Saturday, August 31, 2019
Debut albums
They become group Of friends and they call it, â€Å"Alpha Solar†. It was so overwhelming when someone treated you as their like best friends a long time ago. Their bonding was like sleeping in someone's house, reviewing and doing their projects in groups. One day, it was their Physical Education time. The classes where cut, because their professor was not able to teach them on the exact time. Their professor needs to be in the faculty area. Then suddenly, they are dismissed early.While they are walking, Lea tried to imitate the ducklings in our campus. But, Sandra and Jessica didn't saw it. So, they run fast to get along with Lea and Bianca. Suddenly, some people where yelling and waving their hands on the second floor! Sandra and her friends were ashamed because, they are taking pictures of themselves and then they are watching! It's so annoying, because it's a group of boys! So, Sandra and Jessica sneaked out to see who the people were watching them. Then, they saw that the group of boys was too handsome, and Sandra was so shy when she saw them.After that, they continue what they are doing. They take pictures of the ducklings, pictures of themselves, and also taking pictures of how happy they are. Since, after that, the six girls go upstairs to scold the boys who are sneaking and watching them taking pictures! Elaine said, â€Å"What are you doing? And why are you laughing on us? Is there something wrong of what we are doing? †Then one boy named Ian said, â€Å"No, we are not laughing of what you're doing! We are just staring to you because you are all beautiful. Especially that girl. †Then the boy pointed his hands to Sandra.So, Sandra just ignores them. But, there was a boy caught the attention of Sandra. It was the boy with too dimples on his cheeks, not as tall as Sandra was, but Sandra feels the beating of her heart. Then, Sandra says, â€Å"Who is that guy? The one with dimples. †She said it with a kind of shyness on her voice. Then the other boy shouted and said, â€Å"His name is Christian! †so, Sandra feels that, Oh, it was a beautiful name. Her friends were so shocked because they didn't expect that Sandra would ask for it. Elaine, Lea, Bianca and Jessica ask her, Jessica came first, Do you have a crush on him? Then, Lea was next. â€Å"Oh my gosh! Sandra? Are you blushing? ‘ Sandra can't answer the questions of them. But Elaine said, â€Å"Hey you guys! Meet us on our room on Monday! It's it the second floor! On the first room near the lobby! †and Bianca says, â€Å"Oh! Before we forgot, we are Psychology students! How about you guys? †then the boy named Christian answers, ‘We are an Engineering students! †Sandra felt like dying. Because she didn't expect that her crush would answer. After that, the six girls walked on the lobby to go to the comfort room.Jessica says, â€Å"Look, Sandra is still blushing until now! She can't recover on what was happe n! †Then Sandra felt so glad and happy because of what was happen. Before they go home, someone was calling on the phone of Sandra. It was her stupid suitor whose going to fetch her from her school. Sandra says to her friends, â€Å"Hey, I'm going home. †Saying it with a low voice. â€Å"My suitor is going here to fetch me up. And feel like I'm not better being with him. I feel so lonely and annoyed and irritated! †Then Jessica told her that, â€Å"Don't let him fetch you! We are going home all together! Hen, Sandra do what her friends says. When Monday came, Sandra was hoping that the boys they saw the last time would arrive on the day and on the place they are meant to see each other. But, unfortunately the boys didn't arrive. Sandra felt disappointed on what was just happen. She didn't expect that it would happen. So she just smile to her friends and say â€Å"I'm okay girls. I just expect the things. †She immediately walked along the lobby to calm herself of what just happen. Then the bell rang, she hope that the boys would arrive. But, she saw nothing. The days pass.The time flies so fast. Her suitor was all busted because she was expecting that she will see the boy again. She asks all the engineering students she knew. But, it makes her disappointed to herself because she never asked what the last name of the boy was! So, she tried to fix her problem. It was so shameful that she was asking a person without a complete name! And after that, she feels like there is no more hope on the both of them. She tried to give up. But, every time she saw a boy with dimples, it still pinching her heart that she must not give up on that person.Because it was err first time to feel the beating of heart. She thinks that she fell in love on the first sight! Her friends didn't give up too. But they are looking for the boy too. They didn't tell it to Sandra just to surprise her. Then, her friends told her, â€Å"Sandra, there are still ways o n how you can see each other again. Don't give up easily! Don't be sad okay? We are here for you. †Then, it was Saturday. They are early dismissed by their NEST professor. While walking on the 4th floor on the Areola building, Lea shouted, â€Å"Sandbar! Christian was in that room! Go ahead and take a look!Sandra runs immediately to go to that room. She saw the boy. And she didn't expect it. After it, Sandra and Christian talk to each other. Christian tell her that she was so confused on how he will find Sandra on the social media. Then Sandra confidently said, â€Å"l was so sad on how I'm going to find you too. Because, I don't know what is your full name. †Christian whisper on her â€Å"You are so beautiful. I didn't expect that you will find and search for me. †It was the day that Sandra was waiting for. She didn't expect for the unexpected things. She never let to lose again the boy.So she opens her feelings on the boy. Then, the boy tells her that he fe el the same way that Sandra was feeling. Then, after a month, Christian do the moves. He started to fell in love with Sandra. They become friends, best friends, and now lovers. She thank her friends now, because, without them Sandra wouldn't feel what she's feeling right now. Sandra and Christian were married after 8 years of being together. They never expect it, but it was the best days of Sander's life. After their marriage, they have 2 children. And now they are still happy living together.
Friday, August 30, 2019
The twentieth century is an age of greed
They were. But the number of people consumed by this disease is many times more this century. Also the variety and intensity of greed is unparalled. We have many more opportunities to feed our greed on. See the amount of consumer goods available nowadays. How many of these goods can be genuinely said to benefit the user , or at the least satisfy him ? Precious few , I would think.All too often we read in the newspapers and consumer magazines about the underhand tactics used by giant corporations to sell their products. We hear about poisonous materials in foodstuffs. There are also innumerable amount of products that re shoddily made , yet passed off as up-to-standard products Then into this vast consumer market comes the pirates. These are people who make imitations. They have no scruples. So we are deluged with pirated tapes , records , books , clothes and other products. We even have pirated medicine.The misuse of public enterprise is rooted in nothing but greed. The greed for mon ey, for more and more profit, regardless of what happens or who suffers. Look at the advertisement section of any newspaper and you will see companies advertising for â€Å"aggressive†personnel. They must sell as much as they can, even if it is like forcing the product down the consumer's throat. The worsening drug situation in the world now is also a result of greed. Drug-trafficking and relatable offences are punishable, some even by death. Yet the drug trade is not bating.On the contrary, it is booming. Why is this so? Again we have people greedy enough to take risks in exchange for great returns. Their only aim is money. Drugs is one way of getting money, big money. So they go in it regardless the fact that drugs destroy people and society. They do not care who gets hurt as long as they get the money. They pretend not to see the evils of drug-addiction while their pockets are being lined with illgotten gains. Only when they get caught or are themselves addicted to drugs may they regret their greed. By then it may be too late.To see greed in action, all one has to do is to peep into a stock exchange or commodity trading centre. In smoke-filled rooms we can witness the behavior of people consumed by greed. Not all the traders are greedy, but there are some who sweat, haggle and shout themselves hoarse so as to reap as much profit as possible from the frantic buying and selling of invisible things. There are few people who purposely manipulate the market for their own ends. The smell of greed emanates from their bodies despite what they proclaim otherwise.In addition to the greed for money is also the greed for power. The more power a person has, the more power he seems to want. Considering the unceasing bickering, backstabbing, and fighting among leaders and politicians it is no wonder the modern world is in such a chaotic state. One leader holds on to power by getting rid of his enemies, whatever the means. His opponents plot and scheme to replace h im Coup-de-tats, uprisings, revolutions, assassinations and other political maneuvers are all aimed at the seizure for power. The one in power holds on tightly.In time he is dislodged by another or by his own mortality. Thus the procession goes on. Individuals come and go, but the greed of power remains to infect all who choose to follow its path. What does all these power struggles contrlDute to tne welTare 0T our Traglle planet:' Notnlng, out a alv10ea world with multitudes of nations fearfully isolating themselves from one another. In the name of religion, ideology and belief, the leaders of the world blindly leads the rest, but behind these excuses all we can see is greed and hunger for more power. So the greed persists.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Life processes – Biodiversity
Often referred to as â€Å"Ecosystems†, Biomes are environments that differ depending on certain factors such as plant life, human presence (which will increase or decrease the pollution levels depending on the advancement of the civilization) and weather/climate. Biomes are easier to define in the worlds of biology, ecology, and biogeography than areas of the planet that have been sectioned and defined by the presence of humans. There are 6 basic terrestrial and aquatic biomes, these can be categorised into Freshwater, Marine, Desert, Forest, Grassland and Tundra. Every different type of ecosystem is unique unto itself, with forms of plant life and animal species that are found only within them. The animals collect in these environment and they rely on the plants for food or shelter or both. Other major factors within a biome are the existence of clean water and suitable weather conditions that these animals can live comfortably in, without these factors, the ecosystem would fail. Biodiversity exists within a biome, this is used to categorise the different types of life within them. Sub definitions are food-chains, placing predatory animals that feed on lesser able animals higher up. Below is an example of a food chain in the rainforest. (1) A food web is a more detailed way of connecting food chains. A food chain diagram, like the one located to the left can only depict a simple staged diagram, whereas a food chain can show how many different types of wildlife can survive on different. Many animals eat more than one thing, a way of showing this is to illustrate it in a food web. An example of one can be seen below. (3) Animals multiply and thrive in some places better than others, for example, varieties of insects that rely on certain types of abiotic climates such as the warm and humid types found in rainforests, would not be able to survive in a desert environment as the conditions there would not provide them with the adequate plant life they need in order to survive both for food and shelter. Using the diagram located to the left it is possible to view some of the more widely known wildlife in this particular ecosystem, however if one were to compare this particular environment to one on the opposite end of the scale, for example, the desert, the wildlife, plant life and factors of human interference would be dramatically different. Rainforests have long been affected by the presence of man and as a result have