Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Social psychology Criminal Justice Systems Essay
Social psychology Criminal Justice Systems - Essay Example This implies that for the errands of moderate complication e.g. EWT, performances augments with stress till an optimal point is attained where it begins to decline (Bell & Jones, 1994). According to Bartlett theory, recall/memory is subject to individual interpretation dependent on our cultural or learnt norms plus values i.e. the manner in which individuals make sense of world in which we live (Loftus, 1996). This is the concentration by an eyewitness on the weapon in particular to the omission of additional details of an offence. Where a weapon is involved in a crime, it is common for the witness to correctly describe a weapon in detail rather than the individual holding it (Ross, Read & Toglia, 1994). Cases which have eyewitness testimony have a higher probability of producing convictions (Visher, 1987). Jurors are doubtful of the eyewitnesses with low memory regarding details whereas they might be more accurate owing to the fact that they were concentrating on the face of the culprit instead (Wells & Leippe, 1988). Mutually, incorrect and correct eyewitnesses are trusted eighty percent of the time (Wells et al., 1979). All these shows the influence attached to persuasive eyewitness. According to Stambor (2006), "of the... 78% were wrongful convictions based on eyewitness misidentification." Eyewitnesses tend to be more confident as opposed to being accurate and this influences jurors who in turn trust them. This shows that eyes can be deceiving. Strong emotions, expectations, current knowledge and beliefs affect memories. Evocative questioning incorporates deceptive information into the memory. It is not possible to distinguish real memories from the force memories. All these can be attributed to misinformation effect. The error can be reduced by (1) training the police interviewers. Research has shown that cognitive interview after spontaneous recollections augments information by fifty percent without raising the fake memory rate. (2) Reducing fake lineup identifications. This can be achieved by eliminating composites and arrays, paying attention to the identification time, using sequential lineup, prohibiting post-identification feedback, using blind testing processes with neutral and scripted questions and reminding a witness of the fact that the suspect might not be included in the lineup. (3) Educating the jurors. What other factors influence juror judgments Defendant's characteristics The characteristics of the defendant are in terms of resemblance to the juror (e.g. same language, political beliefs and expectations of conventional conduct), and the physical attractiveness. Despite the fact that juror do not disregard the "facts" of a particular case whilst deliberating, in case the evidence turns out to be lacking or ambiguous, there is a high probability for them to allow personality character of the defendant to persuade their decisions. According to research on influence of similarities of a defendant to a jury by Mazzella and Feingold (1994), "Mock-jurors punished white
Monday, October 28, 2019
The condition known as delirium
The condition known as delirium Introduction This assignment will examine the condition known as delirium and will focus on a clinical case study (please see appendix 1. for the full overview of the clinical case study) of a gentleman called Halim* who has presented in the emergency department with his two daughters. This assignment will be separated into two distinct parts; the first part of this assignment will provide a clinical overview of delirium and will explore what the condition is, the common features, clinical causes and interventions available to manage and treat the condition. This will provide the reader with an understanding of the components that constitute the condition of delirium. The second part of the assignment will then focus on placing the acquired knowledge of delirium on to the clinical case study of Halim so that a more detailed clinical exploration can be completed; with focus being placed on the role of the practitioner and their interventions in addressing the key issues. *To protect and respect client confidentiality all names have been changed and any identifiable data censored for the purpose of this assignment. Delirium Clinical Overview Delirium, also sometimes referred to as an acute confusional state, is a common clinical condition that presents with individuals experiencing disturbances in consciousness, cognitive function and perception, which has an acute onset and fluctuating course (NICE, 2010). The important clinical characteristic of a delirium is that the onset is quite rapid; it may present and develop within a very short period of time, usually over the course of a few hours or days (Brown Boyle, 2002). It is not uncommon for an individual to present to hospital settings with symptoms of delirium and it is important to acknowledge that individuals who already are hospital inpatients or in a care setting may also develop delirium; it is a condition that traverses the inpatient and community settings. Literature suggests that there are two types of delirium; hypoactive delirium is characterised by individuals experiencing withdrawal, lethargy, introversion and sleepiness whereas people with hyperactive delirium have heightened arousal, restlessness, agitation and aggression (NICE, 2010). There is also a third variation where individuals may experience a mixture of both hyper and hypoactive symptoms which can make diagnosis very difficult. It is suggested that delirium can often be mistaken for dementia, worsening of pre-existing cognitive problems and old age; however delirium is a clinical syndrome that differs from these other conditions as it is the sudden and acute onset that tends to vary throughout the course of the day that identifies it as delirium rather than any other disorder (Meagher, 2001). It is reported frequently within the literature (Wong et al., 2010; NICE, 2010; Meagher, 2001; Brown Boyle, 2002; Cole, 2004 and Siddiqi House, 2006) that patients with delirium experience a reduced ability to focus and concentrate; perceptual disturbances which includes delusions, paranoia and hallucinations; fluctuations in presentation; difficulty in following conversation or direction; rambling or changing topic; disorganised thinking and disturbances in consciousness. In addition to these clinical symptoms there also may be mood disturbances and changes in neurological presentation with individuals experiencing changes in muscle tone, tremor and involuntary jerking (Map of Medicine, 2011). Delirium occurs due to underlying physical pathology (American Psychiatric Association, 2000) and although symptoms may present as symptoms of mental illness the condition itself has originated usually from some kind of underlying infection, disease or event that has impacted on the individuals physical health status (Wong et al., 2010). Examples of possible causes for delirium include; hypovolaemic shock, cardiac failure, myocardial infarction, head trauma, seizure, metabolic disorders such as liver or renal failure, fluid and electrolyte imbalance, infection, malignancy, dehydration, post operative state, pain, constipation or urinary retention. In addition to these common causes delirium may also be induced by individuals experiencing complications from drug interactions and withdrawal; and included in this is prescribed medications, illicit drugs and alcohol (Map of Medicine, 2010). Delirium is a very serious condition and it cannot be underestimated as the mortality rate for individuals is very high even after discharge from hospital for up to 12 months (McCusker et al., 2002), other complications from delirium also include patients having to stay longer in hospital which means they are exposed longer to hospital acquired infections, persistent cognitive deficits and an increased risk of the individual being discharged into residential care rather than return to living independently are also factors (Wong et al., 2010). With the symptoms of delirium presenting as the onset of an acute mental illness it is possible for debate to arise as to which clinical team should be responsible for the management of the patient; additionally; in light of the evidence presented; it would be easy for the individual with delirium to be overlooked or not be investigated for the reasons behind the onset of the condition which is probably why the mortality rate is so high; underlying physical conditions that are not assessed, treated or managed will continue to affect the health status of the individual. Statistically more than half of delirium cases go unrecognised by health professionals (Inouye et al., 1998). Prevention of delirium is more effective than treating it once it has developed (Brown Boyle, 2002) therefore it is important for healthcare professionals to be aware of the risk factors, symptoms and causes of delirium for individuals under their care either in hospital or in the community. If delirium has already developed then it is the responsibility of the healthcare team to manage the condition quickly and efficiently to reduce further problems and difficulties for the individual; recognizing the mortality rates associated with a diagnosis of delirium should facilitate efficiency. To assist with obtaining a clearer clinical perspective of delirium and the impact it has on an individual a clinical case study shall now be explored. Halim Clinical Exploration Halim was admitted to the emergency department and when the clinical history was obtained from his daughters it was identified that there had been a rapid change in his cognitive status which had been observed within a 24 hour period as his daughter had not been alerted to any concerns when she had spoken to him the previous evening. In light of the evidence it is possible for practitioners at this point to consider that Halim has developed an acute syndrome such as delirium and the next stage is to explore this further. On completion of the basic observations it was evident that there are physical abnormalities present. From visual observation of the patient it is clear he has altered mental status, dry skin and cracked lips. From clinical measurement of heart rate, blood pressure, temperature and oxygen saturation levels, there is further evidence of physical abnormalities that may contribute to changes in cognitive function to such an acute degree. Obtaining clinical history often involves information being sought from third parties to support clinical findings particularly if the patient is impaired cognitively. Halims daughters were able to give an account of a gentleman who had experienced marital problems and divorce due to alcohol misuse and evidence remains that he continues to consume alcohol regularly. In addition to this there is a history reported of Halim neglecting his diet to the extent his daughters provide food for him when they visit, he also engages in health limiting behaviours by smoking and consuming high levels of caffeine on a daily basis. The history obtained from Halims daughters identifies a gentleman who is successfully self- employed, he has hobbies and interests although his social network has reduced and although he engages in health limiting behaviours such as smoking, drinking alcohol and neglecting his dietary needs; he has remained independent within his own home. The evidence suggests there has been an acute change and with this information and the clinical evidence indicating Halim is experiencing tachycardia, high temperature, hypotension and dehydration the clinical evidence provides a strong indication that he is experiencing symptoms of delirium. Further investigations are required to gain a greater understanding of what physical changes have occurred so that underlying causes are treated, however the practitioner should take some time to explain to the family members what tests are being completed and what the medical team are treating Halim for. The family must be very distressed by the changes to their father and by communicating the outcomes of the assessment and responding to any questions they may have will be beneficial as it is reported that the experience of delirium is frightening for both the patient and their carers and the value of reassurance cannot be underestimated (Mohta et al., 2003; Jacobson Schreibman, 1997). Managing Halim in terms of obtaining his consent to