfil with the modern requirements. For this Vodafone announced the launch of its latest Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA) certified Mobile Wi-Fi device, the R201. (Vodafone, aug 2010) Ecological factors In a report it is mentioned that there are more than 800 million mobile devices are in use and these are growing every day as new technology is in market. The using and expanding of these devices are not that good for health and ecologically. Vodafone keeping in mind these all issue thats why Vodafone Ireland has announced to reduce CO2 emission by 30% by 2011. With the progress Vodafone is also working to create a better environment for future. SWOT analysis SWOT analysis is a method of strategic planning which is used to evaluate the Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats related in a project or in any task. SWOT analysis specifies the objectives of the project and also identifies the internal and external factors of the project. Strength Vodafone always struggle to make the network outstanding. Vodafone is committed to giving you a network you can depend on. The first priority of Vodafone is make sure that people can use mobile and connect to the internet where they are, and whenever they want. Vodafone competitors are also upgrading their services to persuade the customers but speciality of Vodafone is, its network is expanding but also provides better signal strength indoor and outdoor. Vodafone is keeping in mind to provide a such network which has journey of a call, fast and reliable connections and a network you can trust. (www.vodafone.com) Weakness As every company have some weaknesses, same Vodafone sometimes face such problems. The first weakness of Vodafone is its less connectivity in rural areas. Shares in Vodafone fell to lowest point but still head of Vodafone Company decided to sell the shares. BP overtakes Vodafone amid continued telecoms weakness (www.independent.co.uk). Vodafone got negative return on assets (ROA) underperform the main competitors like BT Group, ATT and others. The other weakness is Vodafone has about 80% business generate in Europe. Due to these weaknesses Vodafone sometimes face problems to maintain the company standards. Opportunities Vodafone has so many opportunities to get benefit of it. Vodafone has expanding network with better services this made Vodafone to create opportunities for customers as well as Vodafone itself. With the passage of time climate is changing also Vodafone is working to tackle this problem with the facility of video and teleconferencing and thorough the other energy efficient machines. The Vodafone policy is full of opportunities for customers and company itself. Threats As Vodafone is dominating in the world of communication, so the competitors are the main threats for Vodafone. In start of Vodafone life, there werent so many competitors of Vodafone but gradually so many companies come to exist and started the war in the field of telecommunication. As it is expanding network, every day new customers are joining Vodafone, it could create problem in network. So Vodafone need to update their boosters or all other technologies which could lead to calling and data transferring problems. Along with this, as other competitor companies are introducing new services, same Vodafone need to introduce such facilities/services which could keep customers in touch with Vodafone. Level of Management Information System There are four level of management, each level supporting different kind of decision process. It works from top to bottom, as top level management which is strategic level makes decision then it ends with the bottom which is Operational level. These four are defined below; Strategic level: This specific level of management is for seniors like, CEO, VIP, and Manger. This type of management usually makes long term decisions like 3 to 10 years. Recommendation: Sales and Marketing IS, Manufacturing IS, H R Information system, And Finance and accounting IS. Management level / Tactical level: This management level is usually resource allocation decision level. In this management level managers utilise and allocate time, raw material, machinery, funds etc and this is usually for 1 to 3 years. Recommendation: Sales and Marketing IS, Manufacturing IS, H R Information system, And Finance and accounting IS. Knowledge level: The knowledge level is a additional level of management in which knowledge and data workers work. This level is all about the knowledge of the specific project. Recommendation: Sales and Marketing IS, Manufacturing IS, H R Information system, And Finance and accounting IS. Operational level: In this bottom part of the management level, managers work day to day to complete the task. Normally in this level, manager makes decisions less than one year. Recommendation: Sales and marketing IS, Manufacturing IS, Human Resource IS, and Finance and Accounting IS. TPS OAS KW MIS DSS ESS Operational Level Knowledge Level Management Level Strategic Level Diagram: Types of IS and level of working. Information Systems An information system can be defined technically as a set of interrelated components that collect process, store and distributed information to support decision making and control in an organization (Laudon Laudon, 2009). With the help of information