diminished in size dramatically; this has a direct result on the ecosystems found within them. Our continuing harvesting of wood from trees and the use of land for grazing purposes for farms and such has reached a deadly climax for many species and has forced the wildlife and animal life to adapt to the changes and although they continue to live within these ever changing environments, some species have not. According to sources between 30-100 species of animals, including birds, mammals, fish and insects are being wiped out every single day due to human interference in their habitats (2) The question of which biome has the highest and lowest biodiversity is one that is in constant competition within scientists. Some believe it to be the marine biome as some say there are more variations of plant and marine life and it is the largest, covering two thirds of the earth's surface. Another point directly relating to this particular decision is the affect of humans on the biome. Humans pollute the seas daily, this is not in contention, however the sheer volume of area within which these species survive is not as affected as the land as humans cannot affect as much of it as they cannot access it all. Another argument is that the neotropical climate of climate of Costa Rica puts it at the top, it has over 500,000 different types of species, approximately 300,000 of these are insects. An example of adapting within biomes is that of squirrels. Traditionally found in Britain are the Red and Grey squirrel, the latter of which was introduced to Britain around 130 years ago. The community of the red squirrel is under threat due to the grey squirrel, they raid the food hordes of the red's and as a result their numbers are dwindling. The red squirrel is unable to digest acorns unlike their foreign cousins form across the seas, as a result, the red squirrel is unable to survive in many of the oak laden wooded areas around Britain, over time the red squirrel has found its niche and now, although greatly outnumbered, approx 2. 5 million greys to 160,000 red, the population have survived in man made habitats such as the one on the Isle of Wight and in North East England, Scotland & Wales. Being born and raised in Blean, Canterbury, a regular family outing would be to take regular treks through Blean woods. This is a perfect example of a local ecosystem and evidence of biodiversity. Blean woods spans over 3,000 hectares and within its boundaries thrive many different types of wildlife. Nature reserves have been set up including an RSPB base and guided walks are available on most days, taking nature lovers deep into its terrain to understand, view and record the process of nature that dwells within. The woods themselves are a popular attraction with tourists that travel from far and wide, many of which are people who have come to discover Canterbury and wish to find out more about the surrounding areas. The area itself is maintained by charitable organisations and funded by donations and it is important to understand the financial benefit that these woods have on the area and how much people depend on them. The Conifer tree is the breed of tree that is found the least in these particular woods but there are sanctuaries within it that breed these trees.
International Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 5
International Marketing - Essay Example Conclusion and findings 10 11. References 11 1. Introduction The marketing concept stipulates that the marketing managers ought to meet, anticipate as well as to satisfy the needs of the customers (Strydom, 2004). Of notable concern is the fact that organizations during the contemporary period operate in global environments and their activities are affected by a wide range of factors. It can be noted that there are major environmental influences that affect global and international markets. As such, this paper seeks to evaluate the factors that impact on Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC). This organization belongs to the international fast food category. The paper starts by outlining the historical background of the company and the main part will discuss various factors that affect the organization in the environment in which it operates. The paper will also outline some of the strategies that can be implemented in order to improve the effectiveness of the organization. 2. Brief history a bout KFC Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) was founded in 1938 by Colonel Harland Sanders in Kentucky. Sanders’ legacy lives on with KFC operating more than â€Å"13,000 restaurants in more than 80 countries and territories around the world serving up the Colonel’s Original Recipe,†(KFC, 2013). KFC mainly specialises in fried chicken which is quite different from the products that are offered by other competitors in the same industry. The founder of the company developed 11 unique recipes using a variety of seasonings to flavour chicken and this has significantly contributed to the success of the company. The company is very popular in different market environments it operates in across the globe. The products offered appeal to the interests of many people and this has helped the company to create a strong base of loyal customers. 3. Company’s rationale behind internationalization KFC is regarded as one of the first fast food industries to go international du ring the 1950s. The rationale behind the company’s internationalization drive was to attract a substantial number of customers so that it can sustain its operations across the globe. The company also sought to establish itself as a force to reckon with in the fast food industry across the globe. The company was mainly interested in developing its brand so that it can attract as many people as possible across the globe. However, KFC has encountered some challenges in its global operations where it can be seen that the fast food industry is comprised of competition. In order to successfully penetrate the global markets, the company ought to design a careful strategy given that the international market is comprised of competition from other rival competitors like McDonald’s, Wendy’s and Burger King. The company also faces challenges in that it lacks expertise in diversifying its products since it mainly concentrate on chicken. Of notable concern is that fact that t he fast food industry is comprised of different segments which include some of the following: family restaurants, sandwich chains, pizza shops, grill as well as chicken chains among other factors. Research has shown that McDonalds dominates in market segments such as burger while KFC dominates in the chicken segment. As such, an effective marketing strategy will help the company to gain a large market share in its operations. 4. Mode of entry in different countries The company used Harland Sanders’ franchising strategy to expand its operations in the international
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Pros and Cons about global warming Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Pros and Cons about global warming - Essay Example is a reality that some countries are affected by extreme climatic conditions such as frequent droughts, floods as well as hurricanes while the resources to combat these impacts are limited. Against this background, I was fascinated to choose this topic for my research paper from the understanding that the activities of human beings are the greatest contributors to global warming since my father is currently running a chemical trading business in South Korea. It is a company that specializes in the trading of environment-friendly chemical products. What also fascinated me were its innovative environmental systems, such as the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) which can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide emitted from the chimneys and roofs of factories, houses and buildings. Therefore, global warming and keeping the earth clean has always been an interesting topic for me to research in a bid to learn more about the real problem associated with global warming and how can it seriously i mpact on human life. The issues of climate change have become topical in many societies, but there is need to generate more knowledge about the effects of global warming and what to do about the causes of global warming. Global warming and climate change are world wide issues related to our environment that cannot be easily or quickly ignored anymore. In February 2007, the United Nations released a scientific report that concludes that global warming is happening and will continue to happen for centuries. The report also stated with 90% certainty that the activity of humans has been the primary cause of increasing temperatures over the past few decades (United Nations 2007). The relationship between human civilization and the earth has often been seen as catastrophic where the activities of men are colliding with the planet’s ecological system resulting in extreme changes particularly in the climate. Gore (2006) states that, â€Å"In every corner of the globe- on land and in
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Capital Budgeting Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Capital Budgeting - Research Paper Example Firstly, capital expenditures require large expenditures of funds. Secondly, firms must find out the best approach to repay and raise these funds. Third, majority of the decisions of capital budgeting include a long-term assurance. Finally, the timing of the capital budgeting decisions is significant. When the firms raise large amount of funds, they need to consider the financial markets more attentively because the cost of capital is directly related to the current interest rate. In short, capital budgeting is the means of conducting cost-benefit analysis (Scribd, 2011). The requirement for important information and analysis of the alternatives of capital budgeting have inspired the development of a sequence of models to help firms in making the "best" allocation of resources. The extent to which the capital budgeting plays a significant role within the firm is determined by the following factors: The capital budgeting process must take into consideration the nature of investment proposals, for example, mutually exclusive or independent proposals. Individual proposals are those which are calculated individually and more than one proposal can be accepted or rejected. There are a number of capital budgeting techniques that firms can employ. These techniques do not always lead to the same accept-reject decision, thus it is essential to make a decision of what a good capital budgeting technique looks like. A perfect Capital Budget technique should be: There are two types of capital budgeting techniques namely sophisticated techniques and unsophisticated techniques. Although both the techniques use cash flows as their initial point to get to the result from which the ultimate decision can be taken, the main difference between the two is that sophisticated techniques take time value of money into account whereas the same is not in case of unsophisticated techniques. Sophisticated techniques include
Monday, August 26, 2019
Japan Prime Minister Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Japan Prime Minister - Essay Example Noda inherited the duty of rebuilding the Japanese economy from the adverse impacts of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and Tsunami. It is obvious that Noda is operating under worse economic as well as political environment because the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami and Fukushima nuclear plant disaster affected the country very badly. The catastrophe caused the loss of thousands of lives and billions of dollars. Hence, these issues raised a series of potential challenges to Yoshihiko Noda. According to the policy speech delivered by Noda to the 180th Session of the Diet on 24th January 2012, â€Å"recovery and reconstruction from the Great East Japan Earthquake, fight against the nuclear power station accident, and the revitalization of the Japanese economy†are the three major priority policies of the country. Noda specifically tries to rehabilitate the people who were spread across the country as a result of the earthquake and tsunami. He also plans to amplify reconstruction activities by setting up a Reconstruction Agency and providing huge reconstruction grants. In addition, Noda made provisions for ass isting third party stakeholders who are initiating reconstruction activities. The Prime Minister states that the country will greatly promote employment facilities in the disaster affected region. In the speech, Noda declared that the government will gradually remove nuclear power from the country by not constructing new plants and not repairing outdated ones (Sahashi, 2011). However, the Prime Minister added that some of the idle plants (due to Fukushima disaster) will restart their operations in order to meet the country’s immediate energy needs. In addition, Noda has also framed special strategies for strengthening the country’s disaster management. Improvement of public services including schools and hospitals is another major policy in the agenda of Yoshihiko Noda. He has taken extensive efforts to protect people