agree to treatment and investigations may be difficult because of the level of cognitive change and because his understanding and judgement may be impaired because of the delirium; therefore it is important that the practitioner and family are familiar with legal frameworks and hospital policies that are in place to ensure the rights of all parties are being protected. An example of this would be practitioners being familiar with the hospitals delirium policy, being well versed in patients rights and by having knowledge about legislation such as the Mental Capacity Act (The Stationary Office, 2005). As stated previously the experience of delirium may be frightening for Halim and therefore the practitioner should endeavour to implement nursing and care strategies that reduce distress, improve orientation, address physical health status and ultimately minimise the duration and impact of the delirium. Examples of the interventions that can be implemented include; working with the multi disciplinary team to treat the underlying cause of the delirium. This may include providing pain control, regulation of bowel and bladder function, ensuring adequate diet and fluid intake is promoted and recorded. Another intervention that is reported to be effective in supporting patients with delirium is for care staff to provide a safe and therapeutic environment. This would mean that Halim is offered reassurance and support, all activities are carefully explained; and for Halim this may mean that a Farsi speaking interpreter is found to facilitate communication between him and the medical team as he reverts to the language of his birth when speaking with the clinicians. In expanding the opportunity to communicate with Halim, this may increase his comprehension of what the medical team are trying to achieve and reassure him that the procedures being carried out; like attempting to obtain a urine screen. Due to the life threatening nature of Delirium it is essential for all physical screens and assessments to be carried out to ensure early identification of the reason for the onset of the condition, if the therapeutic interventions are unable to be implemented due to Halim remaining agitated and acutely confused then as a last resort medication may be considered in an attempt to reduce his level of arousal enough to ensure clinical procedures and care can be delivered. Psychotropic medication can be prescribed in delirium in an attempt to reduce the levels of distress and agitation and for Halim it may be beneficial to ease his levels of arousal enough so that medical interventions can take place; it is important to note however that psychotropic medications have side effects that include; extra pyramidal side effects, mobility impairment, sedation and cardiac interaction therefore they must be used with extreme caution and Halim should be monitored closely. Conclusion Halim has presented to the emergency department with a delirium and the impact of this on his health and welfare should not be underestimated by practitioners. With mortality rates in delirium being worthy to note it is essential that care pathways are developed to ensure the physical health and mental wellbeing of patients like Halim are met concurrently. Clinical, environmental and behavioural interventions are acknowledged to reduce the impact, intensity and duration of the condition; therefore practitioners should work intensively to ensure a delirium presentation is treated efficiently and effectively to ensure mortality rates are reduced and recovery is facilitated as quickly as possible.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Diffusion Essay -- essays research papers
Lab Report #1: Diffusion Introduction: The human body undergoes a variety of processes throughout each and every day in order to sustain life. Tasks such as walking, breathing, and digesting what has been eaten are sometimes considered mundane, even taken for granted. One such process that is necessary to maintain life is diffusion. Diffusion is a key factor in moving ions, fuels, and other molecules into and out of the blood. It is one of the most important components in supplying oxygen to the alveoli and removing carbon dioxide. Without diffusion, substances would find it very difficult to pass through membranes and could cause detrimental effects to the human body. The paradox scientists have drawn is related to glucose molecules and the directions in which the molecules â€Å"know†to move. No single molecule should diffuse in any particular fashion, but should diffuse randomly. This report looks at four simulations attempting to solve the problem presented, how do the molecules know which way to diffuse? In order to understand the obtained research, it is necessary to present and identify the key components of Fick’s Law of Diffusion: F = -D * A*dC/dx F = the flow of material across a real or imaginary plane D = the diffusivity of the diffusing molecules (the ease in which the molecule diffuses in the surrounding medium)                          A= area of the plane                          C= concentration of the molecules                          X= distance                          dC/dx = the concentration gradient There will be four simulations conducted in order to apply Fick’s Law and determine if molecules do in fact know which way to diffuse. The first simulation will look at a single molecule in an open area, the second looks at the movement of several molecules, the third looks at molecules diffusing in a ... ...te the change in concentration with respect to the change in distance.      In Simulation 4 we have two chambers connected with a pipe. Like simulation 2, the concentration of molecules across the whole system at equilibrium is equally distributed. If the dimensions of the pipe were small and narrow, only a small percentage of the molecules will be contained in the pipe at equilibrium. The flow of molecules to the right chamber would decrease. The calculation of the rate of approach to equilibrium in simulation 2 cannot be applied here because we have a pipe of a different volume that alters the flow. As the figure above depicts, the rate of approach to equilibrium increase as the diameter of the pipe increases. However the rate of approach will not increase infinitely but will plateau as some point because the diameter of the pipe can only be so large to connect the boxes. Accordingly, increasing the length of the pipe will slower the rate of approach to equilibrium because the molecules will have to travel a greater distance. References â€Å"Diffusion- Simulation of randomly moving particles†WebCT. Drexel University. April 2005
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Science Processes
Module 1 Science Processes Scientific ProcessDefinitionScience Activity ObservingThe process of gathering information using all appropriate senses instruments that extend the senses. Collecting data on classmates, students walk around the classroom and make observations about eye and hair color of their classmates. ClassifyingGrouping objects or organisms according to one or more common properties. Classifying plants by features of plant life. CommunicatingRecord observations in multiple ways and present them to others.Students can record the data found in their observation activity and communicate the eye and hair colors they observed in the classroom. MeasuringMeasure variables using a variety of instruments and standard and nonstandard units. Give students various measuring tools and ask them to measure various things in the classroom. PredictingMake a projection of what the outcome of an investigation will be using data and patterns. Prediction worksheet: look at the pictures on the left side, draw a picture and write about what you predict will happen next.InferringDescribing a potential conclusion based on observation and prior knowledge. Science Mystery Bags: Students are asked to use sense of smell, hearing, and touch to infer what is in each mystery bag. Identifying & Controlling VariablesRecognizing a system’s variables and manipulating the variables to control the system’s outcome. Bread Mold Activity: Students will identify and control the variables that cause bread mold. Formulating & Testing Hypotheses Make a statement to guide and investigation.Test that statement for its truth. Formulate hypotheses for what conditions cause the bread to mold, and then test the hypotheses to see if they are correct. Interpreting DataRecognize patterns and associations within a system of data. Using scientific graphs to share data, as well as understand data represented in graph form. Defining OperationallyCreating a definition by describing an inter action or observation. How can you tell if plants are healthy? Students will define plant health in effective terms. ExperimentingScientific procedure used to test a hypothesis, make a discovery, or determine something. Students can take part in an experiment to see if they can balance eggs using salt. Constructing ModelsBuilding models to represent a mental, verbal, or physical idea or object. Students could participate in a physical science project where they are asked to make a water reservoir. In the chart above defining the twelve scientific processes, I included definitions of each as well as a science activity that students could participate in to support each process.These processes support inquiry learning, because they provide students with the opportunity to use problem solving skills, critical thinking skills, and logical thinking skills all at once. Students are encouraged to apply their prior knowledge to their new problem, experiment, or questions, which incorporates what they are currently learning with earlier experiences. Inquiry learning in science gives students control of their investigation and enhances their interest in the subject. Inquiry learning involves all learning strategies, including but not limited to verbal, written, and hands-on activities.When students are actively engaged in the learning process they are more likely to stay attentive, which allows them to not only gain information, but also helps in retaining that knowledge and understanding. The teacher’s attitude toward science has a major impact on students and how they view science. In order for teachers to get students interested and involved, they must have a positive and inspiring outlook on the subject. When students see and feel that their teacher is excited about a subject and that he or she wants to share their experience, students are more likely to fully engage in learning.Teachers should share their knowledge by motivating students to want to learn scie nce, and getting them excited about learning by introducing science through observation activities and experiments. Students need to see that their teacher is enthusiastic about science, and that science is a learning process that can be fun and enjoyable for the entire class! Lesson Plan: Objectives Students will †¢work in groups to build catapults out of everyday objects (Constructing Models); and †¢Demonstrate their understanding of motion and forces by using the catapults to launch objects. Communicating) Materials †¢Motion, Forces, Energy, and Electric Current video and VCR or DVD and DVD player †¢Pictures of catapults †¢Computer with Internet access (optional) †¢Cardboard shoe box (1 for each catapult) †¢Rubber bands (4 for each catapult) †¢Popsicle sticks (2 for each catapult) †¢Masking tape (one 6-inch piece for each catapult) †¢Plastic spoon (1 for each catapult) †¢Rulers (1 per student group) †¢Scissors (1 per stu dent group) †¢Marshmallows (2 per group) †¢Masking tape (for launching competition) †¢Object of your choice to serve as a target Procedures . Begin the lesson by discussing motion and energy. Ask students: How do objects move? How do we calculate motion? What is acceleration? What is speed? What are some of the forces that act upon objects in motion? (Observing, Predicting, and Defining Operationally). A good way to introduce this information is to view portions of the Motion, Forces, Energy, and Electric Current video. 2. Tell students they are going to work in groups to create catapults out of everyday objects. Explain that catapults were often used as weapons of war during the Middle Ages.Show students some pictures of catapults and discuss how they work, making sure that students understand catapult designs and uses. (Classifying). A good animated illustration of a catapult can be found at http://en. bestpicturesof. com/pictures%20of%20how%20to%20make%20a%20catapu lt 3. Tell students that after building their catapults, they will compete to see whose catapult can fling a marshmallow the farthest and whose catapult can fling an object closest to a target. (Experiment). 