system a project could lead to a successful project and can complete on time. Information system provides fast and accurate transaction along with this it provides support for decision making. The information system is the weapon against competitor companies. There are some major information systems which work in each management levels are below. ESS (Executive support system) work in strategic level. DSS (Decision support system) work in management level. MIS (Management information system) work in management level. KWS (Knowledge working system) work in knowledge level. OAS (office automation system) work in operational level. TPS (Transaction processing system) work in operational level. ESS (Executive support system) ESS is designed to draw summarized information from MIS and DSS and present graphs and data from many sources through an interface that is easy for senior managers (Laudon Laudon, 2009). This is top management level and top people of management deal in this level. The chief executive of Vodafone makes final and basic decisions, and all departments head collect the information (data) and present to him for his decision to go throw. The ESS information system manage all the activities happening within the company like sales, purchase, cost etc which helps chief executive to make decisions and start new plans. DSS (Decision support system) The DSS helps to navigate the company into right path, because if company is getting loss from present services or technology then it indicate the down turn of the company. With the help of DSS Vodafone sometimes change the price plans and also other changing occurs which are effect for company. The DSS of Vodafone can usually use information from other information systems but they need to get informed from outsource to come up with it. MIS (Management information system) Middle management needs system to help with monitoring, controlling, decision making and administer activity and to work with this, the systems which are use called MIS (Laudon Laudon, 2009). This information system basically helps to monitoring the activities happening within the company. With the help of this information system managers can check any transaction from thousand of transaction. Managers often need to see, what is going on with the company during it is working to know that, is company is doing fine or not, and MIS helps to do that. This system also provide required reports weekly, monthly or yearly, which helps manager to make decision. KWS (Knowledge working system) Knowledge work system or knowledge based information system that support the creation, organization and dissemination of business to employee and mangers throughout a company (OBrien Maracas, 2008). This information system helps the organization to find the new ways to reach the success. In Vodafone KWS use to find what new price plans will be appreciable by customers and also how to improve services. OAS (office automation system) The OAS usually use in employees data and for office work. As it is mentioned above that OAS is use in operational level. This information system manages all the office work of Vodafone like non financial asset, share based payment, pension etc. TPS (Transaction processing system) TPS help the operational managers to keep track of the elementary activities and transaction of the organization, such as sales, receipt, cash deposit, payroll, credit decision and the flow of materials in a factory (Laudon Laudon, 2009). In this system Vodafone can interact with the customers on daily basis. The information system helps Vodafone to deal with the all sort of enquires. Ethical Issues The use of Information system could be very risky for an organization. As it is very necessary for an organization to use information system to boost the performance of the work in better and convenient way meanwhile it could be very risky and can lead to disruption. So a lot of ethical issues need to keep in mind when implement information system. For example, if wrong information of data is entered then output also will be wrong this could lead to wrong decision making which is very harmful for company. It is very important to focus on ethical issue, if there is problem in OAS that wrong information is entered in the database of Vodafone then it will store wrong information in the system, it will produce wrong result. Same as if there is problem in TPS (Transaction Processing system) that transaction is made wrong while customer is paying bill or when Vodafone is topping up the account of the customers this could create problem for both customers and the company. Some ethical issue s of Vodafone are below; Privacy Protection: company need to focus on privacy of the company and its business. It needs to ensure that all transaction, made exactly and correctly. Along with this Vodafone needs to protect transaction occurred, that other cant retrieve it. Accuracy of Information: In process of data storage and all other inputs Vodafone needs to be careful of the authenticity of the stored information. Sometimes companies are expecting are something but they get something else at the time of result. Right of Information: Every mangers needs to know his responsibilities that he can maintain structure of the company. Security: As much the system is secure company will be safe from threats and misuse. Lack of knowledge: Staff must be trained to do the job and satisfy the customer in the criteria of information system. Conclusion: All organizations need to use information system to boost the performance and drive through the success. Information system helps organization to sort out, about all kind of problems and become profitable. As Vodafone is a communication services provider, so to come up with all necessities of this modern life and to compete with market, Vodafone needs to use specific information systems. There are so many companies in market competing with Vodafone, but due to choosing right and efficient information system, Vodafone is at the top.