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Why Study the History of Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Why Study the History of Philosophy - Essay Example Philosophy is the art of rational thought that is unique from the other disciplines in that it relies on the application of logic and reason to generate knowledge. Most people’s failure to understand philosophy is related to their attitude of viewing it as a mere thought about knowledge or language. The intellectuals that discover philosophy develops the curiosity to dig deeper into the historical books to understand its beginnings. A philosopher must have the ability to reason and possess a rational faith. The knowledge of the historical perspective of philosophy proves that the modern philosophical circumstances have been crafted by changing times. It is only through understanding this interlink between the history of philosophy and the modern human life that learners can truly appreciate the discipline, otherwise, they would view the discipline as a mere art. This paper is seeks to explain the significance of the study of the history of philosophy. The discussion will be ba sed on the relation between the study of history of philosophy and modern philosophy, and the value of studying the history of philosophy. History of Philosophy Philosophy emanates from thoughts related to information gaps that do not satisfactorily explain situations. Philosophy contributes in filling these gaps through suggestion of theories meant to resolve these problems. The study of history of philosophy enables learners to understand the meaning associated with the philosophical concepts suggested by rationalists such as Spinoza, and empiricists such as Locke.1 For instance, Spinoza believed that existence is determined by a shared substance and that a free man is always honest in his deeds. Berkeley downplayed the possibility of the existence of an external world. Leibniz argued that an empty space is imaginary and all substances are mirrors of God. This helps the modern philosophers to combine the traditional concepts of philosophy with the scientific allusion of nature. Ph ilosophy is an art of expression of human faith. The discipline extends into every aspect of human life. Socrates asserts that life is not worth living without self reflection or personal examination. This implies that most people understand their life better if they know how to philosophize. However, according to John Stuart Mill, philosophy is not an ultimate path for contentment.2 Although philosophical studies have clarified problems such as the definition of truth, freedom of will and the nature of time, most of its concepts appear to ignore solutions to some problems. According to Tan, those who do not understand the historical concepts of philosophy postulates that the discipline is a mere opinion held by every individual in relation to past experiences.3 This notion makes these people assume that traditional perspective is not applicable in modern life. However, historical studies proves that historicism in philosophical studies is the benchmark for the validity of the moder n perspective. The knowledge of the historical perspective of philosophy proves that circumstances have been crafted by changing times. Just like in the modern times, various people applied different mechanisms in improving and advancing knowledge. The history of philosophy outlines these mechanisms and enable the modern people apply them in advancing their understanding of philosophy. Benefits Knowledge and Reality The study of the history of philosophy seems like an art in the early stages of learning but progresses into a discipline requiring the application of knowledge when grappling philosophical problems.4 The knowledge and reality associated with ancient philosophy encourages people to not only analyze the views of the philosophers, but also
Saturday, August 24, 2019
FBI Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
FBI - Essay Example Department of Justice 1). FBI is one of the powerful and the largest agency in the world that not only deals with the law enforcement but also aim to end terrorism. Its official mission is upholding the law through investigating violation of the criminal law, protecting the United States from external attacks such as terrorists’ activities, and providing leadership and support to both local and international authorities (U.S. Department of Justice 1). The FBI performs its responsibilities in accordance to the constitution and in line with the public needs. The FBI does have the power to prosecute or take charge of any case from the local agencies. FBI also has different divisions that are in charge of processing information and handling different incidents under the justice department. The three FBI divisions include the IT Management Division, the IT Services Division, and the IT Engineering Division (U.S. Department of Justice 1). The FBI operates on a culture that seeks to serve America and its citizens. FBI Agents cannot wiretap suspects unless they have a court order to do so and it is regarded as felony incase wiretapping is done without a court order. Director James Comey is the current head of the FBI department (U.S. Department of Justice
Friday, August 23, 2019
Financial and Strategic Planning1 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Financial and Strategic Planning1 - Coursework Example The current liabilities in 2011 decreased significantly by 0.54. This means that the institution’s ability to convert its services into cash has reduced in 2011. The working capital is a ratio that indicates whether a given company is in a position to cover its short term debt by purely using its short term assets. This is obtained by obtaining the difference between the Current Assets and Current Liabilities. The institution’s working capital is significantly positive. However, the working capital reduced from 2010 to 2011. This means that even though the company is able to pay off its debtors in the short-term, they are more prone to bankruptcy in 2011 than in 2010. The debt/equity ratio is a measure of a given firm’s leverage. It essentially gives the amount of the processes and procedures that are financed by liability and that financed by the shareholder’s equity. It shows a company’s financial position relative to debtors and shareholders. The institution’s leverage indicates that in 2011 the institution adopted a more aggressive debt financing technique for its growth. This may potentially lead to the institution realizing volatile earnings owing to the increase in interest as a result of an increase in debt. This is evident in the fact that even though the institution has adopted a more aggressive debt financing approach, revenue reduced from $1,500,000 in 2010 to $1,300,000 in 2011. This raises concern as debt is increasing while revenue is reducing, bringing down the financial position of the institution relative to its debt. This also considerably reduces the institution’s credit rating, lowering the institution’s ability to seek debt financing in the
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Radio Ad Essay Example for Free
Radio Ad Essay Are you elderly? Are you having problems with arthritis, osteoporosis, or injuries from falling? Here is the information that you have been looking for, how to promote a healthy musculoskeletal system, from none other than Dr. Solomon, Concierge MD. Me: Dr. Solomon, what exactly is the musculoskeletal system? Dr. Solomon: The musculoskeletal system consists of your bones, and your muscles. In this system one is as important as the other. Bones are important because they provides needed protection for your organs as well as providing a support to the muscles so that they can function properly. Me: What are the risk factors for arthritis? Dr. Solomon: There are several factors that can contribute to developing arthritis. Anywhere between the types of shoes that you wear, to the type of beverage you consume in the morning. Me: What can we do to prevent arthritis? Dr. Solomon: In order to decrease the chance of getting arthritis, maintaining a healthy weight and exercise routine is a must. Me: What about osteoporosis risk factors and prevention? Dr. Solomon: There are several risk factors for osteoporosis, some of which are not preventable. These risk factors are sex, age, race, family history, and frame size. There are also risk factors that are associated with your hormone levels, dietary factors, steroid use, and lifestyle choices. Ways to prevent osteoporosis depend on whether it is due to environmental factors, or genetics. Genetic form of osteoporosis cannot be prevented. However, you can decrease your risk by not being too skinny, because the bones deteriorate faster, consuming calcium, exercising and keeping a proper meal plan. Me: Now we have heard about arthritis and osteoporosis, what about injuries sustained from falling? Dr. Solomon: We all know that the elderly are at risk for falling for a number of different reasons. The risk for falls increases with age. However, age does not cause all falls. Most falls are the result for another causes. Muscle weakness in the legs, blood pressure drops, dizziness, slower reflexes, etc. Some things that can be done to prevent falling can be removing clutter, loose rugs, carrying heavy items up or down stairs or uneven flooring, not having rails for stairs or bathroom bars. Me: Well that is all the time that we have for today. Thank you so much for being here with us Dr. Solomon, and for all of the information that you provided us with. References:
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Dance and Daffodils Essay Example for Free
Dance and Daffodils Essay I wandered lonely as a cloud William Wordsworth I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high oer vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils; Beside the lake, beneath the trees,5 Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. Continuous as the stars that shine And twinkle on the milky way, They stretched in never-ending line Along the margin of a bay:10 Ten thousand saw I at a glance, Tossing their heads in sprightly dance. The waves beside them danced; but they Out-did the sparkling waves in glee: A poet could not but be gay,15 In such a jocund company: I gazedand gazedbut little thought What wealth the show to me had brought: For oft, when on my couch I lie In vacant or in pensive mood,20 They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude; And then my heart with pleasure fills, And dances with the daffodils. [pic] Summary The speaker says that, wandering like a cloud floating above hills and valleys, he encountered a field of daffodils beside a lake. The dancing, fluttering flowers stretched endlessly along the shore, and though the waves of the lake danced beside the flowers, the daffodils outdid the water in glee. The speaker says that a poet could not help but be happy in such a joyful company of flowers. He says that he stared and stared, but did not realize what wealth the scene would bring him. For now, whenever he feels vacant or pensive, the memory flashes upon that inward eye / That is the bliss of solitude, and his heart fills with pleasure, and dances with the daffodils. Questions 1.What figure of is found in lines 1 and 7? Which two things are being compared in each case? 2.Quote TWO VERBS from stanza 1 which describe the movement of the daffodils. 3.What mood is created by the words mentioned in questions 2? 4.What is the poet saying about the daffodils when comparing them to the stars in the Milky Way? 5.Which figure of speech is evident in line 12 – â€Å"Tossing their heads in sprightly dance†? 6.What effect do the waves and daffodils have on the poet in stanza 3? 7.Comment on the repetition of the word â€Å"gazed†in line 17. 8.Does the poet use the word â€Å"wealth†literally of figuratively in line 18? Give a reason for your answer. 9.What is the â€Å"inward eye†mentioned in line 21? 10.What effect does the memory of the daffodils have on the poet? Across 2. perfect happiness (stanza 4) 4. valleys (stanza 1) 6. a contraction of the word â€Å"over†(stanza 1) 7. riches (stanza 3) 8. jovial, merry, lighthearted (stanza 3) 9. in a lively and vigorous way (stanza 2) 10. the edge (stanza 2) 12. a brilliant yellow flower (stanza 1) Down 1. to look briefly (stanza 2) 3. state of being alone (stanza 4) 4. not occupied, empty (stanza 4) 5. looking thoughtful (stanza 4) 10. the galaxy in which the earth is located (stanza 2) 11. a large number of items (stanza1)