4. Divide students into groups of five, and give each group the supplies they will need to make heir catapults (see materials list) as well as any other objects you wish to provide. Tell the groups that they can design their catapults however they please, but they can use only the materials you have provided-nothing extra. Give students time to design and build their catapults, and ask them to name their team. (Constructing Models, Identifying and Controlling Variables). 5. Once students have completed their catapults, clear an area in the classroom that can be used for the launching competition. Using masking tape, mark a starting line.Place the target object about 10 feet in front of the line. 6. One at a time, have the student teams place their catapults on the line and fling a marshmallow at the target-their goal is to hit the target. Mark where each team's marshmallow landed with a piece of masking tape that has been labeled with the team's name. 7. As a class, determine which team was the most successful in accurately hitting (or coming the closest to hitting) the target with its marshmallow. Talk about the design of the winning catapults. Why did this design work the best? Formulating and Testing hypotheses, Interpreting Data, Measuring, Communicating). 8. Have students again place their catapults on the starting line and fire a second marshmallow  their goal, this time, is to achieve the greatest distance. Again, mark where each marshmallow lands with a piece of labeled masking tape. Once all the catapults have been fired have students measure the distance from the starting line to where their marshmallow landed. (Measuring). 9. As a class, determine which catapult was able to launch a marshmallow the greatest distance.Ask students: Why did this catapult work best? What element(s) of its design do you think helped propel the marshmallow farther than the others? (Interpreting Data, Defining Operationally). 10. Have each student write a paragraph that answers the following questions. †¢What was your group attempting to achieve with its catapult design? †¢How did the catapult set the marshmallow in motion? †¢Which challenge did your catapult meet best, accuracy or distance? †¢What could you have done to make the catapult better? †¢What helped the catapult work as well as it did? What did this activity teach you about motion and forces? 11. Ask for volunteers to share their answers with the class. Discuss students' answers and the forces that work on objects in motion. Evaluation Use the following three-point rubric to evaluate students' work during this lesson. †¢Three points: Students actively participated in class discussions; worked cooperatively in their teams; successfully created a tea m catapult; actively participated in the catapult launch; wrote a thoughtful paragraph that answered all six questions. Two points: Students somewhat participated in class discussions; worked somewhat cooperatively in their teams; needed help to complete their catapult; did not actively participate in the catapult launch; wrote an incomplete paragraph that answered only three or four of the six questions. †¢One point: Students somewhat participated in class discussions; were unable to use catapult materials without teacher guidance; created unfinished catapults; did not actively participate in the catapult launch; wrote an incomplete paragraph that answered only one or two of the questions.Credits Tamar Burris, former elementary teacher and freelance education writer References Bass, Joel E. , Contant, Terry L. , & Carin, Arthur A. (2009). Teaching Science as Inquiry, 11th Edition. Pearson Education, Inc. Boston, MA. Burris, Tamar. (2012). Discovery Education. Lesson Plan Libra ry: Motion, Forces, Energy, & Electricity. Retrieved on September 28, 2012, from http://www. discoveryeducation. com/ teachers/free-lesson-plans/motion-forces-energy-and-electricity. cfm.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Cola Wars Study
Cola Wars: PepsiCo Dr. Michelle Biavatti 13 de octubre de 2009 Omar Sandoval Pina 119084 Mikel Novella Salazar 116656 Marisol Perez Chow 118631 Jorge Villanueva Almanza 121027 Gerardo Rafael Nomara Parra 119176 Indice Resumen Ejecutivo†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 3 *Identificacion de la industria†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦*†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 4 Analisis Externo General†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 4 Modelo de las Cinco Fuerzas de Porter†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 6 Ciclo de v ida de la industria y rentabilidad†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 8 Amenazas y Oportunidades†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 9 Recursos y capacidades †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 12 Analisis VRIO†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 12 Analisis FODA†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 14 Modelo Hambrick & Fredrickson †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 17 Conclusiones y propuesta de estrategia†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 18 Pros y contras de la estrategia propuesta†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 18 Resumen Ejecutivo. Dentro de este trabajo, analizaremos la situacion actual de la industria de las bebidas carbonatadas. Esta industria se ha visto amenazada principalemente por un aumento en la demanda de bebidas no carbonatadas, aunque tambien la rivalidad dentro de la industria es una amenaza importante que tomaremos en consideracion para la aplicacion de nuestra estrategia. Comenzaremos tomando en cuenta la industria en el que se lleva a cabo la competencia entre firmas establecidas, los recursos de Pepsi para afrontar las amenazas y aprovechar las oportunidades que se presentan en dicha industria. Con esta informacion analizaremos las fuerzas, las oportunidades, amenazas y debilidades a las que se enfrenta Pepsi y propondremos una estrategia para neutralizar y convertir en fortalezas las debilidades y las amenazas. Las estrategias aqui propuestas estan basadas en el modelo propuesto por Hambrick y Fredrickson, orientadas a las arenas en las que se desempena la empresa, los pasos a seguir para la aplicacion de estas, los diferenciadores que ayudaran a la empresa a alcanzar la ventaja competitiva, y los vehiculos para alcanzarla. Tambien tomaremos en consideracion la logica economica detras de las estrategias planteadas para lograr obtener altos dividendos. Despues de realizar un estudio del entorno de la industria, detectamos los canales de distribucion como una fortaleza que Pepsi posee y que puede aprovechar para neutralizar la amenaza de productos sustitutos por medio del posicionamiento de las bebidas no carbonatadas de la marca. Al utilizar esta estrategia, Pepsi conservara su participacion en el mercado, conservando a Pepsi-Cola como producto estandarte de la marca. Aplicar esta estrategia le costara a Pepsi poco dinero y una cantidad considerable de tiempo y esfurezo. Tambien Pepsi puede diversificar su publicidad de acuerdo a las areas geograficas a las que se quiere enfocar y el tipo de bebidas (carbonatadas o no carbonatadas) que se prefieren en dichas areas. Industria- Pepsi se encuentra en la industria de las bebidas carbonatadas y a lo largo del tiempo ha ido penetrando el mercado de las no carbonatadas y frituras. Evaluating Firms External Environment 1. – Specific international events. Pepsi logro entrar al mercado europeo despues de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, ya que la Union Sovietica y los arabes excluyeron a Coca Cola 2. – Demographic trends: En 1963, Pepsi lanzo la compana Pepsi Generation, que se enfoca a la gente joven y joven de espiritu, utilizando imagenes como autos deportivos, motocicletas, helicopteros, un slogan penetrante asi imagenes de celebridades como Britney Spears. El aumento de la poblacion en paises como China conlleva un aumento en el rendimiento de Pepsi. 3. – Legal and Political Conditions: En las operaciones internacionales, Pepsi sufrio diversos obstaculos debido a la inestabilidad y regulaciones politicas, controles de precios, restricciones publicitarias, control de importacion de productos. Para enfrentar estas adversidades, en India, por ejemplo, Pepsi concedio derechos de exclusividad en la distribucion de sus productos al hombre mas rico en dicho pais. En 1941 la corte declino a favor de Pepsi despues de la demanda que Coca Cola impuso en relacion a una infraccionsobre la marca registrada de Coca. En 1971 la Comision Federal de Comercio inicio acciones en contra de 8 corporaciones acusandolos de tener territorios exclusivos otorgados a empresas embotelladoras, lo cual obstaculizo la competencia entre firmas. 4. – Technological Change: Los cambios en la tecnologia dieron a Pepsi la posibilidad de producir por medio de la osmosis inversa, en lugar de extraccion de agua de manantial. La inversion por parte de Coca y Pepsi en fuentes de sodas para una mayor distribucion conllevo una publicidad pagada, mayor presencia de marca y mayores rendimientos. El cambio de Coca, imitado por Pepsi tres anos despues, de utilizar jarabe como insumo en lugar de azucar, conllevo una reduccion de los costos para la produccion de bebidas de Cola. 5. – Cultural Trends: Americanos tomaban mas soda que cualquier otra bebida. Consumidores empezaron a cambiar sus gustos, de sodas normales a sodas dieteticas, tes y otras a base de no carbonatos, lo que produjo que Pepsi expandiera su gama de productos. 6. – Economic Climate: La Gran Depresion del 29 llevo a Pepsi a la bancarrota. Con esto, Pepsi redujo el precio de la presentacion de 12 onzas a 5 centavos, siendo este el mismo precio que Coca cobraba por su presentacion de 6. 5 onzas. Esto permitio a Pepsi su recuperacion. Analisis de las cinco fuerzas de Porter Rivalidad en la industra, firmas establecidas {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} El nivel de rivalidad entre las firmas establecidas es alto. Poder de negociacion de los compradores. text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} El poder de negociacion de compradores es bajo Poder de negociacion de los proveedores. {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} El poder de negociacion de los proveedores es bajo. Amenaza de Futuros Competidores. {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} La amenaza de futuros competidores en baja. Amenaza de sustitutos. text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} La amenaza de sustitutos es alta Complementos El caso no provee informacion acerca de productos complementarios. Ciclo de vidad de la industria y rentabilidad La industria se encuentra en una etapa de madurez y es poco rentable para los futuros competidores. Para las marcas ya establecidas es rentable porque las barreras de entrada son altas, la amenaza de sustitutos es alta, el poder de negociacion de los proveedores es bajo y el poder de negociacion de los clientes tambien es bajo, a pesar de que la amenaza de sustitutos es alta. Amenazas, oportunidades, fortalezas y amenazas Oportunidades O1. En su momento, la disminucion de la demanda de Coca Cola al cambiar la formula. (no fue aprovechada en su momento) O2. El escandalo de Coca Cola debido a que muchas personas se enfermaron por las bebidas y por discrimacion racial. (no aprovecharon este escandalo) O3. Existian mercados emergentes O4 Warehouse delivery system de marcas libres representaba mas costos para clientes O5 Venta a restaurantes por medio de fuente de sodas era extremadamente rentable O6 Explotar el mercado familiar O7 Explotar el mercado juvenil O9 Producir sus propias latas reduciria sus costos Amenazas A1. Coca Cola fue pionero en los enfriadores, dispensadores de maquinas de refrescos y maquinitas de refrescos. A2. La creciente popularidad de productos sustitutos como te, cafe, leche, jugos, y otras bebidas no carbonatadas (cambio de preferencias) A3. El exito e introduccion de Diet Coke A4. Coca Cola regresa a su formula original con el nombre de Coke Classic (no hizo nada al respecto) A5. Coca Cola dominaba sobre Europa occidental, America Latina A6. Coca Cola era el mas grande productor de bebidas carbonatadas a nivel internacional. A7. El crecimiento en Estados Unidos de las ventas de Cola parecen