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Media Texts, Brands, and Identity: For Him Magazine (FHM Magazine) Essa
Media Texts, Brands, and Identity: â€Å"For Him Magazine†(FHM Magazine) In this essay I will firstly introduce the magazine I am discussing, and talk about ideas of representations and gender in their issues, and also how it in effect they market themselves as a brand that articulates identity. FHM magazine stands for â€Å"For Him Magazine†; its core target audience is males 25-35. The magazine is produced monthly at the cost of  £3.40 per issue. FHM is now on global release as it publishes 27 different editions around the world in every continent, each with its own unique content. The UK version sells approximately 600,000 copies per month making it one of the most popular magazines in the country. For their company Emap under an umbrella of 58 magazines it is the most popular. Its content varies inside as it is essentially seen as a lifestyle magazine. Every month it has recurring themes of reviews and articles centrally focused around the opposite sex and hobbies the magazine assumes the audience has. A way we can look at the notion of identity is through representations given through the magazine. Since the magazines are aimed at men, we can assume that the magazine has underlying issues about gender. Therefore FHM would like to express itself through masculinity to create a meaningful link to its audience. In the following I will show how different men and women magazines are completely different in content and identity. Contemporary ideas of masculinity and femininity will be different to those of previous generations. Current themes may be stereotypical but to study it using binary oppositions gives it greater meaning; men are seen as masculine, dominant, strong, aggressive, intelligent, rational, and active. Whilst women are the opposed, they are feminine, submissive, weak, intuitive, emotional and communicative. As well as theses factors men and women are also seen to like different things, men like cars, technology, getting drunk and having casual sex with strangers whilst women like shopping, make-up, social drinking with friends, and having committed relationships. However, it is also clear that these lists are not truly representative of what men and women are really like. You all probably know a woman who likes cars and can be aggressive or a man who doesn’t drink and cries at weepy romantic comedies. These stereotypes exist, to ... ...romotional day where FHM itself confirmed their brand status. Since Topman is Europe’s biggest men’s retail store, they hired it out for the duration of a whole day. They had many attractions as well as the clothes feature. They also had new technology testing, massaging, tasting of alcohol and everything else they magazine stands for. By doing this it influences people’s choices and decisions regarding their lifestyle, by doing so it alters people’s identity. So was this just an identity building process or did it happen because there was demand? I finish with a quote from Hermann Bausinger who talks about how the new media sphere has evolved, â€Å"Technology has long since been integrated into the everyday. Tools themselves are distinguished by the fact that they rapidly take on the character of artificial limbs†(1995: 537). Brands are now extensions of our bodies. Sources used: Bausinger, H. (1995) â€Å"Media, Technology and Daily Life†. London: Edward Arnold. Hall, S. (1997) â€Å"Cultural Representaions and Signifying Practices†. London: Sage Hermes, J. (1995) â€Å"Reading Women’s Magazines†. Cambridge: Polity Press FHM - January 2008 FHM – March 2008 Marie Claire - January 2008
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Family and Happiness
Hello Professor Do you know what happiness is? Where does it come from? In this essay I will conduct an experiment for what older, experienced adults may think happiness is. To what preteens may think happiness is. The following includes the people I’m experimenting on and their results to my questions. Six Questions First suspect: Church Member Sis Wims Question: What is happiness in your own words? Answer: I think happiness is your smile and the way you act toward others. Question: what influenced you to give the answer that you gave? Answer: because it my personality and I walk around with a smile all day. Question: What has brought you happiness? Answer: My job, my family and my good health. Question: Do you think other people have different perspectives of happiness? Answer: yes, because some people have happiness and different ways I think some