Organisational Design In Social Care Organisations Social Work Essay
Organisational Design In Social Care Organisations Social Work Essay Organisational design according to Mintzberg (1983) is defined as the ways in which labour is divided into distinct tasks and then its coordination is achieved among these tasks. Organisational design comprises of the component parts of an organisation such as the employees, the information and the technology and how they are integrated together. The relationship between the different parts of the organisation is a social construction. This social construction needs to be adequate to meet the goal of the organisation, in the case of social care organisations it needs to serve the service users best. [Social care is] a profession committed to the planning and delivery of quality care and other support services for individuals and groups with identified needs. Organisational design is used achieve the vision or mission of the organisation. The vision is defined by the managers and leaders of the organisation and the design is formulated around this vision. It is important to design an organisation around an agreed goal; this can be problematic if leaders cannot agree on a goal or they have different understandings of the goal. The Minister for Health, Mary Harney has a view of privatisation of service and more reliance on community involvement than state involvement in individuals care (such as care of the elderly) which conflicts with the policies in place for an equitable health care system (O Doherty, 2010). In many ways organisational structure and culture are interlinked and both must be addressed when examining organisational design. The design is often difficult to change because of the culture of agreed norms, values and expectancies within the organisation. Organisational design is integral in creating efficiency and effectiveness in the organisation therefore it is important in all organisations to implement a structure. Drucker (1999) argues that as situations vary there are no clear guidelines that can be given to identify the best structure to use and mangers must use their own judgement regarding which design to choose. The structure must however coincide with the service users needs and not what the organisation believes should be the structure. Having an identified structure in an organisation is important to contribute to its functions. There are a number of designs outlined that managers may choose from but mangers need to acknowledge elements of the organisation when deciding which model to choose. These elements include: the specialisation of work, the chain of command, the span of control required, degree of formalisation required etc. Bureaucracy is the evident design applied in modern society. This may be influenced by Scientific Management and the military structure from history. The bureaucratic design is controlled and involves standardisation. Hierarchy is an important element of bureaucratic organisations, with departmentalisation and sub-groups evident. Having too many levels of hierarchy however can slow the decision making process within organisations, particularly social care organisations (Jones, 2007). The Quality Assurance in the Social Care sector report (2010) identifies also that an organisational desi gn which values low levels of hierarchy is the best approach for effective communication between staff. According to Kolb (1988) reflective practice and supervision is an important element in social care work. As an organisation adopts a more bureaucratic style the level of good supervision declines (Ruch, 2005). It is important to recognise that supervision in the context of social care works requires the supervisor supporting and guiding the employee towards best professional practice. Supervision involves reflecting on practice and recognising strengths and weaknesses of the employee in a positive way so as to improve the overall service for the service user. The lack of acknowledgement of the function of supervision in this way may be detrimental to the overall organisational goal. Social care workers are not to be seen as bureaucrats simply there to carry out tasks assigned by management but as individual problem solvers with skills for decision making (Thompson and Thompson, 2008). Therefore it is important to have an organisational design in social care organisations which incor porates supervision. The health service in Ireland has undergone fundamental changes since EU pressure began in 1973. The Commission on Health Funding (1989) recognised that the health board system was failing due to management and administration and many layers of hierarchy and a new system needed to be implemented. Other recent reports also outline the need for changes and the need for clarity of decision making in the health care system such as the Quality and Fairness A Health system for you (2001) report. It was outlined that the health boards operated as separate entities which led to inconsistency and did not address best practice. The Health Service Executive (HSE) was formed in 2005; it joined the former 11 health boards together. It consisted of three main parts: the National Hospital Office (NHO), the Primary Community and Continuing Care (PCCC) and Population Health. Unfortunately the HSE was not fully planned or organised. It underwent another organisational structural change in 2008 when t he NHO and the PCCC were joined together under one manager. The Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) was established in 2007, it incorporated the Social Services Inspectorate (SSI) to work in collaboration with the HSE. HIQA can be viewed as an affixed type of organisation, quality should have been built into the organisations structure but instead HIQA was set up to add in quality into the services provided by inspecting the level that the standards are upheld. This shows that organisation design is an important issue to be addressed. Equally important is the setting of a vision or a goal. The HSEs budget plan is only up until 2014. Although the Quality and Fairness A Health system for you (2001) report outlined what needs to be done, some issues are still outstanding. The human element in social care organisations must be taken into consideration when applying a structure. Maslows (1943) theory of needs acknowledge that human need for self-actualisation is important for their well being. This would imply that organisations would need to involve employees in the decision making process within the structure as self actualisation means being involved in problem solving. Argysis (1957) argues that bureaucracies did not allow for this decision making process. Likert (year) also identifies that using design which involves open communications and trust is best used. There are arguments against this style of involving employees in decision making such as those by Vroom (1973) and Feidler (1967) who value the contingency style of management. Job satisfaction is difficult to access and achieve in service organisations. It is evident that work specialisation does not lead to job satisfaction in social care area; staffs need to be able to change their roles a nd rely on teams and supervision. The impact of staff burnout in social care is prominent. In the Roscommon Child Care Case recently reported there are clear problems with the structure of the organisation. During the period when the health professionals were working with the families the legislation in the child care area was changing with the introduction of the Child Care Act 1991 and Children First National Guidelines for the Protection and Welfare of Children, 1999 and new implementations arose. The staff were not trained in the new developments. If they had been trained then the Roscommon Child Care incident perhaps intervention would have occurred earlier. One of the objectives of the Quality and Fairness (2001) report was to protect children and the need for early intervention. The family in the Roscommon case were known to the HSE since 1989 and the children were not taken into care until 2004. The lack of continuing professional development (CPD) was highlighted as a reason why the mistakes of the past were not learned and as to why new legislation was not implem ented in this case. This can be seen as a failure of the system as well as the culture to provide CDP (Roscommon Child Care Case, 2010 4.16). The report also recognises the need for organisational change and identifies that the HSE has implemented systems of child protection in some areas but this highlights the need for it to be implemented across all organisations (Roscommon Child Care Case, 2010 5.1) Within social care work the need for interagency work is fundamental to provide the best service possible for the service users. However the communication between the agencies needs to be clear and consistent to ensure that the best service is provided and essentially that children are safe and protected (Julius et al, 1980). Julius outlines that the structure of the organisation may hinder the interagency work and it is important to recognise this in work. The structure and culture of the organisation have an impact on the behaviour and attitudes of employees. The structure must be designed so that the employees behave in a manner that best benefits the goal of the organisation, in the case of social care it would be to best serve the service users. When restructuring fails it leads to confusion and turmoil among those affected such as the managers, staff and service users. Models of design will unavoidably need to be changed according to the period of time. Organisations need to plan for the future, make predictions regarding changes that may need to be made by identifying opportunities and threats. Financial issues, new technology and changing population may require an organisation to change its structure. The structure needs to be examined to ensure that it is fulfilling its purpose and that is especially true in social care work where the impact of failure can lead to serious harm or even death to individuals.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Definition Essay - Art and Excellence :: Expository Definition Essays
Definition Essay - Art and Excellence Art is why I get up in the morning, but my definition ends there, ya know, it doesn’t seem fair that I’m living for something I can’t even define, and there you are right there in the meantime. –Ani DiFranco, â€Å"Out of Habit,†Living in Clip Art seems to be such an all-encompassing word it defies definition. The artist Ani DiFranco blatantly says in her music that she cannot define art although it is intimately and passionately tied into her life and interpersonal relationships. Ani Difranco is an artist, but why is she an artist? What about her and her music make her an artist? What makes her music art? What is the difference between this enterprise and that of being a world-class physicist? Was Einstein not a true artist? Is physics not an art? If it is an art, is it art? When one attempts to analyze and define art, these sorts of questions inevitably arise, making any objective notion of what art is exceedingly difficult to determine. In fact, we find that nearly everybody has his or her own unique conception of art. Of course, it may be argued that everybody also has his or her own unique conception of a spoon or any other idea, but art seems something over and above this. The incredible depth , richness, and complexity of art do not merely allow for, but seem to necessitate the myriad conceptions of art we find in the world around us. I believe the level to which anything can be considered art depends on the level of originality, skillfulness, effectiveness, and other such relative characteristics providing opportunities for the excellent performance or unbelievable creativity we typically associate with art. To begin explaining what is meant by art’s reliance on relative characteristics, let us analyze the word deep. How do we know when something is deep? Should we consider any body of water greater than four inches in depth deep and anything less deep shallow? It seems fairly obvious that the word depth refers solely to relative phenomena. Deep is a fairly simple property to which we make the switch from shallow at some arbitrarily and relatively defined level on the gradient of depth.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Kurt Vonnegut’s Experience of Time Travel, War, and Death in Slaughterh