haberse estancado. A8 Demanda de productos que no eran cola A9 master bottler contract de coca cola le permite establecer precios y condiciones de venta A10 Amenaza por parte de la comision federal de comercio por practicas anti competitivas en 1971 A11 Gran Depresion A12 Obstaculos en las operaciones internacionales A13 Coca utilizo jarabe en lugar de azucar A14 Coca invirtio 100 mdd mas en publicidad A15 Coca introdujo 11 nuevos productos 1980 A16 La publicidad de coca cola orientada a un estilo de vida en los consumidores A17 Coca Cola establece el franchising system A18 Canales de distribucion ineficientes Fortalezas F1. â€Å"Direct Store Door†delivery F2. el master bottling agreement le concedio a pepsi el poder de determiner los precios terminos y condiciones de la compra de materia prima. F3. El congreso concedio derechos de exclusividad territorial por medio del â€Å"Soft Drink Interbrand Competition Act†en 1980 F4. Pepsi adquiere Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, y Kentucky Fried Chicken y despues de venderlos conserva los derechos de distribucion y ademas conserva frito lay. F5. Baja de Precios debido a la gran depresion F6. Diversidad en sabores de pepsi a partir de los 60 F7. Introduccion de la Botella Tamano familiar de 26 onzas F8. pepsi generation F9. Pepsi invierte en Campanas publicitarias ( como pepsi challenge, pepsi generation y celebridades ) F10. Tres anos despues, pepsi utiliza tambien jarabe. F11. Pepsi introdujo 13 nuevos productos F12Produccion de bebidas no carbonatadas F13 Pepsi Bottling System F14 Utilizo estrategias de mercado para aprovechar los mercados emergentes F15 Pepsi esta en la industria de las sodas desde 1893. F16 Pepsi imito la tecnologia de enfriadores y dispensadores de sodas F17 Sistemas novedosos para distribucion en nuevos mercados ( India ) Debilidades D1. Mientras coca cola tenia el 65% de las ganancias en las ventas de fuentes de sodas, pepsi unicamente tenia el 21%. D2. Al integrarse hacia atras aumentan los costos de produccion D3 Introdujo la pepsi de dieta en 1964 pero no alcanzo el nivel de popularidad D4 Ineficiencia en la explotacion de clientes insatisfechos de Coca Cola Recuros de la empresa y modelo VRIO Analisis FODA Modelo de Hambrick & Fredrickson {text:list-item} {text:list-item} Vehicles {text:list-item} {text:list-item} Differentiators {text:list-item} {text:list-item} Staging {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} Economic Logic 10. {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} Conclusiones y estrategia planteada Pros de la estrategia planteada {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} Contras de la estrategia planteada {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item}
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
buy custom 30 Minutes of Solitude essay
buy custom 30 Minutes of Solitude essay It was a cold December morning in Karachi, the largest city of Pakistan. Though, winters barely touch and go in this city, this year, it seems they extending their stay. Outside, the air was crisp and chilly, laden with the scent of burning fire wood that the Samads, the next door neighbors had used to cook haleem, a type of porridge that is a concoction of wheat, lentils and meat, cooked in a huge pot and ground in to a semi-thick paste using large mashers. The sound of the morning azan the call to prayer started just as my Mickey-mouse alarm clock starting ringing. Haris, a tiny pixie faced, 5 year old boy rolled over in bed, covering himself with his pillow. A knock on his door finally woke him up. Haris beta! (son), wake up sweety. Its 6 a.m., time to get ready for school!, said his mother. Ammi (mother)just 5 more minutes plz!, replied Haris. He climbed out of bed, unsteady and sleepy and looked into the mirror. Just one more day to go Haris. And after today, its a long 2 week vacation. Just one more day, he spoke to himself. After going to the bathroom, taking a bath, and getting ready for school he got out of his room and walked towards the breakfast table. His grandmother catches him on the way as she gets up from her praying carpet. She whispered a prayer and blew lightly on Haris face. Dadi! (Grandma) You know I dont like that!, said Haris. She replies, Beta, its a prayer for your protection. Youll see, by the grace of Allah, angles will be with you throughout the day. Ok Dadi whatever makes you happy, he said, as he wriggled himself out of the hands of his grandmother and ran towards the table. Ammi? Its the last day of school before the Eid holidays. Can I pleaseee skip school today? You know nothings going to happen at school., said Haris. No way. Last day or not, you are going to school., she replied. But Ammi, Eid is just around the corner! I want to go shopping!, Haris insisted. There is not use quarreling with me young man. You better finish your breakfast before the school bus gets here. Or else your Abba (father) is going to be furious. Finally, after trying hard to convince his mother, Haris gave up. Alright Amma, whatever you sayBut as soon as I get back, can we please go then? I want a blue kurta with golden embroidery, My classmate Hamza says he got a red one. His mother smiled at her childs innocent insistence. Sure honey, but only if you go to school. Just then, the school bus honked outside. Hi Haris! Ready for the last day?, said Hamza excitedly as Haris climbed the school bus stairs.As ready as ever my friend. Ammi is going to take me shopping right after school., Haris replied. And Im going to give you a surprise at the Eid namaz, he added. Ha! Getting me a box of chocolates eh?!, said Hamza. You wish, replied Haris with a wink. The school was a couple of blocks down the road. It was a huge building with a vast dusty playground. It was established during the times of the British raj and was more than a century old. As the kids got down from the bus, they could see a vast number of street vendors with their carts trying to sell their tasty goods to kids going into the school. A cotton candy vendor called out Come on kids. Tasty cotton candy! Eid special! Another vendor selling fried samosas, triangular crisps stuffed with potatoes. As Haris and Hamza crossed the vendors, a stooping, stumbling figure approached them. Hamza froz in place. As the figure drew closer, Hamza pulled at Haris arm. Haris, we need to go. NOW. Haris looked up to see what Hamza was pointing at. It was the beggar. Thats what everyone called him. No one knew what his real name was, only that he lived on the streets, searching dumpsters for food and begging for money to get by. Every once in a while, he used to come to Haris doorstep, Sometimes, his mother would give him roti (bread) and leftover curry, Sometimes, his Dadi would give him some money. Hamza on the other hand had a completely different opinion of the beggar. Come on Haris, we need to go now! He is going to catch us and cook us!, he said urgently. What!, Haris burst out laughing. He just wants some food. Wherever did you get such an idea? Grab us and cook us! Haha!. Oh God. Here he comes, Hamza waited for the impact. May I have some money to eat please? I havent eaten in days, said the beggar. Aaah!, yelped Hamza as he hightailed out of there and ran towards the school gate. Haris couldnt stop giggling. Sorry, I dont have money, but you can have my sandwich. I dont think Ill be eating today. Thank you little one, may Allah bless you., thanked the beggar. I wonder what happened to the other little one. Maybe he got scared like all the other kids. You on the other hand are special. I see great strength in you boy. Haris chuckled. Thank you. Ammi says Islam always teaches us to help the poor and needy. We should do a good deed whenever we can, Allah will then send blessings on us. Anyways, I need to go now. Schools going to start. With that, he ran towards the school gate. The day turned out to be just what Haris suspected, completely uneventful and boring. Teachers mostly gave out homework for vacations. Finally, the last period of the day arrived Science. But instead of the science teacher, the P.E. trainer walked in. Dont get your hopes high kids. We are not going out to play. The Science teacher hasnt shown up today. Im just covering for her. I want you kids to put your heads down on the table and take a nap for half an hour. Thats all I need you kids to do.. Oh wellI guess this is a better way than any to kill time. Cant wait to get home and go shopping for Eid. I wonder how much Eidi will I collect this year. Abba gave me a hundred rupees last year. Maybe he will increase it to one hundred and fifty this time! I really hope so., thought Haris. He was sitting on the last bench, which was completely empty. Guess Ill make full use of this bench then. With that, he stretched himself on the bench and went to sleep. Haris woke up with a start. He was having a strange dream, where he was standing in a window and the beggar was beckoning him to come down. As Haris sat upright in his seat, he froze in place. The entire class was empty! Oh my, was all he managed to say. Is this a dream as well?, he said to himself as he got up. As he did that, he nudged his knee on the bench and felt the sharp pain travel up his leg. Nope, not a dream. He ran towards the classroom door and started banging it. HEY! IS ANYONE OUT THERE! IM LOCKED IN HERE! CAN ANYONE HEAR ME! He shouted till his throat was hoarse. That is when the realization hit him. Im locked in here...for a week! This thought acted like an energy booster for him. He shouted and banged the door with all his strength. In the end, exhausted and scared, he collapsed on the floor sobbing and crying. His eyes fell on the window. Yes! I can open the window and cry out loud! Maybe somebody wwould hear me. He ran towards the window and flung it open, only to realize that the window opened up in an alley towards the back of the school. All he could see was dumpsters and trash. Not a soul in sight. Defeated and distraught, he sunk down into one of the benches and started crying. Would someone come looking for him? What if no one notices that he is missing? He thought of Eid. He wont be going for the Eid prayer with his father in the morning. He wont be having the delicious dessert of kheer. He would miss its milky creamy taste. He wont be going shopping with his mother or wearing the golden embroidered kurta. Thinking about the Eid delicacies, Haris started getting hungry. The sun was about to set. Haris rummaged through his bag. Just then he remembered, the only food he had, he gave it away to that beggar. Is this the reward for a good deed? He Next, he checked his desk and felt something that was sticky and gooey. He pulled it out to notice that it was a half eaten banana. Did I have this yesterday? Not knowing what else to do, he started eating the stale banana almost coughing it up due to its terrible taste. Just then, something clattered outside the window. Haris froze. Another clatter followed. Haris rushed to the window and peeked down. It was the beggar rummaging through the trash. HEY! HELP! PLEASE HELP!, cried out Haris. The beggar looked up and was startled to see that it was the same boy who had given him the sandwich that morning. What are you doing up there little one!, the beggar called out. Please help me! Im locked here in class! replied Haris. Hold on little one, dont be scared. I go get help! The beggar ran towards the front of the building where a guard was dozing off in his cabin. Hey! Help!, cried out the beggar. Startled, the guard ran out of his cabin. Whats the matter old man?! The beggar stopped to catch his breath. Helpthere is a kid in the schoolclass at the backsmall kid., he said, wheezing. Are you crazy old man? Are you seeing things? No! I saw him myself. Please, just go check once. I beg you. Please!, he pleaded. Arrite Arrite, Im going. You better be right, or else you are not coming here anymore. As the guard opened the main gate and climbed the stairs, he could hear a faint echo of someone banging on the door. Ya Allah! There is somebody there! With that, he ran towards the classroom door which Haris was desperately banging on. As he unlocked the door, Haris flew into his arms with tears flowing from his eyes. Heyhey kid. Its ok. You are going to be ok now., said the guard. He turned around to see that the beggar was standing just behind him. Are you ok little one? Haris was too distraught to reply. We need to take him home. the beggar said to the guard. I know where he lives. As they walked down the road towards his house, Haris got his bearings back. He turned towards the beggar and said Thank you. You saved my life sir. The beggar just looked at him and smiled. Finally, Haris was home, safe and sound. The next day, right after the Eid prayer, Haris was getting out of the Eid namaz, wearing his brand new kurta. As expected, the beggar was at the doorstep, begging for food. Haris had a package in his hand. He walked towards the beggar and gave him the package saying Thank you for the other day. My ammi said to give this to you as a gift. He handed the package to the beggar and walk away with his father. The beggar opened the package and almost had tears in his eyes. In front of him was a brand new kurta and a bowl filled with kheer. Buy custom 30 Minutes of Solitude essay