is can use happiness as how they live with big fine home, cars, money and all the luxuries things in their home. Question: Can happiness be bought? Answer: No, because you cannot buy happiness it will come on its own. You may feel happiness in your heart. Question: Do you find happiness in the little things? Answer: Yes I can find happiness in little things by meeting new friends helping the elderly peoples help out with the people in my church is a good leader. Be one of the best people that I can do my best in what do. Second suspect: Granddaughter Maya Question: What is happiness in your own words? Answer: Happiness in my own words would be being around family members and being loved by others. Question: what influenced you to give the answer that you gave? Answer: When I was younger my uncle Paris died and I was so happy to see all my family members there to support my mom and siblings. To see the support of my family member it brought me great happiness. Also when I come out of school my grandmother is outside waiting for us in her car to pick me up. Question: What has brought you happiness? Answer: My siblings and loving grandmother brought me happiness. Question: Do you think other people have different perspectives of happiness? Answer: Yes I do think people have different perspectives of happiness because it all depends where you come from and how you were raised. Question: Can happiness be bought? Answer: I don’t think so because what brings you happiness is from deep down inside and what comes from your soul. Question: Do you find happiness in the little things? Answer: Yes I do find happiness in little things like young love or accepting who you are inside. In conclusion the age difference may not change how one person may think happiness is. Both my suspect have almost the same ideas of happiness. I also agree with their answers. I may not know what other peoples definition of happiness is but I know what mines are and the people around me. Happiness may change over time but mostly everyone knows what they really want in their life. You may not see what makes you happy right away but when you do I will be more obvious than ever before. I remember the song of Al Green â€Å"Love and Happiness†. Like in the song â€Å"Love make you do right, love make you do wrong make you stay out all night long. Happiness can bring many different things. Happiness made me return back to school. Without returning back to school I don’t think I’ll have the happiness I have right now. Happiness will never come to those who don’t appreciate it. So from all this I can what I like the most from this experiment was how people explained what they thought happiness was. As I was a little girl I always believed in a good life that I could live in that I could be very happy for rest of my life. Have a happy family, a nice paying job and a loving home. Life brings happiness that look for it. It is gentle. Happiness is a dance you choose which one you want to dance to probably a nice gentle dance. Happiness is everything you put into it. How you show your love to others. I think happiness is the best thing that you can accomplished out of life. It does matter how or what you did to get it all that matters is that you have it now. Thank you professor I did it!
Friday, January 3, 2020
Poison Motif Within Hamlet By William Shakespeare
Poison Motif throughout Hamlet The concept of poison is all around society: poisonous people, poisonous ideas, and poisonous environments; however, the poison in society cannot be avoided, it’s inevitable some would say. As Michael Uhl once put it â€Å"you’ve got to pick your poison†, and hope for the least of the evils, which unfortunately is not always the case. In Shakespeare s Hamlet, the motif of poison functions to be the symbol of corruption throughout the play that highlights the theme of death, madness, and the power of language. The use of poison within Hamlet showcases the theme of death through the falling of a myriad of characters in the play. At the beginning of the play, the ghost of King Hamlet illustrates to Hamlet the nature of his death â€Å"the porches of my ears did pour/ the leprous distilment†(Shakespeare 1.5 70-71). The murder of King Hamlet through the use of this â€Å"distilment†showcases the first instance of the motif of poison within the play. It is evident the method King Claudius, the â€Å"incestuous...adulterate beast†(Shakespeare 1.5 49) as the Ghost called him, uses the poison to take over the crown of Denmark. Furthermore, at the end of the novel the extensive use of poison is evident through the deaths of Queen Gertrude, Laertes, Hamlet, and ironically King Claudius. The tragedy of the mass casualties at the end of the play can be summarized best by Laertes: It is here, Hamlet. Hamlet, thou art slain. No med’cine in the world can do thee good. InShow MoreRelatedThe Characterization Of Hamlet By William Shakespeare1009 Words  | 5 PagesHamlet’s (1601) theatrical power propagates from its timeless rendering of the human condition. William Shakespeare illustrates a sympathetic protagonist caught between the tensions of Renaissance and traditional ethics, who suffers due to the fundamental ignorance of individuals to the truth by the facade of deceit and theatricality. 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