Slaughterhouse-Five is a stirring science-fiction book, which contains many interesting themes such as, space and time travel, philosophy on death, war, and aliens. In the novel Slaughterhouse-Five, The main character, Billy Pilgrim, is not in the first chapter. The author of this book, Kurt Vonnegut is the main character in this chapter (Harris). This book is written in a rather random order because Billy Pilgrim lived his life that way. In the novel Slaughterhouse-Five, the author’s imagination helps him get through reality by giving him the illusion that he is traveling through time and cannot die (Westbrook). Billy was a prisoner-of-war, but he continues with his normal life; he also believes that he was kid napped by aliens called Talfamadores (Peebles). These so called trips occur all through his life. He continues his life after serving in World War II by the occupation of optometry. He becomes rather wealthy but eventually dies. Giannone explains that there are three t hemes in Slaughterhouse-Five, which include, victory wins over death, the idea of no death, and the reader’s thoughts on the events of the book (Giannone). Billy Pilgrim has gained the ability to become unstuck in time. Billy went to sleep one night as an old man, and has woken up the next day as a driven young engaged man (Vonnegut 23). He has no control over where he is going to stop next in his lifetime, these trips are rather frightening (Vonnegut 23). In Slaughterhouse-Five, Billy thinks he is able to escape the present and time travel, but really, he is going back in time and seeing the bombings and other experiences (Vees-Gulani). In this novel, time is not chronological order, the time lapsed in this novel is very large, the time is made up of sma... ...Vol. 152. Literature Resources from Gale. Web. 17 Jan. 2014. Shear, Walter. "Kurt Vonnegut: The Comic Fate of the Sensibility." The Feeling of Being: Sensibility in Postwar American Fiction. New York: Peter Lang, 2002. 215-239. Rpt. in Contemporary Literary Criticism. Ed. Jeffrey W. Hunter. Vol. 212. Detroit: Gale, 2006. Literature Resources from Gale. Web. 17 Jan. 2014. Vees-Gulani, Susanne. "Diagnosing Billy Pilgrim: a psychiatric approach to Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse-Five." CRITIQUE: Studies in Contemporary Fiction 44.2 (2003): 175+. Literature Resources from Gale. Web. 17 Jan. 2014. Vonnegut, Kurt. Slaughterhouse-Five. New York, New York: Dell Publishing, 1991. Print. Westbrook, Perry D. "Kurt Vonnegut Jr.: Overview." Contemporary Novelists. Susan Windisch Brown. 6th ed. New York: St. James Press, 1996. Literature Resources from Gale. Web. 17 Jan. 2014.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Descriptive Essay - Our Mountain Cabin -- Descriptive Essay, Descriptiv
Our Mountain Cabin The ruckus from the bottom of the truck is unbearable, because of the noise and excessive shaking. As we slowly climbed the mountain road to reach our lovely cabin, it seemed almost impossible to reach the top, but every time we reached it safely. The rocks and deep potholes shook the truck and the people in it, like a paint mixer. Every window in the truck was rolled down so we could have some leverage to hold on and not loose our grip we needed so greatly. The fresh clean mountain air entered the truck; it smelt as if we were lost: nowhere close to home. It was a feeling of relief to get away from all the problems at home. The road was deeply covered with huge pines and baby aspen trees. Closely examining the surrounding, it looks as if it did the last time we were up here. We slowly crept around the corner, finally sneaking a peek at our cabin. As I hopped out of the front seat of the truck, a sharp sense of loneliness came over me. I looked around and saw nothing but the leaves on the trees glittering from the constant blowing wind. Catching myself standing staring around me at all the beautiful trees, I noticed that the trees have not changed at all, but still stand tall and as close as usual. I realized that the trees surrounding the cabin are similar to the being of my family: the feelings of never being parted when were all together staying at our cabin. As I walked closer to the cabin, which has been abandoned since last summer, I noticed certain materials are stored away, for the winter, such as the grill, which is taken off the hinges around the fire pit, and put underneath the cabin deck. The canoe is upside down and tightly snugged underneath the cabin deck. I also noticed the picnic tab... used to them not living with me for college, I've realized that the cabin reassures the family bond, we have so greatly between each other, and gives the family hope that we can always have a place where the family, as one, is welcomed. Although we live in different cities, this place gives me the belief that my family will always be there. When the whole family is up at the cabin, it seems as if nothing has changed, as if the pine trees have not grown apart, or any taller. Th pine trees drop their children (pinecones) right next to the parent, never being able to leave. This symbolizes the feeling I get about my family while being up in the mountains at our cabin. We then turned off the driveway, making sure to roll down our windows, so we can breathe the fresh mountain air, at least until the next time we come back, and once again start the bumpy road home.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
MEDALLION COUNCIL PROJECT REPORT FORM CATEGORY:Environmental Concerns PROJECT NAME:Green Holiday Party PROJECT DATE(S):December 20, 2012 FHSAA CLASSIFICATION: 8A_ MAIN GOAL(S) OF THIS PROJECT (give specific goals): * To celebrate the holidays in an environmentally sustainable way * To bring the school community together in order to create crafts from recycled materials * For budgeted alternatives on holiday celebration PROJECT DESCRIPTION (50-250 words):As an eco-friendly way to celebrate the winter holidays, Timber Creek Student Government decided to encourage their students to make the season â€Å"green†. To start this project, bins were placed in each classroom for a collection of recycled materials from students and teachers. SGA then gathered the collection of donated materials from Timber Creek and got crafty by turning them into differently designed recycled and biodegradable ornaments. This way, the students can learn more alternatives to decorate for the holidays by spending little to no money.The assorted ornaments were placed on all of the trees throughout the Timber Creek campus as display for everyone at the school. A separate set of ornaments, bracelets, bowls, and art were made by SGA and put on sale for one dollar in the courtyard for students to purchase during lunch and between classes. The students were amazed with all of the different things you could make with such cheap materials like newspapers, cardboard and plastic that the sales rate became surprisingly high.The ornaments on the trees spread holiday cheer throughout Timber Creek. Timber Creek SGA showed the students that there can be budget-friendly and eco-friendly ways to celebrate the holidays. EVALUATION (Were your goals met? What changes would you make? ) The Green Holiday Party was an environmental and educational success. Timber Creek Student Government was able to sell over 100 recycled and biodegradable ornaments. All of the profits went towards charity to St.Jude Chil dren’s Research Hospital because all material was donated. Timber Creek students were very involved in this project by purchasing ornaments and walking around the courtyard to notice all of the different-looking ornaments made out of recycled material. The ornaments on the trees spread holiday cheer on the Timber Creek campus. To improve the project next year, SGA could consider asking for donations earlier than just a week prior to the project.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Physical Activity
CYPOP 4: Promote young children’s physical activity and movement skills 1. 1 Explain why physical activity is important to the short and long term health and well being of children Physical activity is important to the short term and long term health and well being of children. In the short term physical activity helps children to build muscle, develops the skeletal frame, develops the heart and lung function and helps prevent obesity. If children have enough physical activity a day which is said to be up to an hour it can help children get to sleep easier and sleep for longer periods of time.This can lead onto long term benefits as if the activity is outside it will also help to build up a good immune system so they are less likely to fall ill to the common cold or the flu. The outdoor environment helps the overall well being of the children as the outdoors makes them feel free which helps their emotional and social development, as it allow them to learn new skills and develo p confidence in playing alongside others. In the long term physical activity helps the children to become interested in sports and outdoor activities.This is a good foundation to build when the children are young because as they grow older children and young adults start to become less active so early physical activity is more beneficial for the child in the long term. If when children are young and do not take part in physical activity it is more likely that they will become obese later on in life which in turn could end up with them getting more serious diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cancer or heart diseases, it could also result in girls having osteoporosis later on in life. Physical activity does not mean expense.This could be that you go for walks in the local area and make it fun by having skipping/hopping/running races between lampposts etc and taking a ball so you can call at the local park for a kick around. This could also incorporate a nature trip to collect and see th ings, so children may not realise how far they are going. Indoor activities could include wii fit hour, which I incorporate as every child can have a go. There is also ‘keepy uppy’, which is a balloon that you pass around so it doesn’t touch the floor or musical statues for movement and balance. 1. Explain the development of movement skills in young children and how these skills affect other aspects of development. 89 CYPOP 4 1. 2 In order to achieve the physical skills required for the areas in the spider diagram, a mixture of movement skills need to be acquired in the right order. They include the following: Hand-Eye Coordination. Many activities require hands and eyes to work together. To catch a ball, for example, the brain needs to take information from the eyes and use it to inform the movements that have to be made with the hands. Foot – Eye coordination.Children have to learn to guide their feet. Climbing stairs and kicking a ball require this type of coordination. Balance. Balance is a complicated skill. Although it is one that most people take for granted. The ability to balance develops with age, with most children relying on visual input to balance. The development of these skills follows the development of the central nervous system (principally the brain and spinal cord) in babies and young children. The central nervous system is responsible for collecting, interpreting and sending out information to all parts of the body.Information is constantly collected via the body’s senses of taste, touch, smell, sight and hearing. This information is then transformed into electrical pulses that are carried by the nerves, up through the spinal cord and into the brain. From the information received, the brain then responds and sends out instructions to muscles, glands and organs using the network of nerves again. The whole process is surprisingly quick, which means the body can take action against possible danger, for exampl e, a person will instantly withdraw their hand from something that is very hot.In babies and young children the central nervous system has to mature. At first babies are reliant on the many survival reflexes they are born with. These are automatic reactions, but in order to gain control, the central nervous system has to learn how to interpret and control these responses. Gaining physical control. The rate at which babies and children gain control over their bodies varies enormously, but it is recognised that there are three key principles that underpin the gaining of control. Development follows a definite sequence.Movements and control develop in a certain pattern, which means that babies cannot walk before leaning to sit unsupported. Development begins with the control of head movements and proceeds downwards and outwards. Babies first gain control of their head and top of the spine before other parts of the body. This is thought to be a survival mechanism as it is important for babies to be able to turn their heads to feed. 90 CYPOP 4 1. 