Monday, October 21, 2019
GATBYS dream essays
GATBY'S dream essays The American Dream, wanted by all, captured by some. Colossal amounts of money, love, fame, and power, only some of the many facets of what most people can only dream of, but only a spare few can actually grasp. In F. Scott Fitzgeralds book, The Great Gatsby, the majority of its characters all embody the American Dream in some way or another, and are continually searching for those previously mentioned attributes of a higher standard of living in a 1920's society. Jay Gatsbys life begins in the search for his personal American Dream and ends in tragedy because of his blindness in focusing so much of his attention to finding love with Daisy. In the beginning, Gatsby is described by nick that he stretched out his arms toward the dark water in a curious way and.... he was trembling... nothing except a single green light. One can relate Gatsbys reaching toward the solitary light far off into the distance, as him reaching toward the last part of his dream. As far as anyone knew, Gatsby had everything, money, friends, stature in society, and fame. But, there is one thing that Gatsby was longing for, which was someone for him to love, and someone to love him. His only problem with his wish was that it had already been granted to another man, although that didnt hinder his efforts to have Daisy for his own. A distant relative of Nick Carraway, Daisy Buchanan, seems to epitomize a major portion of the American Dream. Before our story had begun, Gatsby and Daisy had already met, and Daisy had refused to marry him because of his lack of finances. But later in our story, when Gatsby is showing her his shirts, anyone can clearly see that she has a little regret for marrying Tom instead of Gatsby, because of what she could have had with him later. Daisy could easily be called a Gold-digger, which is actually a part of her dream, to have someone take care of h ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Where To Find Free GMAT Practice Tests
Where To Find Free GMAT Practice Tests  Getting ready for the GMAT can be one of the most daunting tasks of your life if youre serious about getting into graduate school for your MBA. You want to score as high as you can. You want the very best test prep materials, whether that be GMAT books, apps, or classes. Above all else, you want to find GMAT practice tests so you can simulate your testing experience again and again to make sure youve got it right. Does that sound accurate? If so, here is a list of GMAT practice tests available for you to prep your little heart out. GMAC GMAC, the Graduate Management Admission Council, offers free GMAT practice tests for would-be testers through their downloadable software. With the software, you get 90 free practice questions - 30 Quantitative, 45 Verbal, and 15 Integrated Reasoning - along with two free full-length GMAT practice tests with answers. There are a ton of other bonuses like a GMAT Quantitative review along with tools you can use to create your own practice questions. If you need more than what is offered on the free version, you can extend your studies by coughing up the cash. Get The GMAC GMAT Practice Test Babson (F.W. Olin Graduate School of Business) Sure, theres a bit of a caveat. It wouldnt be American if there werent, right? Youll have to sign up via email and agree to accept emails from Babson college along with the Economist GMAT tutor, but you can always stop those if necessary. The good part is that you can sign up and take a micro (20 minute), mini (100 minute) or full (2.5 hours) GMAT practice test online and get a detailed analysis of your mistakes along with comprehensive tips to fix those errors. Now, thats just a win-win. Get The Babson GMAT Practice Test The Princeton Review Ready to use one of the biggest names in the test prep world to get your free GMAT practice test? Of course you are. The Princeton Review offers free testing; based on your zip code, it will either be self-paced online or in-person. Youll take the test with the same testing conditions as the actual GMAT, so youll be able to figure out the kind of mental strength and personal skills needed to master this bad boy. Bonus? You will receive a personalized score report that shows your strengths and weaknesses. Get The Princeton Review GMAT Practice Test Veritas Prep A computer-adaptive test, one thats just like the real test GMAT, is way better than the tests youll use in a GMAT book. Enter Veritas Prep. They offer a CAT GMAT so youre experience is just like what youll see on test day. Youll also get score performance analysis and the option of buying six more GMAT practice tests for just $15.00 once youve taken the free test. Now, if thats not a good deal, I just dont know what is anymore. Get The Veritas Prep GMAT Practice Test Kaplan Kaplan, the largest name in test prep, offers a free GMAT practice test in a couple of different ways. First, you can choose the self-proctored GMAT test and take the test any time at your convenience. Or, you can choose the live online version, where youll take the GMAT test with an instructor online and be able to get your questions answered via live chat. Either way is a win, considering both are free and both offer detailed score analysis, answers and live explanations from the Kaplan faculty. Get The Kaplan GMAT Practice Test Final Notes The best thing you can do for yourself is to take one of these GMAT practice tests cold. Dont prepare. Dont even crack a GMAT book. That way, youll know how to focus your studies when you do start preparing for the exam. Your strengths and weaknesses will be exposed so you can better manage your study time. Best of luck!
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Stanley Fischer's model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Stanley Fischer's model - Essay Example (Taylor) Implicit wage contracts is when workers are risk averse and employers are not, an implicit contract may be made with an understanding over "compromise" basic pay and hours. This may or may not generate nominal wage rigidity. Contracts like this may be non-implementable if there is asymmetric information. The Policy Ineffectiveness Proposition (PIP) is the idea in new classical economics that rational expectations implies that government policy can have no impact on real economic variables. (Wikipedia) Policy ineffectiveness proposition is a monetary policy which is an output stabilizer. It does not affect the real flow of output but rather, surprises and stabilizes the economy. It implies that in a place where the population has rational expectations, government policies which are made to influence the economy into a level of production will never be effective. Due to the flexibility of the price and wages, changes will be anticipated and adjusted on implemented policies thus it does not affect aggregated policies. Policy implications during this economic stage are; government should not do any activist policy because government should know the public's expectation and public will also try to anticipate government's expectation about the public. Just before the new Keynesian model was formulated, it was believed that the formulation of government policies does not have any direct effect on wages and prices in the market unless a surprise monetary policy was released and discloses the economic status in a short wile. It was also believed that wages and prices are completely flexible and would directly adjust to the expected price levels unless otherwise, unanticipated changes occurs which affects cumulative outputs. Arratibel and Thomas states in the consequences of staggered wage setting for the credibility of monetary policy that "In contrast with the New-Keynesian theory, new classical economists argue that credibility problems are central to the disinflationary process, so that disinflation would be costless if the government announced credible commitments. But, if multi-period contracts lead to more lasting effects of monetary policy surprises, they will enhance the credibility (time consistency) problem of monetary policy." (1) Fischer started to investigate monetary policies focusing the wage and price rigidity of which, it was believed that the formulation of government policies does not have any direct effect on wages and prices in the market unless a surprise monetary policy was released and discloses the economic status in a short wile. It was also believed that wages and prices are completely flexible and would directly adjust to the expected price levels unless otherwise, unanticipated changes occurs which affects cumulative outputs. Due to the flexibility of the price and wages, changes will be anticipated and adjusted on implemented policies thus it does not affect aggregated policies. Stanley Fischer's model of
Critical Analysis, Compare and Contrast Characters Essay
Critical Analysis, Compare and Contrast Characters - Essay Example The central character of the play, Clay has been presented as a twenty-year-old black man, or, a Negro. Here the playwright presents the Negro as the one compromising his own identity in order to maintain a peaceful relationship with his white oppressors. The playwright presents Clay as a typical bourgeois black male that Lula, his co-passenger, the representative of the whites, could easily recognize his life history. His way of dressing, style of speech and his demeanor help her recognizing his class, intellectual capacity and his very nature with full of pretensions. The story of the play occurs in the train journey where Clay is attracted to the sexy, young woman, Lula, who begins a taunting seduction of him and invites herself along to his friend’s party. But she suddenly violent racist words against him. Though Clay tries to control her with intellectual dexterity, he fails in his attempt and retaliates by slapping her twice and says that neuroses of black men can be cur ed with her murder. But she stabs him when he made his apology for his actions and bend to take his shoes. After murdering him, she instructs other passengers to help her to throw his body out of the train. The play ends when Lula approaches another black man in the same way she approached Clay by giving the audience the hint that the attitude of the whites to the blacks have a continuity. Walker Vessels is the central character of Amiri Baraka’s popular play The Slave. The play has been subtitled as "A Fable in a Prologue and Two Acts," in which an old field-slave, Walker Vessels provides a brief introduction to the play in the Prologue. When the play begins he appears on the stage as Black revolutionary Walker Vessels. Vessel meets with his former wife Grace, a White woman, to take his children with him. Vessels kills Grace's husband (Easley) as a Black revolutionary and appears as the old field-slave, as appeared in the prologue, when the play is concluded. The comparative study of the two characters brings out similarities as well as differences between the two characters, Walker Vessels in The Slave and Clay in Dutchman. The most important comparison between them is that both of them are Black Americans who had to undergo severe neglect and are subjected for mental torture. It is the ill treatment from the part of Lula that makes clay reacting and the same leads him to his tragic death. Regarding Vessels, he was also confronted with the neglecting attitude of his former wife, Easley, a white woman. But contrary to the behavior of Clay, Vessels decides to protest against the injustice and kills Easley’s husband and gets back his children, though it is not sure whether they survived war. Baraka presents the character of Vessels in a peculiar way; a person one who fluctuates from laughter to anger, from tenderness to cruelty, from Standard English to Black English; he even dances and makes up a song (Barrios). Comparing to Clay, Vessel is an el oquent person that he could use every means to express himself. A close observation of his way of expression reveals that his taking action is not only shown in his overt militancy but implicit in his spoken and body language of gesture and movement as well (Barrios). Comparing Vessel to a saxophone; which can produce different notes and sounds that convey multiple moods will be quite apt to describe his character. But Clay is not a man who tries to meddle
Critical Analysis, Compare and Contrast Characters Essay
Critical Analysis, Compare and Contrast Characters - Essay Example The central character of the play, Clay has been presented as a twenty-year-old black man, or, a Negro. Here the playwright presents the Negro as the one compromising his own identity in order to maintain a peaceful relationship with his white oppressors. The playwright presents Clay as a typical bourgeois black male that Lula, his co-passenger, the representative of the whites, could easily recognize his life history. His way of dressing, style of speech and his demeanor help her recognizing his class, intellectual capacity and his very nature with full of pretensions. The story of the play occurs in the train journey where Clay is attracted to the sexy, young woman, Lula, who begins a taunting seduction of him and invites herself along to his friend’s party. But she suddenly violent racist words against him. Though Clay tries to control her with intellectual dexterity, he fails in his attempt and retaliates by slapping her twice and says that neuroses of black men can be cur ed with her murder. But she stabs him when he made his apology for his actions and bend to take his shoes. After murdering him, she instructs other passengers to help her to throw his body out of the train. The play ends when Lula approaches another black man in the same way she approached Clay by giving the audience the hint that the attitude of the whites to the blacks have a continuity. Walker Vessels is the central character of Amiri Baraka’s popular play The Slave. The play has been subtitled as "A Fable in a Prologue and Two Acts," in which an old field-slave, Walker Vessels provides a brief introduction to the play in the Prologue. When the play begins he appears on the stage as Black revolutionary Walker Vessels. Vessel meets with his former wife Grace, a White woman, to take his children with him. Vessels kills Grace's husband (Easley) as a Black revolutionary and appears as the old field-slave, as appeared in the prologue, when the play is concluded. The comparative study of the two characters brings out similarities as well as differences between the two characters, Walker Vessels in The Slave and Clay in Dutchman. The most important comparison between them is that both of them are Black Americans who had to undergo severe neglect and are subjected for mental torture. It is the ill treatment from the part of Lula that makes clay reacting and the same leads him to his tragic death. Regarding Vessels, he was also confronted with the neglecting attitude of his former wife, Easley, a white woman. But contrary to the behavior of Clay, Vessels decides to protest against the injustice and kills Easley’s husband and gets back his children, though it is not sure whether they survived war. Baraka presents the character of Vessels in a peculiar way; a person one who fluctuates from laughter to anger, from tenderness to cruelty, from Standard English to Black English; he even dances and makes up a song (Barrios). Comparing to Clay, Vessel is an el oquent person that he could use every means to express himself. A close observation of his way of expression reveals that his taking action is not only shown in his overt militancy but implicit in his spoken and body language of gesture and movement as well (Barrios). Comparing Vessel to a saxophone; which can produce different notes and sounds that convey multiple moods will be quite apt to describe his character. But Clay is not a man who tries to meddle
Critical Analysis, Compare and Contrast Characters Essay
Critical Analysis, Compare and Contrast Characters - Essay Example The central character of the play, Clay has been presented as a twenty-year-old black man, or, a Negro. Here the playwright presents the Negro as the one compromising his own identity in order to maintain a peaceful relationship with his white oppressors. The playwright presents Clay as a typical bourgeois black male that Lula, his co-passenger, the representative of the whites, could easily recognize his life history. His way of dressing, style of speech and his demeanor help her recognizing his class, intellectual capacity and his very nature with full of pretensions. The story of the play occurs in the train journey where Clay is attracted to the sexy, young woman, Lula, who begins a taunting seduction of him and invites herself along to his friend’s party. But she suddenly violent racist words against him. Though Clay tries to control her with intellectual dexterity, he fails in his attempt and retaliates by slapping her twice and says that neuroses of black men can be cur ed with her murder. But she stabs him when he made his apology for his actions and bend to take his shoes. After murdering him, she instructs other passengers to help her to throw his body out of the train. The play ends when Lula approaches another black man in the same way she approached Clay by giving the audience the hint that the attitude of the whites to the blacks have a continuity. Walker Vessels is the central character of Amiri Baraka’s popular play The Slave. The play has been subtitled as "A Fable in a Prologue and Two Acts," in which an old field-slave, Walker Vessels provides a brief introduction to the play in the Prologue. When the play begins he appears on the stage as Black revolutionary Walker Vessels. Vessel meets with his former wife Grace, a White woman, to take his children with him. Vessels kills Grace's husband (Easley) as a Black revolutionary and appears as the old field-slave, as appeared in the prologue, when the play is concluded. The comparative study of the two characters brings out similarities as well as differences between the two characters, Walker Vessels in The Slave and Clay in Dutchman. The most important comparison between them is that both of them are Black Americans who had to undergo severe neglect and are subjected for mental torture. It is the ill treatment from the part of Lula that makes clay reacting and the same leads him to his tragic death. Regarding Vessels, he was also confronted with the neglecting attitude of his former wife, Easley, a white woman. But contrary to the behavior of Clay, Vessels decides to protest against the injustice and kills Easley’s husband and gets back his children, though it is not sure whether they survived war. Baraka presents the character of Vessels in a peculiar way; a person one who fluctuates from laughter to anger, from tenderness to cruelty, from Standard English to Black English; he even dances and makes up a song (Barrios). Comparing to Clay, Vessel is an el oquent person that he could use every means to express himself. A close observation of his way of expression reveals that his taking action is not only shown in his overt militancy but implicit in his spoken and body language of gesture and movement as well (Barrios). Comparing Vessel to a saxophone; which can produce different notes and sounds that convey multiple moods will be quite apt to describe his character. But Clay is not a man who tries to meddle
Critical Analysis, Compare and Contrast Characters Essay
Critical Analysis, Compare and Contrast Characters - Essay Example The central character of the play, Clay has been presented as a twenty-year-old black man, or, a Negro. Here the playwright presents the Negro as the one compromising his own identity in order to maintain a peaceful relationship with his white oppressors. The playwright presents Clay as a typical bourgeois black male that Lula, his co-passenger, the representative of the whites, could easily recognize his life history. His way of dressing, style of speech and his demeanor help her recognizing his class, intellectual capacity and his very nature with full of pretensions. The story of the play occurs in the train journey where Clay is attracted to the sexy, young woman, Lula, who begins a taunting seduction of him and invites herself along to his friend’s party. But she suddenly violent racist words against him. Though Clay tries to control her with intellectual dexterity, he fails in his attempt and retaliates by slapping her twice and says that neuroses of black men can be cur ed with her murder. But she stabs him when he made his apology for his actions and bend to take his shoes. After murdering him, she instructs other passengers to help her to throw his body out of the train. The play ends when Lula approaches another black man in the same way she approached Clay by giving the audience the hint that the attitude of the whites to the blacks have a continuity. Walker Vessels is the central character of Amiri Baraka’s popular play The Slave. The play has been subtitled as "A Fable in a Prologue and Two Acts," in which an old field-slave, Walker Vessels provides a brief introduction to the play in the Prologue. When the play begins he appears on the stage as Black revolutionary Walker Vessels. Vessel meets with his former wife Grace, a White woman, to take his children with him. Vessels kills Grace's husband (Easley) as a Black revolutionary and appears as the old field-slave, as appeared in the prologue, when the play is concluded. The comparative study of the two characters brings out similarities as well as differences between the two characters, Walker Vessels in The Slave and Clay in Dutchman. The most important comparison between them is that both of them are Black Americans who had to undergo severe neglect and are subjected for mental torture. It is the ill treatment from the part of Lula that makes clay reacting and the same leads him to his tragic death. Regarding Vessels, he was also confronted with the neglecting attitude of his former wife, Easley, a white woman. But contrary to the behavior of Clay, Vessels decides to protest against the injustice and kills Easley’s husband and gets back his children, though it is not sure whether they survived war. Baraka presents the character of Vessels in a peculiar way; a person one who fluctuates from laughter to anger, from tenderness to cruelty, from Standard English to Black English; he even dances and makes up a song (Barrios). Comparing to Clay, Vessel is an el oquent person that he could use every means to express himself. A close observation of his way of expression reveals that his taking action is not only shown in his overt militancy but implicit in his spoken and body language of gesture and movement as well (Barrios). Comparing Vessel to a saxophone; which can produce different notes and sounds that convey multiple moods will be quite apt to describe his character. But Clay is not a man who tries to meddle
Friday, October 18, 2019
Health Care Disparities in the United States Research Paper
Health Care Disparities in the United States - Research Paper Example Yes, it is possible to eliminate health disparities in the United States. Eliminating the disparities that exist in healthcare is politically sensitive and rather challenging because they are somehow intertwined with a controversial record of race relationships in the US. Â Some of the approaches that can be applied in eliminating health care disparities include increasing the competence and number of healthcare practitioners in areas which are underserved, expanding health insurance coverage, increasing the awareness base on root and arbitration to decrease the occurrence of health care disparities and raising community and health care practitioners understanding of racial or ethnic health care disparities. These strategies combined with others by the government are bound to be successful in eliminating health care disparities in the US. Â The similar theme is that exists in the assigned articles is that eliminating health care disparities is key to improving the general quality of health care provided in the US. Most Americans do not often receive the quality health care that they deserve or on other occasions, the health care they get causes them harm (Williams, 2007). It is such incidences that have resulted in health care disparities in America.