2 Development begins with uncontrolled gross motor movements before becoming precise and refined.Babies gain control over their arms before managing to control their hands and fingers. This principle is an important one to remember when teaching children new skills, such as handwriting, as it means that they will need to start making large letter shapes before using pencils to make much smaller ones. |AGE |HAND-EYE COORDINATION |MOVEMENT SKILL | |3 months |Can find hands and bring to mouth. Looks |Kicks legs strongly and moves arms. | |at and plays with fingers |Movements less jerky although not | | | |coordinated Can lift and turn head from | | | |side to side when laying on front | |6 months |Grasps objects |Begin to roll over Pulls up legs with | | |Follows adults movements |hands when on back Pushes head, neck and | | | |chest off floor when on front | |9 months |Bangs objects together |Sits up well unsupported reaches out for | | | |toys may be crawling or shuffling on | | | |bottom | |12 months |Picks up objects with thumb and |Mobile either crawling, shuffling or | | |forefinger points to objects holds cup |rolling Sits up unsupported for long | | |with help |periods walks with assistance tries to | | | |crawl upstairs | |15 months |Holds and drinks from cup with two hands |Crawls downstairs feet first Walks | | |Builds tower of two bricks |independently Seats self in small chair | |18 months |Threads four large beads |Bends down from waist to pick up objects | | |Turns door knobs and handles |Squats down to look at objects, Rolls and| | |Pulls off shoes and hat |throws a ball, Walks downstairs with | | | |adult help,Pushes and pulls toys while | | | |walking | |2 years |Uses a spoon to feed themselves |Kicks a ball that is not moving, Climbs | | |Puts on shoes |on low climbing frame, Walks up and | | |Builds a tower of 5/6 blocks |downstairs confidently | |3 years |Us es a spoon and ford, puts on and takes |Walks and runs forward, Walks on tiptoes,| | |off coat, Turns pages in a book one by |Throws large ball, Kicks ball forward, | | |one |Jumps from low steps, Pedals and steers | | | |tricycle | | | | | | | | | |4 Years |Buttons and unbuttons own clothing, puts |Walks on a line Aims and throws a ball, | | |together 12 piece jigsaw |Bounces and catches a large ball, runs | | | |changing direction, Hops on one foot, | | | |Pedals and steers a tricycle confidently | |5 years |Forms letters Dresses and undresses |Skips with a rope, Runs quickly and is | | |easily, Cuts out shapes with scissors, |able to avoid obstacles, Is able to use a| | |Draws round a template |variety of equipment, e. g. swings and | | | |slides, Hits ball with bat or stick | The development of movement skills gives children independence. Over time, they are no longer reliant on adults to physically feed them, clothe them and move them from one place to anothe r. This gives children great confidence and also allows them to learn because they can now explore. Children are also able to use their new found skills to play more challenging games and also play together.The diagram below shows physical skills link to other aspects of children’s overall development. Griffin S 2010 Children and Young Peoples Worksforce 1st Ed Portsmouth Heinemann92 â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Travel (travelling movements where the child moves from one point to another such as running, jumping, skipping) Object Control (movements such as throwing, catching, dribbling which involve objects being sent, received, travelled with) MOVEMENT SKILLS Balance & Coordination Cognitive Development Much of children’s learning is linked to practical activities. This requires movement skills. There seems also to be a link between early physical movements and brain movements Physical SkillsLanguage Development Language develops wh en there are things to talk about. This is made easier when children can do things or move themselves to explore or see things. It gives them a reason to talk. Social Development Play in children’s early years is quite active rather than language based e. g. playing in sand, dressing up. Children can join in if they have developed the physical skills Emotional Development Builds children’s confidence. When children can do things for themselves, they are more likely to gain confidence. They can do things how and when they want. Children can also use physical skills to explore themselves e. g. draw, paint, dance
Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Mission (Maven)
Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Mission (MAVEN) The red planet Mars has long been a cultural and scientific fascination. People have pondered for decades over the biological potential of the planet and its past. Geological features on Mars resembling dry riverbeds, and the discovery of minerals that form in the presence of water, suggest that Mars once had a thicker atmosphere and was warm enough to allow liquid water to flow on the surface.But phenomenally, the Mars that is seen today is radically different  barren, lifeless, and dry. Why? In hopes of uncovering the answers to these mysteries, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) will launch its newest mission to Mars, the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Mission (MAVEN). Set to launch in November 18, 2013, MAVEN has been given the task of exploring the Martian upper atmosphere, the planet’s ionosphere and its interactions with the sun and solar wind. NASA) It will be the first mission devoted to this understanding. According to NASA, MAVEN data will be used to determine how the loss of volatile compounds (such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and water) from Mars’s atmosphere to space has influenced the evolution of the planet’s atmosphere and climate. Clearly, the mission is expected to provide insights into liquid water and habitability on the red planet. The means by which the data harvested by MAVEN will achieve its primary scientific objectives have been determined.Scientists plan to infer how the Martian atmosphere changed over the course of time by measuring the current rate of escape to space of atmospheric gases and understanding the ways by which they do. (Wikipedia) To extract information on Mars, the four hundred eighty-five million dollar MAVEN space probe has been equipped with the latest scientific instruments, processed into three different instrumental suite packages. (NASA Science) One of which includes the Particles and Field Package.This specific package will be largely responsible for measuring solar wind, ionospheric electrons and magnetic fields, and magnetosheath ion density and velocity. Another package included is the Remote Sensing Package, which contains an ultraviolet spectrometer that will be used to measure the global characteristics of Mars’s upper atmosphere and ionosphere. The final package, the Neutral Gas and Ion Mass Spectrometer Package, will have the work of assigning measurements to the composition and isotopes of neutral gases and ions found in the planet’s atmosphere.With these instruments, MAVEN will gather substantial atmospheric information from its orbit 3,870 miles above the planet's surface. (Wikipedia) Currently, scientists believe that Mars may have lost most of its atmosphere due to a process known as â€Å"sputtering,†by which high-energy photons from the sun transform molecules into ions that are eventually carried out of the atmosphere and away fr om the planet by the magnetic fields generated by solar winds. NASA) The objective of the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Mission (MAVEN) is expected to provide evidence for the mentioned theory. While that may only be an expectation, one thing is for sure, in discovering the answers to the mysteries of Mars, we as humans will too certainly extend our senses as a whole in our quest to understand the secrets of our origins, and the destiny that lies ahead.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Variable Costs
Assignment: Fixed cost Dora McKinney Hsm/260 Week 4 Instructor: Greg O’Donnell Fixed Costs, Variable Costs, and Break-Even Point Exercise 10. 1 Month Meals Served Total Costs July 3,500 $20,500Low August 4,000 22,600 September 4,200 23,350 October 4,600 24,500 November 4,700 25,000 December 4,900 26,000High In dealing with step 1-The difference in service volume between high-low periods is (4,900-3,500) 1,400 meals. In dealing with step 2-The difference in costs between the high-low period is ($26,000-20,500) $5,500. In dealing with step 3-The variable cost is now computed.The cost difference $5,500 is divided by the service volume of 1,400. The variable cost per unit of service is $3. 93. In dealing with step 4-Total variable costs are now computed. In the low time period the number of meals provided is 3,500. The service volume is then multiplied by the cost per unit of $3. 93. The total variable cost for the low month is $13,755. The same is done to figure the total variabl e costs for the high month 4,900 ? $3. 93 = $19,257. In dealing with step 5-Total fixed costs for the low period are now computed. The total program cost for the low month is $20,500.If the variable costs ($13,755) are subtracted from the total costs ($20,500) the remaining amount is the fixed cost at $6,745. If the same is done for the high month ($26,000 – 19,257) the fixed cost is $6,743. In dealing with step 6-The break-even point is ready to be inputed using the BEP formula and steps 1-5. The contracted service price with the City of Westchester for 45,000 meals is $5. 77. The variable costs per meal is $3. 93 per meal, but will earn $5. 77. The difference between the variable cost per meal and the revenue per meal is 5. 7X = 6745 + 3. 93X is $1. 84 per meal. This leaves 3,666 which is the monthly BEP. Then 3,666 ? 12 = 43,992 is the fiscal year BEP. The WHDM needs to provide 43,992 meals during the fiscal year to reach the BEP. The difference between the contracted meal s 45,000 and the BEP 43,992 is 1,008. The potential profit is 1,008 meals ? $1. 84 a total profit of $1,855. Exercise 10. 2 The newsletter yearly salary coordinator is $6,000 and the assistant total is $3,900 for both of $9,900 a fixed cost. The unit cost of preparing, printing and the mailing is $4. 0 for the period of six bimonthly issues is $4. 50 this is a variable cost. This newsletter is now $20 per annual yearly subscription. This information plus the BEP formula is used to add and complete the BEP. 20X = 9,900 + 4. 50X 15. 50X = 9,900 X = 639 In dealing with the BEP, I believe it will be 639. The new BEP is a acceptable solution because joined with the newsletter coordinator and with the corporation of handling up to the amount of 650 subscriber’s. There also is an amount of 11 subscribers that is able to subtracting the BEP Dora mckinney [email protected] com
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Letter of Recommendation
I take immense pleasure in introducing one of my outstanding students†¦. whom I know for the past three years. I have taught him the courses of ‘Electrical machines’ , ‘Power Electronics’ , ‘Modelling of power system components’ and ‘Network theory’. This interaction with him provides me sufficient information to gauge and asses the intellectual capability and analytical skills that he has developed during his course . I would rank him among the top 1% of the students I have taught in my experience of 25 years.I find †¦.. to be hard working, diligent and sincere in his efforts and feel that his practical and logical approach of handling the problems presented should be brought to your notice. In him, I find the commitment desirous of a good student, meticulous with the right blend of aptitude, merit and determination. His clarity of thought combined with his analytical ability, supported by his excellent communication skil ls, brings out the intellectual independence in him.His ability to work with counter parts and even with his seniors is exemplary. With his pleasing manners, proficiency in communicating his ideas effectively, he has established an excellent rapport with his fellow students and the faculty. He has brilliant team leader skills and is competent of extracting the best out of his team members. He also has good teaching capabilities. He has attended various symposia held in the city, which suggests his keen interest in the latest technological advancements.Considering his motivation, perseverance and intelligence, I strongly believe that he will scale the highest peaks in his fields of interest. In view of all the above facts, I strongly recommend him, without any hesitation, for admission into your graduate program with possible financial assistance, and would like to recommend him to qualify as a teaching/research assistant in your university. Letter of Recommendation LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION I take great pleasure to recommend the candidature of Mr. XXXYYY for admission into the graduate program at your esteemed university. He has been a student in many of my classes during the academic years to and my interaction with him during this period had given me adequate scope to examine him intimately, as to judge his personality and scholastic capabilities. Having taught him , supervising him in laboratory, being his final year project mentor, I had an occasion to be in close association with him.I am glad to present this testimonial for your reference and I know he would do well if given the opportunity to continue his education. Mr. XXXYYY is intelligent, inquisitive and yearns to gain in-depth knowledge. He has an excellent ken of Analytical and Logical Skills, which he applies efficiently in problem solving. He is optimistic, communicates effectively while working as a part of team and has a strong work ethic. I found him very sincere, diligent and responsible towards his course work.He is equipped with the right level of self-confidence and maturity. When in times where the students were reluctant to take up real time projects during their final year, Mr. XXXYYY with his knowledge and experience on the Software, embedded systems design, manufacturing process & with his personal network connections for procuring components required for the project, encouraged and made six other teams to take up real time projects.More so, he and his team completed their final year project â€Å"Project Title†with excellence and won the Best Project of the Year Award from the university. Mr. XXXYYY’s proficiency in English is commendable. He has always maintained a good academic record in both theory and practical studies and has been a regular student in our institution. His organizational, analytical and interpersonal skills are highly developed. He maintains a good rapport with the faculty members and peers.Considering his per formance records and other activities, I place him in the top 5% in his class. He has shown the motivation, intelligence, preserving nature and analytical aptitude for graduate program. Considering his enthusiastic quest for knowledge and intellectual capabilities, I strongly advocate him for Master’s program in your honored university. I am confident that he would continue to be a promising and competitive student and would be capable of efficiently discharging his duties. I wish him a prosperous career ahead. Letter of Recommendation I take immense pleasure in introducing one of my outstanding students†¦. whom I know for the past three years. I have taught him the courses of ‘Electrical machines’ , ‘Power Electronics’ , ‘Modelling of power system components’ and ‘Network theory’. This interaction with him provides me sufficient information to gauge and asses the intellectual capability and analytical skills that he has developed during his course . I would rank him among the top 1% of the students I have taught in my experience of 25 years.I find †¦.. to be hard working, diligent and sincere in his efforts and feel that his practical and logical approach of handling the problems presented should be brought to your notice. In him, I find the commitment desirous of a good student, meticulous with the right blend of aptitude, merit and determination. His clarity of thought combined with his analytical ability, supported by his excellent communication skil ls, brings out the intellectual independence in him.His ability to work with counter parts and even with his seniors is exemplary. With his pleasing manners, proficiency in communicating his ideas effectively, he has established an excellent rapport with his fellow students and the faculty. He has brilliant team leader skills and is competent of extracting the best out of his team members. He also has good teaching capabilities. He has attended various symposia held in the city, which suggests his keen interest in the latest technological advancements.Considering his motivation, perseverance and intelligence, I strongly believe that he will scale the highest peaks in his fields of interest. In view of all the above facts, I strongly recommend him, without any hesitation, for admission into your graduate program with possible financial assistance, and would like to recommend him to qualify as a teaching/research assistant in your university.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Is gambling a pastime or addiction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Is gambling a pastime or addiction - Essay Example Prediction cannot be made for all betting risks like lotteries, some slot machines and bingo but for certain other things like sports betting and horse racing, a prediction can be attempted, depending on the predictor’s expertise and insight. In the UK, there are a number of offline commercial gambling kinds available such as lotto, bingo, card games, sports-related betting, non-sports betting, scratch cards, roulette, slot machines, and football pools and spread betting (Griffiths, 2009). In the UK, the terms â€Å"problem gambling†and â€Å"pathological gambling†have been employed in a number of studies to explain gambling that affects the person and family life of the gambler. The general term â€Å"Prevalence†is used for process addictions, which is the epidemiological term for the number of people addicted to a specific problem. In the field of process addictions, only problem gambling has so far produced prevalence estimates (Griffiths, 2009). Various societies have distinct societal concepts of social problems, as in Canada beliefs and values vary on when gambling is to be seen as a problem and the causes behind it. It is not easy to define process addictions, for instance, when gambling is a harmless pastime and when is it addictive (Firth, 2010). The American Psychiatric Association (APA) identified gambling as actually a pathological disorder in the 1980. Even Freud (1929/1950) had researched problem gambling but remained inadvertent about its prediction. According to APA, gambling is a rising psychological disorder, featured by emotional addiction, lack of control and attached negative repercussions in the gamblers’ academic, social, or vocational life. Other popular names for pathological gambling are compulsive gambling and addictive gambling (Jean, 2000). In addictive gambling, the person shows a recurrent and continued disorder of dysfunctional behaviours by remaining busy in gambling. The person wants to put at the risk greater sum of money to attain increased stimulation. Continuous striving is seen to curb, check and/or stop gambling. Feeling of restlessness or irritating behaviour is observed when striving to check or curb the habit of gambling. For an addictive gambler, gambling becomes an escape-route from mood shifts. An addictive gambler reverts back to equalise the loss. Such a person attempts not to disclose the level of engagement with gambling. Wrong means are sought to arrange funds for gambling. Gambling when it becomes an addiction causes the loss of one’s aim in life pertaining to the relationship, scholarship or career. Dependence on others for maintaining status increases with the prevalence of gambling, as a gambler needs financial support due to shortage of funds. The only criterion segregating addictive behaviour is the presence of bipolar disorder. The debate over whether gambling is an addiction or pass time, (Kusyszyn, 1980) has been hyped out of proportion. For instance, many years back, a popular suggest columnist used to publish an article by a doctor explaining that gambling â€Å"could not possibly†be addictive (Jean, 2000). Viewing the perspective of this physician, functions like gambling, stealing and outward expression of sexual behaviours do not engage substance intake and that’s why they are not addictions. Instead, the physician debated, they are generally representations of manic depressiveness although mania is an external recognition for the presence of gambling disorders. Had it been true, then most of the gambling patients would have been managed with lithium, which is not so (Jean, 2000). Those who support gambling as mere pass time and question
Monday, August 12, 2019
MODERN AFRICAN HISTORY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
MODERN AFRICAN HISTORY - Essay Example With the invasion of Spain, agriculture, engineering, mining, scholar ship, industry, architecture and industry was brought to it. This made Spain a learning center in Europe for many hundred of years. Next, Egypt was in the line of invasion. It was in 11th century, when the Arab culture dominated the Berber culture (Diop, 41). The influence of Arabic language and Islam made strong roots in Northern Africa. Islam is further spread towards South, West and East Africa. The result is that within short span, great civilizations are born in the continent of Africa. The trade, institutions for scholars seeking knowledge, riches of gold, salt trade was present at that time. Architecture developed, societies flourished, African culture mingled with Islam to give a legacy of rich history to the world for later people. Ibn Battuta visited Africa and was impressed with its immense culture and advance society. He was impressed with the beautiful Alexandria’s busy harbor. He described the pyramids as firm carvings of stones with great height. It was wider at the base while slowly narrows upwards. When he came to east Africa, he landed at Zeila which was the harbor of Christian Kingdom of Ethiopia. He felt that Zeila was the dirtiest town in the whole world. He further tells us that the stench in Zeila was due to blood of camels that were butchered and the quantity of fish. About the Swahili, he writes that kings, intellectual, officers, as well as port workers, agricultural workers, artists and slaves were black people who spoke African languages in their daily life. On slavery he writes that the ruler of Kilwa was a very generous and kind king. He further states that he was man of great human morals who used to eat with his poor brothers and respected everyone (Diop, 61). When he visited West Africa, he first visited Cairo. He wrote about Cairo as being a city which spent gold in its market. He also wrote that at that time West Africa produced almost two