You will confront yourself and describe who you are by creating a Essay
You will confront yourself and describe who you are by creating a personal simile, in this case it needs to water - Essay Example Just as fresh water is limited in the surface of earth, I also have my own limitations because no one is perfect and the first way to change this is by acceptance. I am therefore like water as I am needed by everyone and adored by all. Water is used for cooking, drinking, irrigating land, growing crops, making other substances and drinks, cleaning, showering and washing among other uses. I can provide an endless list of the unending uses of water. It is as a result of these unending reasons that water is said to be life and people even dying for lack of it in some part of the world. These multiple uses ensure that people cannot leave without it and would do anything possible to have it. Just like the water has unlimited uses and importance for everyone, I also have unlimited importance wherever I am and hence turn out to be a great asset wherever I am. It is for this reason that I always want to volunteer my services and usefulness to all in every way I can without discrimination or prejudice. With this non-discriminatory attitude, I can work in any environment and with everybody without complaining but with patience, hard work, diligence and tolerance and in the ends success is always by my side. Water is amazing as it can transform its physical nature to other forms depending on the subjection to different elements. In its natural form, water is liquid. However, when subjected to extremely low temperatures, it condenses and then becomes ice which is hard and very solid. Extreme subjection to high temperatures turn it from liquid to vapor and escapes in the air unless trapped which then makes it to condense and turn back to liquid but which is more pure. I also change my attitude and energies depending on the environment I am in or that I am subjected to just like water. If my environment requires me to put in additional working hours or more classes in order to succeed, then I immediately change my
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Internet Fashion Marketing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Internet Fashion Marketing - Research Paper Example The paper "Internet Fashion Marketing" discovers different aspects of internet fashion marketing. Since few years, there have been huge advancements in the field of information and technology that has resulted in an abrupt alteration in functioning of the corporate world. Technological innovation inclined organizations to alter their processes, in order to provide quicker and convenient ways of shopping to the consumers globally. This change created a completely new field of internet shopping that has now become a major part of business world, and is continuing to take over major parts of the corporate arena globally. While almost all businesses began to create their presence on the internet, fashion industry remained one of the very few that wanted to remain belonged to the runways and physical selling rooms for a long time. However, as the luxury products began to rule over the internet markets, fashion marketing was one term that became focus of many business experts. In the resul t, nowadays, internet fashion marketing has become a common notion where business companies are putting efforts to market their fashion products and accessories on e-runways and e-catalogues. Although one comes across different perceptions about the success of fashion marketing on the internet, however, it is obvious that internet holds a lot of potential for the fashion industry. In this regard, there is an urgent need of research regarding different aspects of internet fashion market and the role of internet shopping.
Career planing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Career planing - Assignment Example cognizes the trends in the modern changing world in terms information and technology by constantly researching and acquainting myself with current concepts in mathematics, assessing, evaluating, and applying new strategies and techniques in an appropriate and continuous manner. I want to be involved in action research that will help test the effectiveness of class-specific strategies in order to be used to improve the performance of my students and others by availing them for adoption by other teachers. As a teacher, I will put my skills to task in finding and developing better learning resources and also share them with other educationists in the community. For the fact that my goals revolve around facilitating learning in young people, I will practice a learning lifestyle, share my personal learning with other educationists, and model lifelong learning. In this form of lifestyle, I will be able to gain self-actualization and fulfillment through continuous achievement of performance targets. It will also give me great pleasure to realize that the future is guaranteed of good leadership as a consequence of my
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Internet Fashion Marketing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Internet Fashion Marketing - Research Paper Example The paper "Internet Fashion Marketing" discovers different aspects of internet fashion marketing. Since few years, there have been huge advancements in the field of information and technology that has resulted in an abrupt alteration in functioning of the corporate world. Technological innovation inclined organizations to alter their processes, in order to provide quicker and convenient ways of shopping to the consumers globally. This change created a completely new field of internet shopping that has now become a major part of business world, and is continuing to take over major parts of the corporate arena globally. While almost all businesses began to create their presence on the internet, fashion industry remained one of the very few that wanted to remain belonged to the runways and physical selling rooms for a long time. However, as the luxury products began to rule over the internet markets, fashion marketing was one term that became focus of many business experts. In the resul t, nowadays, internet fashion marketing has become a common notion where business companies are putting efforts to market their fashion products and accessories on e-runways and e-catalogues. Although one comes across different perceptions about the success of fashion marketing on the internet, however, it is obvious that internet holds a lot of potential for the fashion industry. In this regard, there is an urgent need of research regarding different aspects of internet fashion market and the role of internet shopping.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Exam questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Exam questions - Essay Example They include introduction, research questions and objectives, literature review, methodology, results and findings, discussion and conclusions. Introduction provides background of the study and the statement of the problem. Before carrying out a research, researchers need to identify the problem to be solved. Researches are used in developing solutions to particular problems. In order to create a deeper understanding on the problem, the background of the study will provide a synopsis of some of the theoretical aspects involved within the study. The second section is research questions and objectives. Once a research problem has been identified, researchers have to develop various objectives/aims attainable at the end of the research. Whilst attaining such aims or objectives, there are questions that researchers need to develop and provide their answers. It is in answering research questions that research objectives are attained. Literature review is a section that provides short desc ription as well as critical evaluation of previous works related to the topic of study. Literature review section in most cases surveys scholarly articles, books, and other relevant materials whilst aiming at offering an overview of the importance of such works on the topic of study. Methodology defines the overall plan and materials applicable in conducting the research. Methodology section usually involves population under study, sampling methods, data collection, analysis, and presentation methods. Through this section, researchers are able to chronologically state how the study was conducted. Results and findings involve displaying of collected data from the sample. Here, the researcher provides all the results and information found during the research. It is important to provide results and findings since they form the basis or evidence of making discussion and conclusions. Discussion and conclusions section is the last of the six, which uses the results and findings to critica lly analyze the concepts of the study. Based on the topic of research, discussions and conclusions aim at providing an in-depth analysis of the data obtained in a view to answering research questions and attaining research objectives. In most case, conclusions of researches are accompanied by generalizations and recommendations. Part 2 Research in an academic journal article is likely to differ from research presented in a daily newspaper. Firstly, research in a journal article is likely to have the aforementioned six parts; introduction, research questions and objectives, literature review, methodology, results, discussions and conclusion, which are not likely to be found in daily newspaper research. Whereas daily newspaper researches reports aim at presenting what occurred in a given scenario, research reports on journal articles will always identify the problem within a scenario whilst developing appropriate solutions. Notably, research reports in daily newspaper will not provide a discussion of other works in relation to the topic of discussion whereas research reports in journal articles will have to identify what previous studies indicated on the topic. It is also evident that while research reports in daily newspapers do not provide a general idea of a given topic, the research reports in academic journal articles will always present a general view of the problem under scrutiny. Daily newspaper reports may not entail serious ethical standards like consent from the participants but for reports on
Monday, October 14, 2019
IBM Employees Welfare
IBM Employees Welfare Changes that have taken place in the organization IBM has been one of the companies that have been making good progress in the business world. This has been enabled by the strategies that the company has been taking in an effort to create a niche in the market. Operating in one of the emerging sectors in the world of ICT the company has been faced with competition in the market and therefore in the five years it has been carrying out critical evaluation of its operation procedure in order to come up with a more acceptable mode of operation that will help it to cut a niche in the market. (Clegg, 1999) As a result the company has engaged on changes in the workforce relations in order to create an effective working atmosphere for the employees. In this regard the company has realized that the most efficient way to create a competitive workforce only through massive investment in the employee. Employee can help an organization to create a competitive advantage in the market which may become difficult for other organization to replicate. Therefore one of the most important areas that the company has been investing on is in its employee. External influence in the organization In the last 10 years, there have been a lot of changes that have taken place in the organization which has been influenced by external factors. There have been several factors that have been influencing the changes in the organization that have been beyond the control of the organization. These changes have been emanating from the changes in the operation environment. One of the changes that have had a great impact on the industry has been the changes in the external environment. The landscape of technology has been changing and the company has not been left behind. The company has come up with several innovation that are likely to position it in the market in line with other competitors as we entered the new millennium the company came up with a new generation of servers which are all aimed at meeting the changing technology. This was also due to the changes in the demand for the underlying infrastructure that has been supporting e-business which has become the business model of the day. (IBM, 2008f) In the future the change in technology is likely to influence the operation of the company. Since it is operating in a field led by technology, the company is likely to make several changes in its operation in the future in a move that will position it in the market. Change in technology is the most probable external factor that will impact the operation of the organization. The changing concept of corporate social responsibility also had an impact on the company as it become more responsive to the needs of its consumers. As a result the company came up with various CSR activities which were aimed at improving the relationship with its employees. It put in place programs that would help it to respect it employees. The political environment was also changing and the company has to change with it. In this regard there were several rules and laws that were coming in place that were not there before. As a result the company had to adjust its operation and its workforce relations. There have been polices that have been put in place in order to give employees more rights and therefore the company has been forced to rhyme with the changes. Political a and legal changes in the further are likely to impact on the operations of the company in the future as the world moves to more converged world. There have also been environmental factors that have forced the company to enforce several changes in its operation in this regard there has been increasing attention that has been paid on the environment and therefore the company has been adjusting its operation in order to come up with policies that are expected to give respect to the environment. The company has been implementing several eco programs that are aimed at going with the demands on the changes in the environment. Internal influences There have also been several changes that have been implemented in the company