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Analyzing the present state of Jamaica Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Analyzing the present state of Jamaica - Essay Example However, the founding of Jamaica was officially articulated to the discovery made by the Spanish explorer called Christopher Columbus in the 15th century1. He discovered that Jamaica comprised of over 200 hundred villages of the indigenous population in the southern part of the country. Thereafter the British proclaimed the Jamaican colony and Spanish conceded defeat, as they were militarily weak to engage in a battle with the British. Therefore, Henry explored further into the northern parts and established British settlements after realizing that the colony had rich soils that would promote agricultural projects. From a critical analysis of the book â€Å"The present state of Jamaica†, the following discussion explains on the tremendous exchanges in the Jamaican history that resulted to distinct cultures, political systems, economic practices, and social exchanges through demographic dimensions. Spanish colonies were the most established in the Caribbean islands since their founding by Christopher Columbus in the early 1450s. On occupying Jamaica, the Britons realized that all the surrounding colonies belonged to the Spanish and were prosperous in all their economic, social and cultural environments. The Britons lacked financial capabilities to ensure that all activities ran in accordance to the desired set of plans. This period whereby the British tried to weigh out the surrounding circumstances and the possible methods of achieving success in the colony is directly relative to invasions they made in the Spanish rich territories. A young Henry Morgan engaged in the military in his early age, gained experience and turned out to be an aggressive privateer, and through him most of the Britons in Jamaica benefited from the ambushes he laid against the Spanish territories the Spanish. He owned ships and privateers who reflected aggression in all expeditions that Henry termed as profitable2. The book referred to as the present Jamaica is a reflection of the activities aged before 1665 in Jamaica and the extent at which they shaped the subsequent environment in the country. These intercultural relations are born of Captain Morgan’s invasions, and the British military slavery practices in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Jamaican colonial masters traded in slavery in order to yield enough manual labor for farming. Most of the slaves were from the African continent while the rest comprised of the South Americans, Asians, and the indigenous population of Jamaica3. Throughout the past 6 centuries, Jamaica has been a hub for many of the world’s notorious pirates, a factor articulated to the practices of Henry Morgan. Ancient practices continually passed through generations and the country’s current culture of Jamaica is comprised of notorious and aggressive individuals, many of whom are youths. The rise in crimes and indulgence in drugs, and the considerable praise heaped on the legendary Captain Morgan reflect to the c urrent practices. In the 15th century, the British were well established and had begun to rear a wide variety of domestic animals ranging from fowl, flocks of sheep, horses, mules, and wild birds of whose products would be of vital use at their homes. The masters argued out that all the present animal and food variety were of better quality compared to those present in their homeland, Britain. As the colony continuously amassed strengths and engaged in worthwhile economic activities, their Spanish predecessors would make surprise attacks, but all were combated by the military
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Physical and environmental Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Physical and environmental - Essay Example There is also luxurious, spacious club house structure with open terraces and breathtaking news. All these features a snack bar, a lounge bar, a pool with a spectacular view. All these make Mexico a country with good facilities for storage and transportation of materials (Schmidt, 270). Mexico’s Riviera Maya golf club is an impressive architectural design with easy access to technology (Kenna, Michael and James, 179). It is designed with a magnificent view and fixed with the latest technology which includes the use of GPS which makes it easy to use when calculating distances and score. It also makes it possible for participants to request any additional services during the game. Kenna, Michael and James (221). The physical environment in the city of Machu Picchu in Mexico was constructed with a view down to two valleys and a nearly impassable mountain at its peak. There is an ample supply of water, enough land and food. This provides a good environment for the game as well as energy, space required for the recruitment and training of more players (Schmidt, 311). Therefore Mexico provides a good country for the marketing of the golf club products since it has all the technicality required, environment and facilities required for the game. Kenna, Michael, and James, Snow. "The US golf association turfgrass and environmental research program overview." ACS SYMPOSIUM SERIES. Vol. 743. Washington, DC; American Chemical Society; 1999, 2000.
Choose 1 public Uk company and 1 charity company Assignment
Choose 1 public Uk company and 1 charity company - Assignment Example Today, the firm sells tens of thousands of products and operates in over 12 countries in the Euro and Asia markets. The mission of Tesco is to offer its customers the best products at the best prices ever. It intends to help its customers to save some money on grocery shopping through providing pocket-friendlily high quality prices (Rohwedder, 2006). Tearfund is a UK nongovernmental organization and a Christian charity fund that was founded in 1968 in London (Hollow, 2008). From the organization some more charity organizations have been formed such as the Disaster Emergency Committee and the Micah Network. Tearfund was created from an already existing organization called the Evangelical Alliance as well as the evangelical Refugee Fund which were initially created by the UN. Its initial name was Evangelical Alliance Fund Committee and was headed by George Hoffman. The mission for Tearfund is to give relief funds in places that face some sort of disaster whether it is poverty, war or natural calamity (Barry, 2000). Tearfund also gives funds for development purposes in places where there is minimal development. A look at these two firms reveals that there is a different between nonprofit firms and the for profit firms. The growth rate for the two firms is different. The private for profit firms seem to grow faster as they look for more market. A good example is the Tesco which has been exploring markets outside UK, even in the US where it failed dramatically (Kamal, 2014). The other difference that comes between these two firms is with regard to their expansion strategy. While a profit oriented firm seeks to expand to the markets where the economies are doing well in order to profit from the economy, a charity organization like Tearfund seeks to expand to areas where the economy is not doing so well, because their intention of to give money rather
Friday, August 9, 2019
Strategic Position of the UK Tourism Industry Essay
Strategic Position of the UK Tourism Industry - Essay Example The present research has identified that the UK tourism industry is facing tough competition from other tourist destinations in Europe, such as France, Italy, Spain, and Germany. Due to decline in the valuable US market, the industry is facing the slowdown. The increasing number of Chinese tourists over past few years and the high average spending capacity of these visitors present China as a potential emerging market for UK tourism. While competitive tourist destinations are already capturing Chinese visitors, UK tourism industry needs to take some urgent steps including promotion of UK as a favorite tourist destination along with government taking suitable measures related to visa and tax policies. The information regarding the strategic position of UK tourism industry and strategic option suitable for it are collected from secondary sources on the internet including newspaper articles, articles from websites, such as Visit Britain, tourism society, etc. Other authentic sources of secondary information have also been searched to take the strategic audit. In order to do the strategic audit, suitable marketing models are used. The report has focused on the tourism industry as a whole and complies with the guidelines of the national tourism agency of Britain i.e. Visit Britain. A threat of new entrants: The threat of new entrants into the tourism industry of UK is quite high. Earlier, there were only a handful of low-cost carriers in the airline sector of the tourism industry. However, today there are a significant number of low-cost carriers that are presenting competition to well-established low-cost carrier services of Ryan Air and Easy Jet. Considering the emergence of new destinations for tourists on the global tourism map, the threat of new entrants is high. Governments of several countries and specifically the third world countries, such as Sri Lanka, India, etc. are seeing tourism as the major source to give the boost to their economy. Â
Thursday, August 8, 2019
Read the case and answer the questions ( but focus more in the first Assignment
Read the case and answer the questions ( but focus more in the first question) - Assignment Example The difference in treatment of financial institutions during and in the aftermath of the 2008 crisis was but well order; for with large risks is the chance to succeed and/or fail, all of which the very institution must bear the most burden. 2. Many experts argue that when the government bails out a private financial institution it creates a problem called â€Å"moral hazard,†meaning that if the institution knows it will be saved, it actually has an incentive to take on more risk, not less. What do you think? No one individual among those in search of growth wishes to fail, and so are the institutions with humans at the helm. Equally true is the very fact that entities only reap rewards commensurate to the seeds sowed; anything else only happens in the charity world. With risk, however, comes responsibility; a case where an institution has â€Å"masked†bad assets and excessive liabilities outside the proximity of determinable levels is but incurable, and a lesson of some sort must be read across the system. It is public knowledge that by the time Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy with Federal Reserve, the financial crisis was well underway, and that bailing out the institution wasn’t a priority; the entire system was. To hit right at the tip, getting the right buttons at that particular moment was but hard to call, and that no one knew for sure that lending the Lehman Brothers a hand was that very right button on behalf of the entire system. If indeed its consequential failure had the weight alluded by a section of scholars in quashing off the crisis, then, it was a mistake on behalf of the government. The foregoing notwithstanding, the downward spiral with exorbitant losses on its books of account wasn’t anything to overlook. Both ways, the decision taken was a double-edged sword with no specified guarantees
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
THE ROLE OF RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION STRATEGY IN SUPPORTING EMPLOYEE RETENTION WITHIN A COMPLEX INTERNATIONAL LABOUR MARKET - Essay Example The paradox in this situation is that these foreign assignments are highly compensated with hefty perks. Despite some meticulous recruitment procedures, employees still cut short the international tour of duty hence putting to question the nature of the recruitment procedures that are unable to siphon out the restless candidates. Heneman and Judge (2003) describe recruitment as the, â€Å"the process of acquiring, deploying, and retaining a workforce of sufficient quantity and quality to create positive impacts on the organization’s effectiveness†(p. 4). In view of the precarious nature of the international recruitment assignments, most firms out to hire new employees have resorted to demanding a more meticulous selection procedure to eliminate those candidates deemed incapable of surviving the strain and demand of the foreign locations. In this endeavour, the major categories used to garner the correct candidate include the individual’s flexibility; this necessitate the potential employee indicate willingness to endure the expected environmental and social changes in the locale assigned to (Workman, 2008). This criterion has been found to the principal factor other than the usual professional acumen that employers expect from the potential candidates. A hardy employee must demonstrate his willingness to adapt to adverse climatic changes, foreign lingua franca, religious beliefs, changes in social activities, or conflicting nutritional practices. Firms operating in the Middle East, Africa, or the North Sea usually require pot ential employees to express their capability to deal with the anticipated hash conditions required to work in the regions. These include withstanding extremely cruel weather, religious intolerance, no social activities among other adverse conditions which are not suited for the faint-hearted. Employers therefore decisively
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