in the last 10 years which have all been influenced by internal factors. Changes in the management have been one of the most important factors that have influenced several changes that have taken place in the company. The year 2000 marked a transition in the leadership of the company and it saw the coming of Samuel J Palmisano as the president and the chief operating offices and after two years, he was named the CEO of the company. This saw the exit of Lousi V. Gerstener who was the chairman of the company s up to 2002. The coming of the new CEO saw increase response to the environment factors and also a rise in the Corporate Social responsibility activities by the company. In 2003, the company also undertook an exercise to transfer more the 1,200 employee to IBM I a deal valued $1.1 billion from ABB. Human resources management factors has been another internal influences that has been causing a changing the in the organization. In this regard there have been several changes in the human resource management of the company that have resulted to other changes in its operation. Human resource issues have been given a priority in the organization in line with the changing human resources landscape in most organizations. In the future the human resources are expected to influence several other changes in the organization as well. The direction of the organization is the other factor that has been influencing changes in the organization. The company has come up with new growth strategies that are likely to position it in the changing global business environment and therefore it has carried out several other changes in its management and employee relationship. In next 10 years, the overall strategy of the organization is likely to lead to other several changes in the operation of the company. Employee relationship in IBM The company has come up with a human resource policy which has been integrated in it strategic growth strategy which has given the affairs of the employees a central place in the operation of the organization. As a result the company has been carrying out several strategies which are aimed at enhancing a good working relationship. The company has put in place several initiatives which are all aimed at ensuring that the employees are given their rights. The employee relationship has also been carried out as a part of the CSR activity of the organization. Therefore the company has set up human resource department that is concerned with the welfare of the employee. It has respected the rights of the employee to organization and all the managers have been given a notice on this issue as the most important factor in the human resource management strategy of the company. Therefore the company has been promoting an enabling environment for work in the company and has been encouraging direct communication with the employees. It has held a policy of promoting the welfare of the employees and maintaining a positive working relationship with the employees. There have also been effort that are aimed at fostering the development of the employees as one of the most important factor that can help the organization to come up with a competitive work force. (IBM, 2008d) The changing legal environment has had effects on the workforce relationship the organization. As the legal landscape changes, the company has been moving in line with these changes and therefore it has been putting in place measures that are aimed at ensuring that there is respect of the rights of the employees. It has been complying with the changes that have been taking place in the legal requirements worldwide in regard to the employee and involvement of a third party. (IBM, 2008e) Therefore the company has been putting in place measure that are aimed at ensuing that there is respect of the legal change and the environmental changes that have been taking place in regard to treatment of its employees. At the end of the 1990s the company put in place a policy that scrutinized all it employees even those on the supply chain with an aim of ensuring that there is respect of labor laws in the world. With his change there were several other changes that were made in the human resource department in order to make sure that the company was in line with the demand of the world labor laws. For example the company stopped its supply chain where there was suspicious of use of child labor and unfair treatment of employees. The evolution in technology has not left IBM employees in the cold. There have been several initiative that have been aimed at ensuring that employee share this revolution. Therefore the company has come up with portable computers like lap tops and other which are part of the ergonomics program which is aimed at ensuring the employees finds comfort in their work. Therefore the company has provided its employees with such advanced laptops in order to ensure that there is comfort and productivity for the employees. The company has been providing guidance which is aimed at helping the employees to assess their work environment and it has also been teaching them how to use these devices. It has been giving advanced training on its workforce on the use of these devices and giving them professional support to make it easier for them. These efforts have been directed towards making sure that employees have a good working environment. The ergonomics program was initiated at the turn of the millennium and was continued in 2004 with more focus on communication between employees. Through the use of remote and mobile gadgets, employees can even perform their normal office duties at the comfort of their homes. The company has continued investing in technology in order to enhance its relationship with its employees and in order to come up with a competent workforce. (IBM, 2008a) In line with the changing environment in political health care, the company has come up with incentives to health program which is aimed at ensuring the employee of the company have access to health facility. This was in line with the changing legal requirement of the company to take a more positive role partnership with the government on the health of their employees. Therefore the company has come up with programs that are aimed at ensuring that there is maximum observance of the health of the employees. In the United States the company has been offering Health Living Rebate program. It has also been carrying out several smoking cessation program that award employees who do not smoke with a $ 150 cash rebate. This program has helped to improve the health of its workforce. However the company has been criticized on it police to reduce pensions for the retirees. It has been shown the contribution of the company to the health of its retirees has been decreasing in the recent past. This follows the 2001 initiative which was aimed at cutting the pensions contribution of the company. (IBM, 2008b) The company has given the employee their freedom of association therefore they are allowed to join any union which they want like [emailprotected] This has been in sense of upholding the right of the individuals. This has been one of the most important steps that have helped to improve the relationship between the company and the employees. Currently the company enjoys a warm relationship with the employees. There has been no incidence of employee unrest in the organization. However there have been issues that have been expressed by the human resources department on the cutting of pension contribution by the company. But in general the relationship between the company and the employees is cordial. (IBM, 2008c) Recommendations There are several recommendations that the can be made to the organization in regard to its practice of human resource management. These recommendations are meant to improve the relationship between the organization and its employees. This is in realization that disgruntled employees is one of the worst arsenal that can attach the organization from within and which is likely to lead to underperformance of the word force. Therefore there is need for the organizations to come push for he implementation of the above recommendations. The most important the organist should look at now is the thorniest issue of the pension that has been a cause of dissatisfaction in the employees. Most employees and most workers union have expressed there concern about the way in which the company has been treating the employees especially on matters concerning the workforce and their pensions. Therefore the company should realize that one of the most important factors that it should currently look at is the way in which it will take care of its employee’s pension. The company has to carry out a review of it policy on the pension and come to an agreement with the demands of the employees. The issue of pension has been one of the thorniest issues in the world due to the response that way in which the government has been calling for partnership with the companies in meeting the medical cost of the retirees. It is shameful for any multinational company to have disgruntled retirese as this is likely to have an impact on the culture of the company. Once the retirees express their concerns on the way they have been treated by the company, there is likelihood of having other employee in the company who will also express their concerns which may affect the whole workforce. (Taggart, 2001) In its all branches in the world, the company has also been faced by a thorny issue of lying off its employees. In 2007, the company laid off 1315 workers in United States. There has been a concern with the way in which the company has been rewarding these employees for loss of their livelihood. As such there have been calls from the workers union for the company to make sure that it compensates all those who lose the jobs. There were many complains from the employees who argued that they were given a short notice before their dismissal from their jobs. Therefore it is recommended that the company gives it employees enough time in order to prepare them for any impending lay off. This would give the company credibility on human resource management issue and it will also help to have satisfied employees even if they are laid off. There has also been an issue in the way the company has been carrying out its recruitment. Though it has been working on the point of equity in recruitment there are concerns that have been realized that there are usually disparity in the workforce especially when it comes to the issue of gender balance in the workplace. It has been shown that the recruitment process in the company has also not given the youths enough chance to participate in the workforce and therefore there is a large proportion of the elderly workforce in the company that the young people. This is likely to have a negative impact not only on the society but also on the future of the company since there will always be a succession gap in the leadership and other sections of the company. Therefore it is recommended that the company should come up with a graduate recruitment process that will give young people more chance of participating in the development of the company. This would help the company to come up with a successive generation of workforces. (Hersh, 2000) There has also been an issue of motivation the workforce. Having motivated workforce is one of the most important factors that help an organization to increase its productivity and at the same time increase the productivity of the workforce. In this regard the company needs to come up with a clear program with will give ways in which it will motivate its workforce. The organization should come up with a more defined procedure which will be use to motivate the employee and reward them according to their performance. (Rupert, 2000) Conclusion Employee relation is an important aspect that helps an organization to create a competitive edge in the market. Most of the companies in the world have embarked on programs that are aimed at empowering their employees in order to have a competent workforce. IBM has also come up with several programs that are aimed at ensuring that the company cerates a competitive work force. In this regard it has taken several steps that have been aimed at addressing the welfare of the employees. In the last 10 years that have been many changes that have taken place in the organization that have been influenced by external and internal factors. External factors like the changes that have been taking place in technology have prompted the company to also integrate some technological aspect in the working process of its employees. Therefore it has come up with ergonomics to enhance the productivity the employees. The changes that have been taking place in the legal and political factors have also helped the company to make changes in the management of its workforce. In respect of human rights, the company has streamlined its operation to eliminate labor oppression like use of child labor, unfair working conditions and others not only in its plants but also in its supply chain. However there are some areas of concern that the company still needs to address as far as its relationship with employees is concerned. One of the most critical areas that it need to address is the area of pensions which as been one of the thorny issues in the company. There have been complaints on the way the company has reduced its level of contribution n to the welfare of the retirees. The company also needs to address the area of recruitment and rewarding of employees. References [emailprotected], (2008). IBM: Stop Pay Cuts. Retrieved from on 9th May 2008 Clegg, S. (1999). Global human resource management issues. London: Sage Hersh, J. (2000). Globalization and social change in workforce. London: Rutledge IBM, (2008a): Employee well-being: Ergonomics. Retrieved from on 9th May 2008 IBM, (2008b): Employee well-being: work/life balance. Retrieved from 9th May 2008 IBM, (2008c): Employee well-being: Incentives to health. Retrieved from 9th May 2008 IBM, (2008d): Employee well-being: Promoting health and well-being. Retrieved from 9th May 2008 IBM, (2008e): Employee well-being: Workforce Relations. Retrieved from 9th May 2008 IBM, (2008f): About IMB. Retrieved from on 9th May 2008 Rupert, A. (2000). Globalization and employee relations; Routledge Taggart, J. (2001). Multinationals in a new era: international human resource strategy. London: Palgrave
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